Communities are a cancer that must be excised out of video games

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Communities are a cancer that must be excised out of video games

Post by ban » Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:53 pm

Fuck communities. Fuck communities in every single hobby. They always destroy everything good about, they always fester in a very egotistical, hugbox-like, echochamber of an environment and are always THE FUCKING LOUDEST FAGGOTS on the net and on real life. Contrary to popular belief, they aren't a vocal minority, depending on where you look they can be the majority like what happens in gaymes, especially with the rise of jewtube, twitter and of course, leddit.

But the single most fucking disgusting pieces of shit are the so called "kahntent creators" / community leaders / partners / twitch streamers / discord owners / """"veteran players"""" in fucking anything. Just egotistical, self-centered faggots that think they are always right and even if you think that even one of them is kinda ok and cares for the game or its players and shit, they always, FUCKING ALWAYS have that slip-up moment, the one where they unload and show their true bitch-faced colours and it all comes crushing like fucking jenga. An example would be this guy from Whoreframe :

phpBB [video]

NO! NO YOU RETARDED HALF-KRAUT NIGGER, NO!! Even if your stupid, half-baked retarded analogy made any fucking sense you fucking dipshit. While you wait for the fucking broken arm to heal, you use your other arm and wait for it to mend you stupid, ignorant, sheltered retard. Fuck you and fuck the rest of you loud fuckers. You killed Monster Hunter with the same fucking shit and your fucking addiction to the latest game, you killed Pokemon, you killed fighting games you killed a lot of shit. Fuck you, fuck your shitty communities and fuck your entitlement. You never wanted to fix the game, you just wanted to go through the motions of what's popular just to be able to bitch about perceived slights. It's why Warframe spiralled out of fucking control instead of becoming a proper game.

None of us you stupid whores even had the fucking braincells to understand that Warframe's problem was its over-reliance on it being a "looter shooter" because those are hollow gacha shit. Had it had a concrete game instead of its pseudo-RNG bullshit. It needed to have not just missions but maps that had a concrete set of advantages and disadvantages for your frames, smart geometry and resources allocated to enemy A.I. instead of PVE content, pseudo-rng and rng for loot during the missions. Instead, missions should have taken places in the sectors of those maps, each one with a very concrete goal, with the enemies working SPECIFICALLY for that mission and how they act, how they move, how they fight. It's basic sht, Monster Hunter did it, God Eater has been doing it even better, Toukiden does it as well, FUCKING PHANTASY STAR has been doing it for ages. But no, obviously you 400+hours(FUCKING LOL) game gurus obviously know your shit in the game. Faggot, I have 700+ hours on Dissidia 1, 500+hours on Dissidia 2, 400+ hours on God Eater Burst, 200+ hours on Toukiden, 400+ hours on Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and so on with a catalog of games for fucking 25 years square now, you fucking think I'm an expert on something? Obviously not, I'm still experimenting with shit because the games are fun! I take breaks from them, even for years sometimes and when I return, I use the new experience from playing OTHER GAMES to become better and test my new limits but you crackwhores choose to play one game all day and find a myriad of excuses as to why you don't let go for a while and play something else to cleanse your palette, get some inspiration and want to replay your favourite game but no. You just sit there, shitting your pants on stream and act like the superior faggot in the Y.M.C.A. while earning those shekels and bitching that your so called, favourite game is dying. PATHETIC!

Now post your grievances.
Assiman wrote:You know who else is never wrong? Ban.
poonoo wrote:You just got ban'd!
He warned youShow

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Re: Communities are a cancer that must be excised out of video games

Post by Kugelfisch » Tue Jun 09, 2020 1:09 pm

So what's the current deal with Warframe? I haven't played it in forever.
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Re: Communities are a cancer that must be excised out of video games

Post by Guest » Tue Jun 09, 2020 1:35 pm

ban did you mean to say Disgaea when you said Dissidia?

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Re: Communities are a cancer that must be excised out of video games

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Tue Jun 09, 2020 3:53 pm

Could work either way. Dissidia has absurd levels of grinding for an animu arena fighter.
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Re: Communities are a cancer that must be excised out of video games

Post by Guest » Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:09 pm

Square perfected the fighting game genre with Ehrgeiz, they didn't need to try again.

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Re: Communities are a cancer that must be excised out of video games

Post by rabidtictac » Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:31 am

The big problem I had with Warframe after a few hundo hours was there was no meaningful content left for me. I didn't want to grind fucking earth missions and my computer kept committing sudoku in the snow hub. I didn't like the hubs anyway! Fuck hubs! The hub missions were boring and shitty. I wanted more missions. Especially more variations on defense and the arena thing (forgot the name.) Extermination missions are boring-they're either over in 2 seconds because I'm running Nox, or they're a slog. The other mission types are shit, especially Spy. Most of the new warframes are obtained by playing shit content I don't like, or doing hubs, or grinding faction xp for new factions I don't care about.

