And the way I see god, heaven and hell is pretty simple too. I was a christian for most of my young life into my teens. I spent a hell of a lot of time reading the Wholly Babble, quoting verse and praying that bullshit. None of it's real. But supposing it was, figure it this way: If there is a hell, it's supposedly eternal torture, amirite? And God, God is supposed to be just, moral, fair, pure, kind, etc all that generic good shit. So dig this: Belief is not something you can force. Belief just is. You either believe in something or you don't. Ask yourself if it's just, moral, pure, fair, kind, etc to sentence someone to eternal torture for thought crime, and not even a thought crime that they can have any control over!
If you think that's too sinful (not believing,) then how about mah nigga Jesus, who said that any man who looks "with lust" at a woman is gonna burn in hell forever? Now ask yourself who made man according to christians? Who made sexual desire according to christians? Who made sexual organs according to christians? If that doesn't tell you this christian shit is a weird cult based around preying upon fears and cultural taboos, I dunno what will. Because there's nothing in this world more natural than heterosexual desire.
TL;DR any god that would torture me for eternity for thought crime, or for looking at a woman lustfully, or for drinking wine, or for not giving 10% of my gross income to a church of fat cat thieves, isn't a god that I would feel morally right worshiping. I'd rather go to hell if going to heaven means worshiping an up-his-own-ass prick who believes thought crime is awesome and burns people alive for being born gay. I mean, have y'all even read accounts of what heaven is supposed to be like? Seems fucking lame. God made some shitty gated community where loudspeakers blast hymns about how great he is 24/7 and there's a bunch of tacky bling everywhere. According to scriptures, the activities seem to mainly consist of eating yourself into a food coma and telling God how fucking amazing he is for keeping you like livestock.