Pat the NES Cunt

Whine and Bitch about people long after they become interesting to talk about
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Re: Pat the NES Cunt

Post by BobbyBoucher » Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:11 am

Here's a somewhat quicker update for Pat "keep your reality out of my comic books" Contri:

cu podcast 153:
  • pat thinks he'll own his house long enough for an oak tree to mature
  • during nintendo new handheld sement
    • "you know how wall street journal hates all youtubers" -Pat
  • they estimate $20-30 a month for Apple Arcade.
    • There's a jibe at people who say mobile is "not real gaming".
    • more sensible than Stadia, says Ian.
  • Pat is upset at Konami's Castlevania collection.
    • Says they should do Bonk instead.
  • They lecture the new GameStop CEO.
    • As if he doesn't realize digital is a threat to his business.
    • Ian mocks that they are "pro-GameStop" like they're "pro-Blizzard".
      • No, it'd be more like them insulting customers pissed at GameStop.
    • boomer pat wishes radio shack still sold bundles of wire and such
  • They rant about Snyder again.
    • "Batman shouldn't kill."
      • The original batman did, but the creators changed it so they wouldn't have to constantly come up with new villains.
    • Pat complains about Watchmen film. (And on Twitter.)
    • "It's a comic book. It's fantasy." -Pat
    • "People don't watch comic book movies to see reality." -Ian
      • I thought that was all you idiots loved Black Panther. Or the references in X-Men to gay rights struggle. Other shit like Captain America Civil War.
        • "politics in, reality out"
          • That explains Wakanda.
    • "Keep your murder out of my comic books." -Pat & Ian (essentially).
      • They then talk about comics being fictional having nothing to do with reality.
        • "Keep your reality out of my comic books."
          • Well, this is "keep your politics out my video games" but for capeshit lovers.
    • Pat confuses JJ Abrams with Joss Whedon.
      • It's all capeshit.
    • It's quite ludicrous and hilarious how worked up Pat & Ian gets over Snyder.

cu podcast 154:
  • nerd crew: disney bought x-men!
  • boomer pat watches law & order SVU
  • Ian received a free Analogue Mega Sg for his half-review.
    • Pat says he might buy one (unlikely since he seems to prefer free stuff).
  • Pat actually played 40 hours of Breath of the Wild.
    • Ian says Vonnie played 400 and may 100% it.
  • Ian's father played Skyrim.
    • His dad has over 1,000 hours in Skyrim.
    • They now play No Man's Sky together.
      • Ian might get VR for No Man's Sky.
  • Atari VCS update:
    • This is another example of them commenting outside their expertise.
    • "if they're changing the chipset, they have nothing done." says Ian; "Custom software that relies on the chip." says Pat
      • They seem to think that changing CPUs requires software rewrites. Despite the fact that good software is portable. User interfaces are high-level and should run on anything.
      • From the IndieGoGo page, this is going to be off-the-shelf x86 hardware that can run Linux or Windows no problem.
        • It also says it will have access to Steam, web browsers, and streaming video sties.
        • So this is basically a mini-PC. Dell and other companies sold similar machines for around $200 (which was the original price of the base VCS model).
        • They bring up the Coleco Chameleon, but that was a weird hybrid FPGA/ARM chip. The tech there was unusual (and probably just mentioned to build hype). x86 is generic and works.
    • Is this thing a good buy? No.
      • But it's not a complete disaster like Pat & Ian are pretending. (They're not alone, a bunch of other Retro Gaming YouTubers have stupid complaints.) At best it will be mediocre. Some people will get cheap mini-PCs for Steam games.
      • It's just a cash grab. It's a Linux PC with a custom shell. That's it.
      • The real scam is how little work they actually need to do to make this work.
    • Are computers magic to these people?
  • "Reminder, this is an audio podcast."
  • Pat & Ian bought their Avengers tickets in advance.
    • They complain about scalping even though retro game market is based on it.
    • Andre and Pat have "podcast telephone" conversations that last an hour.
      • Says he should record them. God help us.
    • "postulate" is Pat's word of the month
      • I postulate Pat's career is dead.
    • Pat celebrates Disney becoming a megacorp that owns all movie properties.
      • Wants Deadpool to show up in Endgame.
      • Hopes they've secretly cast Fantastic Four.
  • "i don't why weird things happen to me in bathrooms" -Ian
    • Some guy at Wondercon deliberately went back into a bathroom stall to prevent Ian from using the toilet. (I assume that's what he was doing, anyway.)
  • Pat didn't know Mario + Rabids game existed.
    • Ian and Pat both call it "turn-based strategy".
      • It's tactics, idiots.
  • Ian: "Kart racers aren't racers."
  • Roo from Clan of the Grey Wolf carried around his $10k Earthbound prototype in a beat-up Jaws box.

