God Emperor Megathread (Trump and his presidency)

Shitpost about Trump, SJWs, Islam and everything else about politics except economics, because that's too hard
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Re: God Emperor Megathread (Trump and his presidency)

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:46 am

CIANigger wrote:
Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:10 am
Fuck yourself guest fag. How retarded are you? The average person sees only black and white. Every election comes down to independent normie voters. They can always be swayed in the 11th hour by misinterpretable bullshit like this. Fellow burgers need to be on their toes with this shit to help keep the normie vote.
Your attempts at concern trolling are usually pathetic but thinking that Section 8 housing is going to be the issue that decides the election is up there even for you

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Re: God Emperor Megathread (Trump and his presidency)

Post by Poonoo » Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:16 am

Kugelfisch wrote:
Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:41 am
You're massively overestimating the amount of swing voters in the USA. Rural burgerlandia will vote rep no matter what.
You're also constantly only thinking about half of the equation. No election ever has been won by the best candidate. Elections are won by the least terrible candidate and if there's a par by the standing one because the evil you know is better than the evil you don't.
There are only a few exceptions to that rule and the USA isn't one of them.
If you look at the history of one term presidents Trump does not meet the requirements to fuck up. Bush Sr? Invaded Iraq, the biggest campaign promise last time was not raising taxes which he did, and was up against Bill Clinton who was despite being evil was extremely charismatic, plus people no longer saw him as an extension of Reagan. Jimmy Carter? The late 70s were absolutely shit and he is seen by many as one of the most incompetent leaders of the 20th century in the US, plus he was up against Reagan, the most charismatic president of all time. Ford? The guy who was gifted the presidency by Nixon and let him off the hook? He had no chance. Prior to that it's fucking Hoover who was elected in 1928 and didn't want to give handouts during The Depression.

Let's compare:

Bush Sr: Trump hasn't started any new wars and his opponent is fucking senile, sucks on people's fingers in public and confuses his wife with his sister.

Jimmy Carter: Trump was doing fine with the economy and it improved under him until the WuFlu happened which is clearly not his fault, despite desperate attempts from leftists to paint it that way. Normies blame China. And Biden isn't close to Reagan.

Ford: He hasn't come close to that clusterfuck.

Hoover: Trump has given handouts and the crisis has only just happened.

No fucking way Trump loses. Bush Jr should have lost but Kerry was dogshit, does anyone think Biden is better than John Kerry? At least John Kerry knew what town he was in.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: God Emperor Megathread (Trump and his presidency)

Post by rabidtictac » Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:55 am

Incumbents always have a big advantage. Now, the only issue here is Biden is almost an incumbent himself. If he weren't fucking senile and creepy, he could run on the Obama 2.0 platform. Problem is, Obama wasn't as beloved of leftists as you might think. Especially not on policy, where he just echoed Bush Jr. Biden did a lot of shit that fucked over liberals. Obama, Biden and Hillary were all warmongering in the middle east, big time. Drones expanded under Obama and continued to kill civvies. Gitmo was left open until almost the last days of the presidency.

So Biden has a track record of being a shithead. He had eight years to create a socialist utopia for the liberal voters who elected him and he did dick. Sucked up to corporations and encouraged the endless foreign wars. Now liberals are supposed to vote for him again? With only his senile word that he'll do it this time? Fuck no.

The hysterical mantra of the left during the last election was "if you elect Trump, he'll start World War 3!!!! OMG HE'LL HAVE ACCESS TO NUKES!!!" Has any of that happened? Oh. Trump had four years to fuck up and the only thing he's done which MIGHT be considered a fuckup is dismantling obamacare (rather than fixing it.) But even that is partisan. Obamacare was strongly opposed by conservatives and Trump had to give them something. The Russiagate shit went nowhere. Most of it looks fucking fake and staged-just media hysteria so people can try to get a do-over on the election, even now. A majority of liberals are in denial that Trump won, and they will be until they die. Accusations of sexual impropriety went nowhere too. They had semen on a dress and couldn't nail Bill Cunton for it (and a proven lie under oath). Did they think media troll Trump would fall so easily?

Most of the complaints liberals have about Trump are

a) he's Trump
b) I'm mad because he's Trump
c) the media told me Russia stole the election
d) media told me he'll destroy the world and I believe it despite all proof of my eyes
e) butterfly effect (aka covid) is trump's fault somehow

I've noticed very few people on the left trying to shit on Trump's foreign policy. I'll take that as a concession that he's done well on foreign policy. TBH, Part of the reason I voted Trump was I fucking hated the last 2 presidents' foreign policy decisions. China deserves economic sanctions for the shit they pulled and continue to pull.

