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Re: The UK Is a Big Piece of Shit! More at Eleven

Post by Kugelfisch » Sun May 09, 2021 2:16 am

How does having a place of residence translate to 24 hour surveillance? I could be any other place in the entire EU at all times, every day of the year and the state wouldn't know. They just know where to tax me.

National ID isn't solving deportation or where to. But reporting obligation is at the very least going to solve whether you are supposed to be in the nation at all or not. The UK can't even figure that shit out.
Is Muhammad allowed to be in the UK? They don't know and can't prove otherwise. He can just claim he was born there at his parent's home, they never registered him in any way, didn't send him to school and they have no way of proving him wrong.

Europe doesn't need that. You aren't reported, you are illegal. Simple as that.
That means you can't work, you can't get any benefits and next time you are looked at by the cops for any reasons you aren't free either. Big difference to be able to tell the state to fuck off and just go about your day.

Again, you didn't listen to me. It's not for a lack of trying on the UK's part but France. They don't even charge a toll from trucks on the highways from Belgium to the tunnel because they want you to take it as they make money from it.
But if they don't provide the measures of checking for illegals and verifying it, nobody will take it.
Get caught with one in the UK? It's a massive fine for you, possibly jail for smuggling. The UK loves to take that fine.
But no transport corporation will take that tunnel again. So they check your shit, give you a paper, and if there still is an illegal on board they pay instead.

So France wants you to take the tunnel, want you to pay for it but also want you to not have illegals on board to not pay the fine themselves and lose the business. The fact that they even eliminated the toll on the highway to the tunnel should tell you it must be profitable.

As to your point about the state not allowing me to move, that's just nonsensical conjecture with no reasoning behind it. The state doesn't care if I pay taxes in either city, the ID is the same in the entire nation and I'd love to hear how it would prevent me from moving to Prague or Oslo if I chose to.
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Re: The UK Is a Big Piece of Shit! More at Eleven

Post by Guest » Sun May 09, 2021 3:49 am

Your perspective is skewed because you're a German and therefore used to the concept of ID cards.
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 2:16 am
How does having a place of residence translate to 24 hour surveillance?
Quite easily. Want to get on a bus? Show your ID. Want to get on the train? Show your ID. Want to go for a drive somewhere? Checkpoint, show your ID.
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 2:16 am
Is Muhammad allowed to be in the UK? They don't know and can't prove otherwise. He can just claim he was born there at his parent's home, they never registered him in any way, didn't send him to school and they have no way of proving him wrong.
You do know we have birth certificates, right? It's illegal not to register your children. You know we also have compulsory education, right? It's illegal not to send your children to school.
Anybody who doesn't have any documentation at all pertaining to either of these is immediately suspicious.
Also, unlike America, you are not automatically a British citizen if you happen to be born on British soil. You need to be the either the child of a British citizen (who would therefore have documentation) or a legal permanent resident (who would therefore also have documentation) to qualify for citizenship.
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 2:16 am
Europe doesn't need that. You aren't reported, you are illegal. Simple as that.
That means you can't work, you can't get any benefits and next time you are looked at by the cops for any reasons you aren't free either
I'm sure that's working out very well.
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 2:16 am
Again, you didn't listen to me. It's not for a lack of trying on the UK's part but France
You seem to be arguing that it would be difficult to close down the borders because they rely on open borders to facilitate global trade. That is not the same as it being impossible to do so.
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 2:16 am
As to your point about the state not allowing me to move, that's just nonsensical conjecture with no reasoning behind it.
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Re: The UK Is a Big Piece of Shit! More at Eleven

Post by Kugelfisch » Sun May 09, 2021 4:28 am

Guest wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 3:49 am
Quite easily. Want to get on a bus? Show your ID. Want to get on the train? Show your ID. Want to go for a drive somewhere? Checkpoint, show your ID.
Except none of that is true. Neither busses nor trains require IDs at any point, except if you leave the EU.
Want to leave the EU? According to you, that's piss easy anyway without it, so why stress over that? I guess the UK will happily let me in, judging by what you say.

They have birth certificates. Cool. My mother was also born in the UK at my grandparents home. None of us ever went to school and that's why my English is terrible.
I am suspicious. But can you prove me wrong? Go ahead and schedule a court date. I'll be gone by then and can just rent an apartment somewhere else no problem because I don't have to register for that anywhere. Good luck finding me! I am ever so scared of it being illegal not going to school in England or not having citizenship when I am illegal anyway.

Yes, it's working out better for Europe because they want those taxes of illegal immigrants. You are conflating legal immigrants, that should not be here by my estimation and the estimation of Germany if that was still worth a damn, to just plain illegals. It's not the same.

