Blizzcon lol

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Re: Blizzcon lol

Post by rabidtictac » Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:35 am

Kugelfisch wrote:
Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:01 pm
It's not like Khorne or Nurgle are any more kid-friendly when it comes down to it. But Slaanesh is the most lame shit god ever.
All of it's followers are edgy bondage faggots with the worst colour schemes ever. They also make for the shittest armies.
Nurgle is funny. Khorne is Metal as fuck and brings the memes. Tzeentch has the best colours and magic/psychers. His fucking Chaos Marines are fancy power armour suits with nothing but dust inside, which is pretty hilarious.

I've just seen a video explaining the plot of AoS. What a pile of shit. The only good thing about End Times was that Skaven won by nuking the moon, the logical conclusion because Orks are bitchmade pussies in Fantasy unlike their 40k counterparts.
Tzeentch is dank as fuck. I love the idea of the Warp as a force of nature more than anything, and Tzeentch personifies that. You could consider the Changer of Ways "evil," but Tzeentch isn't trying to be a dick. It's not his fault brains explode when he grants mortals the power to understand dark lore! Slaanesh is edgy shit for dickgirl fetishists. Nurgle is lame too because "it's rotten and gross" is the most boring and lazy way to create "horror" enemies/villains. Khorne is cool, but again, he kind of plays into cliches about heavy metal and muh dark fantasy.

What other fantasy shit that predates Warhammer has a Changer of Ways equivalent? Closest I can think of is a genie who grants your wish but fucks you over in the process. I'd happily become a Chaos Dustbunny for ancient magic, bro.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: Blizzcon lol

Post by Complicity » Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:04 am

Poonoo wrote:
Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:06 am ... -blizzard/

Blizzard is already pozzed, it's going to get even worse.
Palpatine's money will keep them going for a while longer, but won't save them.
They cannot make a functioning game anymore, let alone a decent one.
They should start building wow themed slot machines like Konami and fuck off forever.

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Re: Blizzcon lol

Post by Guest » Wed Mar 11, 2020 10:24 am

Gaymers are the most cucked consoomers ever. Jizzard won't die until its killed for real.

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Re: Blizzcon lol

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:20 pm

Joke's on you it's already dead since at least Cataclysm. All the content since has been the result of corpse gas and carefully aimed kicks to the body.
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Re: Blizzcon lol

Post by MegaNigger » Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:42 pm

Complicity wrote:
Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:04 am
Poonoo wrote:
Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:06 am ... -blizzard/

Blizzard is already pozzed, it's going to get even worse.
Palpatine's money will keep them going for a while longer, but won't save them.
They cannot make a functioning game anymore, let alone a decent one.
They should start building wow themed slot machines like Konami and fuck off forever.
Oh good...the biggest piece of shit in the world will now have his greasy fingers in the asshole of Activision having it's fingers in Blizzard's asshole. Yet their profits continue to remain stable and increase...I hate this world.
-The user formerly known as CIANigger

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Re: Blizzcon lol

Post by Kugelfisch » Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:15 am

rabidtictac wrote:
Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:35 am
Tzeentch is dank as fuck. I love the idea of the Warp as a force of nature more than anything, and Tzeentch personifies that. You could consider the Changer of Ways "evil," but Tzeentch isn't trying to be a dick. It's not his fault brains explode when he grants mortals the power to understand dark lore!
He isn't conventionally evil at all. He just has well more info than anyone else and plays 15D chess only he understands. He's also not a personification of the warp but of all hopes, dreams and aspirations, thus knowing the desires of everyone, their likely outcomes and wanting to change the past, future and present as that is an inherit aspect of aspirations.

The lore reason for magic being a thing is that Khone once kicked the shit out of Tzeentch so hard that bits of him splattered into the normal realm.

I'll double down on The Horned Rat not being a chaos god at all. Origins in the warp, fair enough, but it doesn't share any relations with neither chaos divided, nor undivided and is worshipped exclusively by the Skaven. If it was chaos then Gork And Mork would have to be chaos as well, which they aren't.
The 40k equivalent would be the Tyranid hivemind, I guess. Different in nature but not all that different in function and about as ambiguous.
It's a shame GW doesn't really do much with the Tyranids these days. Space Hulk is fine and all but you can't fit the more awesome Nids like a Carnifex, Haruspex or even Exocrine in the setting. They've got some of the most rad as fuck models but all you ever see supported is Genestealer galore.
Just look at this shit and tell me it's not peak 1980s Speed Metal:
Cannons bray, the mighty quake!
Centuries of blood becomes erased!
I am the white ghost!

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Re: Blizzcon lol

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:50 pm

Tyranids are like the most metal kind of cosmic horror. Imagine looking up in the sky to see giant fuck-off space monsters vomiting millions of smaller critters onto the surface. Critters that are bullet-proof and can tear through steel like paper. And they won't stop devouring every bit of biomass they come across until there's nothing left to devour.
And forget about getting help. Your space government will probably just glass your planet, and maybe the surrounding systems as well in case that might cause the space monsters to starve on their way to their next meal.
Also these space monsters come from beyond our galaxy, and for all we know the critters we've encountered so far might just be a thin tendril of their main forces.

But unfortunately, GW only cares about Spess Mehrens, and the average Tyranid is about as far removed from a Spess Mehren as you can get.
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Re: Blizzcon lol

Post by Dehbashi » Wed May 27, 2020 7:42 pm

So Blizzard being faggots they are cancelled Blizzcon this year due to the Kung Flu even though Blizzcon is always in November.

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Re: Blizzcon lol

Post by Guest » Wed May 27, 2020 7:44 pm

Is cancelling really the faggot option? As opposed to running fucking Jizzcon?

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Re: Blizzcon lol

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Wed May 27, 2020 7:46 pm

And here I was looking forward for news regarding Diablo Immortal...
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