cu 154 aftershow:
  • They complain about a place called Redford's Diner in San Diego.
    • I immediately believe they are wrong.
  • Pat's sister's first husband had a couple kids from a previous marriage.
    • This is the marriage that broke up due to him being a World of Warcraft addict.
  • Pat's dad found his Cabbage Patch Doll.
    • Pat's is buying a replacement outfit for it. He's going to ship it home.
  • Pat's dad bought bought a Coke float for himself, but not Pat.
    • Pat speculates his father denied him on purpose.
      • He's right. Pat's dad must be a cheapskate. They had cable and sent their kids to a private school, but never went to Disney World. (Also, private school doesn't make people more successful. Look at Pat.)
  • They then read a bunch of websites that rank "worst cereals".

I do wonder if Pat is internally crying about the collapse of the Mueller investigation. He thought the couple of arrests/convictions earlier on would be the beginning of the end for Trump.
Dehbashi wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 8:27 pm
I was actually surprised he didn't do this in November as he usually does. Did he give an excuse on why that is. And lol blaming James for it being worse.
I don't think Pat blamed him, it's just my speculation that without the AVGN, the fundraiser probably took a hit. Pat's been riding James' coattails for years.

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Re: Pat the NES Cunt

Post by Guest » Thu Apr 04, 2019 12:02 pm

Considering how socially retarded Pat is, I'm surprised he wasn't homeschooled.

And I take it he doesn't know an oak tree takes several hundred years to mature? I can't imagine Hell being much worse if he's going to live that long.

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Re: Pat the NES Cunt

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Apr 04, 2019 12:18 pm

It's creepy how thorough the Disney indoctrination is with these Commiefornia fucks.
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Re: Pat the NES Cunt

Post by Dehbashi » Thu Apr 04, 2019 3:45 pm

Thanks again for this. Now my thoughts.
BobbyBoucher wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:11 am
pat thinks he'll own his house long enough for an oak tree to mature

LOL. Doesn't know how trees grow.
you know how wall street journal hates all youtubers" -Pat

Of course the cunt is being sarcastic taking shots at PewDiePie
They lecture the new GameStop CEO.
As if he doesn't realize digital is a threat to his business.

What idiots. Of course they always knew. The main reason why they tried to get into the retro market was because they knew digital was hurting their sales. But it was fun while it lasted just to see these 2 sperg out about it the whole time.
Ian mocks that they are "pro-GameStop" like they're "pro-Blizzard".
  • No, it'd be more like them insulting customers pissed at GameStop.
I can't believe that the pothead said that. Seriously it's the complete opposite. They took shots at GameStop every chance they get but deep throated Blizzard's cock every chance they could. It got so ridiculous that the NES cunt took shots at critics in his Doom video. But sure keep saying it's the same.
They rant about Snyder again.

What else is new? :lol:
]"Batman shouldn't kill."
[list[*]The original batman did, but the creators changed it so they wouldn't have to constantly come up with new villains.

