Pumping iron

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Re: Pumping iron

Post by Le Redditeur » Fri May 01, 2020 6:16 pm

What about raw beans marinated in Mountain Dew raw chicken sauce for five days?

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Re: Pumping iron

Post by Kugelfisch » Sat May 02, 2020 1:46 am

Le Redditeur wrote:
Fri May 01, 2020 6:16 pm
What about raw beans marinated in Mountain Dew raw chicken sauce for five days?
That depends. Marinated in a ziplock bag in the fridge or in a taped up trashbag in the sink?
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Re: Pumping iron

Post by AdorableOtter » Thu Dec 31, 2020 12:52 pm

Kugelfisch wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:04 pm
All that Soy
okay I'm necro-ing the thread but you are...Show
Kugelfisch wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:04 pm
Oh so just don't eat all of these kinds of fish somehow is equal to this one specific kind of vegetable being possibly deadly?
I honestly don't know what you're talking about but my point is, generally speaking fishes/animals don't synthesize toxins on their own in their flesh/organ because that would fuck them up too (even though there are borderline cases like your username but they are rare). There is no such limitation for plants because they are built quite differently.

Also, if you wanna talk about contamination, plants (and also water) are susceptible too. Some toxic chemicals (typically pesticide residue) can last practically forever in the soil, it's not just fish related issue.
Honestly, what are the amounts we're talking about here?
There is no clinical trial because ethics (you can't knowingly poison people even for science) but there are cases like this.

>Black tea is rich in oxalate, a compound found naturally in many foods. Too much of it can also lead to kidney stones. The man likely consumed 1,500 milligrams of the compound daily. As a comparison, the average person ingests between 150 and 500 milligrams of oxalate each day.

>“This kind of kidney failure has also been reported due to excessive consumption of star fruit, cucumber fruit, rhubarb and peanuts,” Youngquist says.

do you even oxalateShow
1500mg of oxalate is basically just 2 servings of spinach, it's actually not that much spinach to eat. You can reduce the oxalate in plants by cooking for a long time (which reduces other nutrients btw), or eating mineral rich foods or supplements at the same time so they bind up then go out as shit (thus minerals are wasted) but... why you have to go through that much trouble when you could just eat meat/fish/egg.

That being said, I'm not arguing 2 servings of spinach is toxic to anyone/everyone, I can't say that because there is no solid evidence and people are different after all. The reason I singled out oxalate (rather than more notorious ones like soy-anything) is eventually....
The mechanism/causality behind this is unclear (*) but maybe, JUST MAYBE, the kind of people who post on place like should stay away from high oxalate foods, or at least they should eat minerals like calcium together so those minerals can catch/bind oxalate and go outta their asses.

*.. one of the common hypothesis is, autists have damaged gut linings and oxlate can go through them

Honestly I'd be more careful of other plant stuff like soy/sugar/seed oil but oxalate is interesting because of this shit.
Eat too much asparagus and your purine levels skyrocket, leading to arthritis and gout. But how many people would you estimate got gout from asparagus as opposed to years of fast food and being winos?
You're comparing plant (asparagus) to plant&meat (junk food) and plant derived material (alcohol), it's kinda irrelevant to the plant vs meat argument I made.

Also, Asparagus is eventually innocent here. Gout happens because genetics + kidneys aren't excreting uric acid properly. As long as kidneys are doing their job, uric acid (or its precursors) don't cause issues even if you eat ton of asparagus/meat/etc because you just pee it out.

What fucks up kidney function are things like too much insulin (which is typically caused by excess carb consumption, "Physiological hyperinsulinemia acutely reduces urinary UA and Na excretion in a coupled fashion."), fructose (carb but it directly affect kidney independent from insulin, junk food is typically rich in....A:FRUCTOSE), alcohol (as you said), those kind of stuff. Interestingly they are all basically carbs which mainly comes from plants. It makes sense cutting off carbs while eating meat/fish/egg is eventually protective against gout attacks.

Your example actually kinda sorta supports my point ironically. Weird shit oftentimes comes from the plant kingdom and gout is just another example how seemingly safe plant materials can fuck you up. The end.
You're blowing the supposed harm of vegetables way the fuck up. Meanwhile, the equally as benign possible harms of meat aren't a problem. Raw beans are toxic, sure, but you wouldn't eat them raw anyway. Raw chicken is a terrible idea, you wouldn't eat that raw either.
Ah, nope? Many people consume weird shit like soy milk or green smoothy because they don't know better, also most people don't know very commonly used seed oil (typically sold as "vegetable oil") is straight up toxic (e.g. soybean oil damages rat brain, I wonder what it does to the human brain).

Cooking sometimes makes the situation worse because some plant materials (especially polyunsaturated fat) are very unstable thus become toxic when heated and give you oxidative stress when consumed. Toxic garbage plant "food" is way more common than you think.

I'm not exaggerating that much, it's just the reality we're living in. Plants are recommended because money/politics like corona vaccine.

Overall, I have this impression your diet/fitness related knowledge is a bit outdated. You should install the update if you don't wanna gradually turn into a human soy being with manboobs aka mad bum. It's time to take the meat pill or meat balls or just balls or whatever.
some decent materials watchShow

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Re: Pumping iron

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Dec 31, 2020 1:16 pm

Wew, I'm not in the mood to respond to all that shit, Mr Peterson.
Anyway, happy New Year to you.
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Re: Pumping iron

Post by AdorableOtter » Thu Dec 31, 2020 1:24 pm

That's my new year holiday whatever gift for you, swallow it whole.

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Re: Pumping iron

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:17 pm

AdorableOtter wrote:
Thu Dec 31, 2020 1:24 pm
That's my new year holiday whatever gift for you, swallow it whole.
I concede that you know more than me about nutrition. It's not the hill I want to die on, nor do I actually care enough about the topic.
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Re: Pumping iron

Post by Moe Bitches » Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:03 pm

da PAC Nigguh wrote:
Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:06 am
Shit like this is why satire is dead in currentyear.

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Re: Pumping iron

Post by mad bum » Thu Dec 31, 2020 5:38 pm

Based Carl
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Re: Pumping iron

Post by rabidtictac » Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:34 pm

I crafted a lifting program a few months ago. You can tell me how gay it is or not. I do this every day. No off days because it's too easy for me to skip two in a row and then be off the program.

30 bicep curls, now doubled to 30 each side. Sets of ten. I started this program calling this my "thirty-thirty" as a way to remember what I have to do. Because of this and another "30" later on.

30 incline pushups. I do inclines because of joint problems. I'm not at the point of full pushups yet. Sets of 10. I'm going to have to start increasing the difficulty of these or go for longer sets, because I'm not reaching failure.

30 arnold press. This one is new to me and I'm not making the full 30 most days. Also not doing normal weight on this one yet.

20 minutes of treadmill.

I typically leave the gym absolutely drenched in sweat and completely disgusting. The treadmill is my cool-down period.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: Pumping iron

Post by Kugelfisch » Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:25 pm

Sounds fine to me. Skipping leg day every day?
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