The current existing content is what needs a big buff in quality, all the extra BUYME shit they keep pushing is pointless. Don't care about new warframes when I don't have enough missions to play to get a real workout on my existing warframes. The last frame I cared about was Nox Prime and that was for the obvious reason that Equinox is muh main.

Warframe community youtubers are cancer though. Bunch of smug cunts who all think they know everything even when they disagree with each other.
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Re: Communities are a cancer that must be excised out of video games

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Thu Jun 11, 2020 8:16 am

That snow hub, holy shit man. I don't think this game was ever meant for big open world shit with a fuckload of weather effects :lol:
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Re: Communities are a cancer that must be excised out of video games

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Jun 11, 2020 3:24 pm

Clearly not. It was made for corridors and small rooms in which to use your ninja wall-running and such.
Especially AOE abilities become very lacklustre if you're standing in the middle of a large field. And don't get me started with the fucking Eidolons. Because we all wanted giant damage sponges in a game that's all about mass slaughtering hundreds of fuckheads in minutes, right?
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Re: Communities are a cancer that must be excised out of video games

Post by rabidtictac » Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:50 pm

Not to mention, it's a lot harder to avoid damage from hitscan weapons when you're in an open field instead of a tangled web of corridors and ventilation shafts.

And for those saying "but muh Zephyr!" Yeah, I love Zephyr too. She would be my main if not for Nox. But Zephyr gets plenty of room to stretch in open Defense missions and she's great for those capture and hold the point missions too. Fly in, spam tornadoes, put up speed buffs and bullet immunity, then fly off to the next hot spot. Way better and more engaging than mindlessly spamming 1 on the fucking plains.

Like I said though, the real problem is there's not enough content to get a workout on the frames I already have. My Duality Nox runs 2-3 defensive missions and then I'm pretty much done with the amount of content I want to use her on. That's one warframe and I have like 15 of them. So I have to decide. There's x amount of missions I actually want to run (probably less than 10, more like 5,) and I have 15+ warframes. The ones I want to use in any given session? Mag Prime, Mesa Prime, Nekros Prime, Nox Prime, Zephyr Prime, Frost Prime, Nidus... You can see the problem, right? I'm already running out of content! Let's say there are ten missions I want to do. If I use 5 different warframes, I can use the same warframe twice. Then I run out of missions. But usually I won't have 10 missions that look fun. It'll be more like 5, meaning I can use a warframe once per mission and use 5 warframes total. So unless the mission was long, I'll have felt like that guy with a sports car collection who drives his Ferrari around the block once a week.

Oh, defense mission you say? I love defense missions! Let's see, who should I take? I have Nidus, Nekros Prime, Mag Prime, Frost Prime and Nox Prime all competing for top slot, and that's not even considering units like Trinity Prime that are perfectly good, but just not my preferred way to play. This applies to any mission. I actually really like Nyx Prime and find her fun to use, but she's so (((bad))) and niche that it's hard to justify using her rather than one of the others. And then there's Hydroid Prime, who is fun, but I don't get to use him much either with all his competition.

Even with rift missions, if the right kind of rift missions aren't available when I log in, it's pointless to do them at all. You get way more rewards doing the infinite missions in the rift than the ones with a goal and end.
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Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
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Re: Communities are a cancer that must be excised out of video games

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Jun 11, 2020 11:49 pm

Ah see, for me it's always a case of "Why the fuck wouldn't I just use Rhino?".
Unless the mission is some annoying type I don't like there's almost never a good answer to that. Survival maybe. That's where I'll usually use Nidus. Extermination I'll often use Ash for fun but not because he's necessary by any stretch.
Hydroid you'll have to make your own excuses as to why you'd use him as he excels at exactly nothing. Inaros is great as well, and actually fun, but the reason for that is mostly because he's immortal.
Something actually, really annoying comes along? Cheese the fuck out of it with Limbo. Especially in the open worlds. Because fuck your stupid shit-ass missions. I'll stand on a hill, make the objective invincible, make myself invincible and just wait your shit out while I watch something on my second monitor.

But for the most part, the question at the beginning, why I wouldn't just use Rhino Prime, is unanswered unless it's seriously obnoxious shit.
I think I'll check out Warframe on the weekend. Just to see what's changed. At a glance they changed some stuff and most people are unhappy with the current state but I'd like to judge that on my own. My prediction is that Rhino is still da bess and that shotguns are still reigning supreme, despite hearing that the wonderfully overpowered Tigris Prime got nerfed.
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