Your place in the polictical spectrum

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Re: Your place in the polictical spectrum

Post by Kugelfisch » Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:20 pm

Agreed on the spike thing.
The EU was fine when it was nothing but a trade union with open borders to each other but not to foreigners. The whole EU parliament being an overlord government you can't do shit about is the fucked up part.
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Re: Your place in the polictical spectrum

Post by Duwango » Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:07 pm

VoiceOfReasonPast wrote:
Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:30 pm
Belgium is a dysfunctional joke and near failed state where even the police force of their capital is so splintered that hiding for a terrorist is as easy as moving down a few streets.
Belgium has always been an artificial "country"; the only reason it ever came to exist was as a consequence of British geopolitical concerns, to weaken both the Dutch and the French. As an actual "nation" there is nothing tying it together, which perhaps explains why Brussels was chosen as the seat of the EU, beyond mere geographical significance/convenience. The antagonism between Walloons and Flemish is a constant in their political process, from the most local to the national level.

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Re: Your place in the polictical spectrum

Post by Kugelfisch » Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:15 pm

I was pretty surprised by Spain having the whole separation thing happening before them. The Flemish have been talking for years about splitting up.
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Keith Chegwin
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Re: Your place in the polictical spectrum

Post by Keith Chegwin » Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:22 pm

Kugelfisch wrote:
Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:20 pm
Agreed on the spike thing.
The EU was fine when it was nothing but a trade union with open borders to each other but not to foreigners. The whole EU parliament being an overlord government you can't do shit about is the fucked up part.
That's just it. They used the whole 'Oh, we'll start a union to better facilitate free trade between member states' thing as a pretence to eventually subvert and effectively overrule entire European governments. That's why nothing like it can ever be allowed to happen again.
I don't think anybody would hate the EU if it were just about free trade
Last edited by Keith Chegwin on Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:05 am
Imagine spending a billion US dollars to be a loser. Could've watched animu and be one for free.

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Re: Your place in the polictical spectrum

Post by Kugelfisch » Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:46 pm

Nobody did when it was. It was genuinely beneficial to everyone.
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Re: Your place in the polictical spectrum

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:19 pm

Or I guess people would be more okay if they had actual control over who's in charge. That's like Anti-EU argument No. 1 (or rather 2. 1 is all about dem refugees atm.)
Kugelfisch wrote:
Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:15 pm
I was pretty surprised by Spain having the whole separation thing happening before them. The Flemish have been talking for years about splitting up.
I guess they're all bark and no bite.
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Re: Your place in the polictical spectrum

Post by Kugelfisch » Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:53 pm

I don't want a group of cunts to decide over all of Europe. How are Spain, Poland, Germany and Greece even comparable? Shit, the states in the USA have more control over their laws than entire fucking nations in the EU have. It's pathetic.
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Re: Your place in the polictical spectrum

Post by rabidtictac » Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:59 am

States can directly contradict the feds in some cases. Local state laws are the highest authority outside of the supreme court or some shit. I mean, in terms of daily life. If the feds say x and state says y, you usually have to obey y. You might also get in trouble for not obeying x, but y is the important one.

I'm pretty sure it's against the law to implement a head tax. But the states can do it if they pass a measure which essentially constitutes the same thing. Likewise with drug legalization. Feds say x, but states say y.

Meanwhile in yuropecuckistan, some cunt in Germany gets to decide for you guiz how many rapefugees you should have.
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Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
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Re: Your place in the polictical spectrum

Post by Keith Chegwin » Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:23 am

I dunno how the EU ever thought their attempts to create a United States of Europe was ever going to fly. The United States of America just barely works and that's because you've got people who speak mostly the same language, share mostly the same history and share mostly the same religious upbringing.
In Europe you've got different languages, different history, different customs and in some cases even different religion
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:05 am
Imagine spending a billion US dollars to be a loser. Could've watched animu and be one for free.

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Re: Your place in the polictical spectrum

Post by Poonoo » Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:12 am

veris leta facies wrote:
Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:18 pm

So, better conditions must be negotiated or we should leave (Fixit).
That rolls off the tongue so fucking well.

This shit is really long so I'll spoiler it.
Despite anything being called post-something (post-hardcore, post-rock) being pretentious shit, the only way I could be defined is post-libertarian. I never was a full blown one because they could never convince me to adopt a completely private health care system and a completely private education system, but as I got older some of the things that seemed to make sense like the gold standard were nonsensical, to the point where eventually I realised Libertarianism is built on a house of cards. All it takes is a gust of scrutiny and it completely crumbles.

In saying that though, I was drawn to Libertarianism because of the old adage that the right were good at managing the economy but were dicks to people when it comes to their personal life, while the left were retards at economic management while being socially liberal. Of course now both of them can't manage an economy and the left are much bigger tyrants, but at the time I thought "why can't you run the economy like a conservative and not be a cunt"? At it's core, that is what Libertarianism is and that is why Libertarian principles are popular with Gen Z since they are socially liberal but aren't commie/socialist retards.