Honestly, to those who dislike Trump, is there a reason outside of his annoying personality that you do? I mean, a policy decision or something concrete that he's done while in office. Not rumors of russian bots or pussy grabbing.
Sure, Trump was slow to respond to covid, but so was literally everyone outside of a very few countries. We're seeing now with a second wave that even those places which initially did well are being hit. Whatever the "correct" early response to covid is, I'd wager 99% of elected officials had and have no idea what to do.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: God Emperor Megathread (Trump and his presidency)

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 30, 2020 12:41 pm


This guy has a model that looks at who will win the Presidential election based on the primaries and he says Trump has a 91% of winning. His criteria for this is pretty much that Biden was coming in fourth and fifth place in every primary until South Carolina when he turned it around (and most of his opposition had to drop out for him to do it) whereas Trump crushed New Hampshire and has had no major primary challengers. This model has predicted every election except 1960 and 2000, which were both very close races.
Poonoo mentioned Ford, Carter and Bush Sr. Ford was primaried by Reagan and won a very tight race. Carter was primaried by Ted Kennedy and again won a tight race. Bush Sr was primaried by Pat Buchanan, who didn't win shit, but every contest was close.

Most voters are incredibly low information. MSM would have you believe that Trump's 'poor' response to corona (read: their attempts to blame corona on him) has killed his re-election chances. It hasn't. Most people knew who they were going to vote for at the beginning of the year. Of the still undecideds, most of them will probably decide after the debates, in which case Biden's chances at election hinge on him being able to avoid having a senior moment when debating with Trump (spoiler: he can't). If he doesn't debate, that looks suspicious.

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Re: God Emperor Megathread (Trump and his presidency)

Post by mad bum » Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:59 pm

Poonoo wrote:
Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:16 am
No fucking way Trump loses. Bush Jr should have lost but Kerry was dogshit, does anyone think Biden is better than John Kerry? At least John Kerry knew what town he was in.
If you're looking to make easy money Biden is still way ahead in supposedly winning.
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Re: God Emperor Megathread (Trump and his presidency)

Post by Tony Schiavone » Fri Jul 31, 2020 11:22 am

There will be low voter turnout due to Corona and not caring. Trump wins, even after missing ballots and Democrat attempts to rig the outcome.

At this point, the more interesting question are the Congressuinal races. Can either party make gains?
Will Nancy the Undead Mummy continue to hold onto her spot? Or will the progressives finally dump the old bat (and Nadler, and the rest of the nursing home?)
...and still: Spoony did nothing.

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Re: God Emperor Megathread (Trump and his presidency)

Post by Guest » Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:57 pm

Thanks to Obama's anti-ID speech the media is going all in on mail-in ballots. What happens when the Dems quite obviously steal the election? Is anyone going to care?

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Re: God Emperor Megathread (Trump and his presidency)

Post by Guest » Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:08 pm

Trump should just use the military. Position them at all the polling stations and have them collect the mail-in ballots. They'll hate him for it, and the media will scream fascism. But it's the best way to safeguard the integrity of the election

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Re: God Emperor Megathread (Trump and his presidency)

Post by MegaNigger » Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:46 pm

Guest wrote:
Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:08 pm
Trump should just use the military. Position them at all the polling stations and have them collect the mail-in ballots. They'll hate him for it, and the media will scream fascism. But it's the best way to safeguard the integrity of the election
Or we could simply divide the line 6-12 feet apart to appease chink flu worshipers and accept that it's going to take a little longer. The election could be sponsored by Purell and VogMask even with free samples being handed out by personnel. This really isn't that hard to still have an election. They screeched for 5+ months now about social distancing, they have no ground to stand on when it comes to protesting not spreading the virus but gathering with your family will. People die every day and will continue to regardless of chink flu and it's time people accept that their number could be up at any time and we go on living.
-The user formerly known as CIANigger

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Re: God Emperor Megathread (Trump and his presidency)

Post by Musical Space Cowboy » Fri Jul 31, 2020 4:16 pm

Let me make it perfectly clear that I hate the leftist retards as much as anyone with a braincell does. After all, they are the ones making life miserable more than anyone else with their mob mentality and gangbanger ethos. However, that doesn't mean Trump gets a free pass. He may not have officially declared any wars since the beginning of his presidency, but he did order at least two or three bombings in Syria (something that the leftist shitheads at CNN and MSNPC praised him on, even calling the bombings his first "presidential" act), plus he's been egging on a war with Venezuela for a few years (who don't need help being destroyed: Venezuela is perfectly willing to destroy themselves with their literal meme currency and zoo animal barbecues). That's not to mention his ties to Epstein or Jared Kushner, Trump's equivalent to Dick Cheney, being tied in to the nation of Israel. Those things are the reasons I'm not a Trump supporter, even if many of my opinions overlap with theirs.

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