Wrassling Thread

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Wrassling Thread

Post by Poonoo » Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:59 pm

Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: Wrassling Thread

Post by Charlar » Sun Mar 26, 2017 12:14 am

-On the internet, everyone end up being Spoony or Tim Buckley
-All fanbases are shit
-Most people had, have and will have shit tastes

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Re: Wrassling Thread

Post by Vulcan » Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:42 am

The revived WoS is set to have more tapings. I don't really care for it myself as it's little more than the average ITV rubbish clad in spandex. Neither do I care for TNA's involvement and that they have set up Grado the fat clown as their ace.

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Re: Wrassling Thread

Post by Poonoo » Mon Mar 27, 2017 7:30 am

Vulcan wrote:The revived WoS is set to have more tapings. I don't really care for it myself as it's little more than the average ITV rubbish clad in spandex. Neither do I care for TNA's involvement and that they have set up Grado the fat clown as their ace.
I watched the pilot and it was eye opening how much Davey Boy Jr looked like a star compared to the other jobbers on the show. The only other guy that looked okay was the guy who trained Finn Balor and he was playing the role of a hired goon.

Even in the Yank indies the many of the wrestlers look like they hit the damn gym. Sure, they are skinny and lean like swimmers and are almost exclusively under 6 feet tall but they look like they care. The guys on that show looked like indie trash, and with that being the only time I have seen Grado I'm sorry, but he comes across as a low rent Dusty Rhodes, if he was a chav.

I don't know much about ITV, but I'm assuming the style of presentation I saw had a similarity to Robot Wars for a reason.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: Wrassling Thread

Post by Vulcan » Mon Mar 27, 2017 10:56 am

Poonoo wrote:
Vulcan wrote:The revived WoS is set to have more tapings. I don't really care for it myself as it's little more than the average ITV rubbish clad in spandex. Neither do I care for TNA's involvement and that they have set up Grado the fat clown as their ace.
I watched the pilot and it was eye opening how much Davey Boy Jr looked like a star compared to the other jobbers on the show. The only other guy that looked okay was the guy who trained Finn Balor and he was playing the role of a hired goon.

Even in the Yank indies the many of the wrestlers look like they hit the damn gym. Sure, they are skinny and lean like swimmers and are almost exclusively under 6 feet tall but they look like they care. The guys on that show looked like indie trash, and with that being the only time I have seen Grado I'm sorry, but he comes across as a low rent Dusty Rhodes, if he was a chav.

I don't know much about ITV, but I'm assuming the style of presentation I saw had a similarity to Robot Wars for a reason.
I thought all of them looked fine, they would look at home in PWG or ROH- they're all mostly skinny guys or average built guys which is 95% of the aforementioned promotions' roster. I have absolutely no idea why they went with Grado though, as you mentioned they have Davey Boy Jr and you'd think they'd cash in on the nostalgia for the British Bulldog, he would have been a perfect counterpoint to Dave Mastiff. Instead, we get Colt Cabana- Ned Edition.

Another thing which bothered me was the commentating. Jim Ross has not been a good announcer for a decade and change, and even if he was, I don't want my supposed new hot British TV Show to be commentated by an old Okie who couldn't tell the difference between Pat Roach and Pat Butcher. They seemed to have wanted to rip-off everything from the WWE, hence the overabundance of Kevin Dunn styled quick cuts, close ups and annoying camera shots.

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Joe Roscoe

Re: Wrassling Thread

Post by Joe Roscoe » Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:27 am

Well in other news, Lucha Underground, at least the 1st 2 seasons, are on Netflix

Seasons 3 is on a hiatus but the question of season 4 has been an issue because long story short, 2 of Lucha Underground's most prominent names, Pentagon Jr. and Fenix, quit AAA, which was the lucha company that provided talent for Lucha Underground and has some ownership as well

The legal mess between Pentagon Jr. and Fenix against AAA is pretty much as said, a mess, forcing Pentagon Jr. to call himself El Penta El 0M and Fenix as Rey Fenix, though AAA has attempted to trademark those names and even threaten legal action to indie companies using those guys but this does bring to what will happen for season 4 if that ever happens plus Rey Mysterio no longer with AAA either and also Ricochet, aka Prince Puma, actually done with Lucha Underground once season 3 finishes airing.

Meanwhile, WWE posted the best and quite possibly the dumbest thing they done :lol:

Also something else is going on this weekend but I don't recall what, must not be important though

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Re: Wrassling Thread

Post by Vulcan » Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:27 am

AAA are giant cunts with how litigious they are. Thank God I don't watch their garbage show anyway, CMLL and IWRG for me.

That Southpaw Wrestling was good but I wished they played it more straight, it could have been a lot funnier.

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Re: Wrassling Thread

Post by Poonoo » Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:39 am

Vulcan wrote:AAA are giant cunts with how litigious they are.
It's that cunt Dorian. Ever since Konnan left them it's been a complete shitshow, he tries way too hard to be the big bad boss that he pisses off too many people and no one wants to work for him. He's been notorious lately for not paying talent and the way he has treated Fenix and Pentagon has been a fucking joke.

I like Lucha Underground but I really hope he doesn't influence the show in any way going forward. Pentagon is such a huge part of that show and for him to not return because of this shit would be a disaster, though they have booked him like total shit lately when he should have been the focus of the show since he was the breakout star in season 1. But no, they had to be pozzed and make Sexy Star the focus until the fans booed the shit out of her (which they edited out) and rightfully so since she wrestles and moves like a retarded 5 year old.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Joe Roscoe

Re: Wrassling Thread

Post by Joe Roscoe » Fri Mar 31, 2017 4:05 am

Speaking of Sexy Star, she also is part of the same issues with AAA as well and she actually quit AAA before Fenix and Pentagon, even episodes during season 3 had happened after she quit as well.

Also I know Vice sucks shit at times but they did do a good documentary regarding CZW's Tournament of Death in 2016 plus I like the horror from fans that have no clue about CZW that learned about them through this video

Anyways, here is some of the rising stars of the indie wrestling scene

Also Kota Ibushi is fucking crazy

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Re: Wrassling Thread

Post by Vulcan » Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:44 am

Poonoo wrote:
Vulcan wrote:AAA are giant cunts with how litigious they are.
It's that cunt Dorian. Ever since Konnan left them it's been a complete shitshow, he tries way too hard to be the big bad boss that he pisses off too many people and no one wants to work for him. He's been notorious lately for not paying talent and the way he has treated Fenix and Pentagon has been a fucking joke.

I like Lucha Underground but I really hope he doesn't influence the show in any way going forward. Pentagon is such a huge part of that show and for him to not return because of this shit would be a disaster, though they have booked him like total shit lately when he should have been the focus of the show since he was the breakout star in season 1. But no, they had to be pozzed and make Sexy Star the focus until the fans booed the shit out of her (which they edited out) and rightfully so since she wrestles and moves like a retarded 5 year old.
If only Antonio Pena didn't die, this shit wouldn't happen under his watch.

I've never watched any LU since it's never appealed to me but I was always confused about pushing Sexy Star as the star; She's fucking horrid in everything she does. It just seems like the owner of LU is a total seat sniffer and wants Sexy Star to be his waifu.

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