The best thing you can learn from the Libertarians is how absolutely fucking evil the banking system is. Bill Still is most famous for The Money Masters but it's full of tinfoil shit he has regretted like claiming the bankers killed Kennedy but his other documentaries The Secret of Oz and Jekyll Island cover all of it without the tinfoil crap. Simply put, the banks don't lend money they have in reserves, they counterfeit it digitally which is why private debt has risen so much in the past 30-40 years. In the 80s the banks around the world were deregulated like crazy, in the USA the reserve limit dropped to 10% (meaning the banks can create around 10 times the amount they have in savings accounts) and in Australia there fucking is none, and it's been that way since 1987. And it's not like in the US they will be punished because in 2008 many of the banks went well over the limit, one of them (I think Goldman Sachs) went 30 times the limit (300 times the amount they have in savings) but others went well over as well and weren't thrown in jail.

When Obama gave the banks trillions of dollars, he did so thinking they needed it to loan money again. But Steve Keen pointed out in one of his talks that the amount they loaned didn't change because they didn't need the money to create loans since they counterfeit that shit anyway. Most mainstream economists genuinely believe that all loans are done through money in savings, which is why they never make accurate predictions. It's why they think Australia and other countries don't have a housing bubble, the prices may be high but if the banks are loaning that much money people must have it in savings right so all is well?

Look at private debt to GDP (aka what the amount of debt people who like home loans, car payments and credit card debt) across multiple countries




We are at historic fucking highs. Even Noam Chomsky has said the financial sectors share in the economy has grown big time since the 60s, what people need to understand is that the banks greed effects fucking everyone. Even inflated house prices fuck up everyone else since most people spend their money on debt from their home loan rather than on other goods. Their share of the economy doubled since 1947 in the USA from 10% to 20%.

This shit needs to end.

Another thing that needs to end is lobbyism. The fact that they can just throw money at politicians to get what they want is the reason why you have so many politicians act in their interests rather than the people. In order to compete with other candidates they need money to market themselves so people know who the hell they are, and with the amount of money major parties get it takes a god damn miracle for a third party to matter. This is one case where socialism can work, I would have the top 10 parties in terms of popularity (registered members, not shit like facebook likes) get an equal amount of funding to contest an election, and then do rounds of voting like France has. The reason for that is that you don't want some party with 13% of the vote in power, so you should narrow it down to 5 for the second round and then between 2 candidates for a third round. Not only does this prevent a massive two party system, it allows genuine alternatives to rise and prevents shit like in Germany where multiple left parties gang up to keep power.

Lobbyism is the tool corporations and special interests use to control politicians. You cut the strings, they can't pull them. Libertarians idiotically have no issue with this, they hate when government changes the rules to help corporations with handouts and shit but are okay with how they attain it.

When it comes to education, I am as lefty as they come. To the point where I would find a way to fund all forms of education and make them free. I fundamentally believe in fairness, not equality, and everyone regardless of class should have access to education. Some poor kid who does really well in school shouldn't be excluded from university because they or their parents don't have the money to par tuition.

Also on a practical sense making education privatised causes other issues. One thing is this recent wave of SJW shit with students sperging the fuck out is partly because of the dynamic of student and teacher. It is now a customer service dynamic since the student is paying money for a service, so they will act like an entitled shit like they are in a restaurant which makes it harder for a teacher to assert their authority. Another major issue, in particular with the arts, is that passing people through rather than failing them when they aren't good enough is financially incentivised. It is more profitable to pass more shitty students than it is to fail them and end up with 3 at the end, and in the long run it leads to the current shitty millennial generation who walk into the real world coddled and shocked when reality hits them in the face when it should have hit them earlier. They would have been better off if they were told a year in that they were shit, took it on the chin and either improved, or chose something else rather than waste their time but that isn't in a teachers best interest.

To counter this I would implement a system like nutrition guides but for higher education causes where people see the employability of people who finished the course. Shit like employment or self employment (that at least let's them draw a decent wage), average yearly income, and importantly employment rate IN THE FIELD THEY STUDIED. It should be tracked for at least the last 5 years of graduates, so that way a bad year like 2008/2009 doesn't fuck them entirely. I've noticed when a lot of people running art courses are asked about how many students get jobs, they dodge the question because it's usually one or two out of 12 at best, this way they will be forced to show how shit their students go which will incentivise them to make the courses good rather than just profitable.

One thing I didn't understand that was explained to me by listening to Steve Keen is what government spending is SUPPOSED to do. Libertarians will treat running the government like running a household, when it's more like a business. You don't just save money like crazy to fund something since that takes an eternity and can make things worse, you spend money to make money when you need a boost. If your sales are down and you need more customers, you don't just cost cut like an idiot with even less people walking into the store and try to save for years to spend on marketing, you get a loan to get them in right away. With government spending, it's supposed to be an investment that will financially help the economy in the long run. The internet was invented by the military with government spending, and has now creates billions, if not trillions of dollars in the economy. That was government spending that paid off. The downside to this is that it is risky and when the government makes bad investments it absolutely fucks you in the ass with debt, and recently with Obama and Bush and here in Australia government spending has been complete shit and has only increased debt while masking how fucked everything really is. Rather than follow the Libertarian mindset of letting the Free Market do everything, that spending should only be used sparingly for things that are close to guaranteeing a return so the government gets money back and then some. But I have seen comments on Facebook from socialist idiots saying that a government morally shouldn't save any money since you should apparently spend all of it. That's not going to fuck you in the ass when the economy goes south and you have no money in reserve. :lol:

This post is already stupidly long and I could go on, but I will wrap it up.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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