South Africa or Russia cause trouble for citizens? Wow, I never imagined. Bribe the border guy then, you dunce! Again, there is no border that can't be defeated and states that restrict your travel will do so, no matter if you have an ID or not.
If you wanted to go from the DDR to West Germany you had to have a West German ID or be some privileged party guy. All others, valid regular ID or not were shot.
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Re: The UK Is a Big Piece of Shit! More at Eleven

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sun May 09, 2021 6:37 am

These Never-IDers just don't understand, Kugel :roll:
Guest wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 1:08 am
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 12:42 am
And it's not for a lack of trying
It really is. Especially in an island country. Japan does not have this problem
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Re: The UK Is a Big Piece of Shit! More at Eleven

Post by Guest » Sun May 09, 2021 9:38 am

Kugelfisch wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 4:28 am
>all that shit
You know what you sound like to me? The people who defend wearing the mask. Or those Frogs who defend cucked Frog policies like it not being legal to order paternity tests in Frogland. You're so used to your rights being curtailed that you literally can't see how it's not to your benefit at all.

Yes, your ID aren't used to monitor or restrict your movements right now. But that doesn't mean they couldn't be. I mean, for fuck's sake, the German ID card already requires a biometric photograph and can include your fingerprints. They can already be used for age verification and e-government applications. Tell me, how long do you reckon until they make IDs compulsory to use the internet?

They do nothing to prevent illegal immigration or terrorism. The Spanish have national ID cards and they did absolutely nothing to prevent the 2004 Madrid train bombing.

I'd also like to point out the massive amounts of cognitive dissonance from you. Firstly because as I recall you are against Vaccine Passports and secondly because you say shit like 'bribe the border guy then' and don't think this could apply to national ID cards and their application. You don't think there's a big black market for forging these things?

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Re: The UK Is a Big Piece of Shit! More at Eleven

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sun May 09, 2021 9:48 am

>muh age verification

I'm pretty sure you could do that with a driver's license, too.

>muh e-government application

Our government doesn't quite have the IT skills for that to became relevant anytime soon.
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Re: The UK Is a Big Piece of Shit! More at Eleven

Post by Guest » Sun May 09, 2021 9:49 am

VoiceOfReasonPast wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 9:48 am
Our government doesn't quite have the IT skills for that to became relevant anytime soon.
Yes, well, it's a sad state of affairs when you have to rely on government incompetence to protect us from government tyranny

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Re: The UK Is a Big Piece of Shit! More at Eleven

Post by Kugelfisch » Sun May 09, 2021 10:33 am

That's the case absolutely everywhere. Sad but true. It's the only thing preventing your government from spying more on you.

Oh no, the horror of an ID possibly being used for government applications! If only ID wouldn't exist, because then....what exactly is your point here? Could I magically apply for unemployment without them verifying who I am? What's your argument here about what the state can do to me thanks to ID that they couldn't do thanks to birth certificates?

Some faggots managed to bomb a train in Madrid, a nation with an ID requirement. But I am tracked 24/7 and can't do anything?
Make up your mind. Does ID restrict me terribly or does it not matter at all?

You have a social security number, a birth certificate, a driver's license, a credit or debit card and you are likely to have a health insurance. What exactly does the state require you to have an ID for that they couldn't use some of the others for? Especially that social security number they could just demand you to use instead of an ID at any moment. Then what?
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Re: The UK Is a Big Piece of Shit! More at Eleven

Post by Guest » Sun May 09, 2021 11:21 am

Kugelfisch wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 10:33 am
Oh no, the horror of an ID possibly being used for government applications! If only ID wouldn't exist, because then....what exactly is your point here?
You understand damn well my point and are deliberately being obtuse. Yes, today you might only need your ID card to apply for government benefits online. Tomorrow you might well need an ID to even access the internet at all. You might even need government ID to access sites with user generated content, like this one, because they want to know who you are in case you say something critical of the current regime.
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 10:33 am
Make up your mind. Does ID restrict me terribly or does it not matter at all?
If you'd actually paid attention I said right from the beginning that the point was to restrict the rights and freedoms of you, a law abiding citizen, whilst doing nothing to restrict the rights and freedoms of actual criminals.
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 10:33 am
You have a social security number, a birth certificate, a driver's license, a credit or debit card and you are likely to have a health insurance. What exactly does the state require you to have an ID for that they couldn't use some of the others for? Especially that social security number they could just demand you to use instead of an ID at any moment. Then what?
By the same token, why does the state require you to also have an ID card if you've already got all those things?

You still haven't addressed how you can be against Vaccine Passports but yet in favour, rabidly so apparently, of state mandated ID cards? Especially since, you do know they are just going to incorporate your vaccination status into your currently existing state ID? But go ahead, defend your Nazi policy. Which it is, by the way.

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Re: The UK Is a Big Piece of Shit! More at Eleven

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sun May 09, 2021 12:00 pm

We've had IDs fordecades, and I don't see how we're more oppressive than lesser places because of it.

And you don't need the government to spy on you and restrict your freedom due to wrongthink. That's what Facebook and twitter are doing right now.
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