This has always pissed me off hearing Batman never kills because it is complete nonsense. He always has. Even in later comics. This video is has a few good examples of that.


This doesn't even get into Batman attempting to kill Darkseid with a GUN in Final Crisis.

I 100% blame the DCAU starting with Batman the Animated series for this. A bunch of soy boys loved the the Universe thinking that is how the Batman is. Like he hates guns but has rifles all over his house using them even for clay pigeon shooting and such.

That doesn't even get into how many people he killed in every movie. Of course the one movie he didn't kill in was Batman & Robin and that was complete crap. :lol:
Pat complains about Watchmen film. (And on Twitter.)
[*]"It's a comic book. It's fantasy." -Pat
[*]"People don't watch comic book movies to see reality." -Ian
So they admit that SJW crap is fantasy. :lol:
Pat confuses JJ Abrams with Joss Whedon.
If he was talking about capeshit movies how can you confuse them while slurping Marvel's balls. Abrams has not done capeshit if I recall. Man. He must jump on every trend on the planet trying to be hip.
boomer pat watches law & order SVU

I would have been shocked if he said he hated it instead.
Pat celebrates Disney becoming a megacorp that owns all movie properties.
Of course the corporate stooge is happy.
Wants Deadpool to show up in Endgame.
Rated R boy isn't going to show in Endgame

]Pat didn't know Mario + Rabids game existed.
  • Ian and Pat both call it "turn-based strategy".
    • *]It's tactics, idiots.
  • Ian: "Kart racers aren't racers."

Of course when people are super stuck in the past they do not know Jack shit about current stuff.
Roo from Clan of the Grey Wolf carried around his $10k Earthbound prototype in a beat-up Jaws box.

That is surprisingly pretty smart. It's the last place people would look.
Pat's sister's first husband had a couple kids from a previous marriage.
  • This is the marriage that broke up due to him being a World of Warcraft addict.

Why wouldn't I be surprised if the real reason for the divorce was because he didn't give her full attention due to his kids.
He's right. Pat's dad must be a cheapskate. They had cable and sent their kids to a private school, but never went to Disney World. (Also, private school doesn't make people more successful. Look at Pat.)
Makes me disgusted in how he treats his dad. His dad had to probably make in the high five figures if not six figures a year in his childhood which most kids didn't have. He had a well off life and that wasn't enough. What an ungrateful asshole.
Last edited by Dehbashi on Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pat the NES Cunt

Post by mad bum » Thu Apr 04, 2019 6:23 pm

How did Ian get a sg and pat didn't? Not that I'm complaining because I bet Pat was fuming with jealousy over that.
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Re: Pat the NES Cunt

Post by oldbones » Thu Apr 04, 2019 7:01 pm

Of all the nobodies Pat is the slimiest shitbag.

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Re: Pat the NES Cunt

Post by ThatGuy » Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:33 pm

Has Pat done anymore crappy podcasts?

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Re: Pat the NES Cunt

Post by Dehbashi » Sat Apr 13, 2019 9:10 pm

That is pretty much the only thing he does. You will barely see a NES Cunt video. 1 if 2 you are lucky in a year.

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da PAC Nigguh
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Re: Pat the NES Cunt

Post by da PAC Nigguh » Sat Apr 13, 2019 9:19 pm

Dehbashi wrote:
Sat Apr 13, 2019 9:10 pm
You will barely see a NES Cunt video. 1 if 2 you are lucky in a year.
That's more than I've seen in my entire life.
Is Spoony dead yet?

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Re: Pat the NES Cunt

Post by Guru Larry » Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:13 pm

da PAC Nigguh wrote:
Sat Apr 13, 2019 9:19 pm
Dehbashi wrote:
Sat Apr 13, 2019 9:10 pm
You will barely see a NES Cunt video. 1 if 2 you are lucky in a year.
That's more than I've seen in my entire life.
How I envy you.

That fucker took pot shots at me in his Wolfenstein video.

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