(I did the same pose after reading through the prologue of Angel Armor 2, btw)
Her pet hamster's dead. Despite her neglect and it escaping multiple times from her cage (in a tiny apartment that also has a cat) it managed to reach a fairly regular old age for a hamster - though some detractor's at least joke about her having had to buy at least one replacement hamster.
The "burial" happened at a beach, and the hamster was just dumped into a hole without even wrapping it in cloth or anything. This might've been because she wanted to prove to her haters that the hamster is, in fact, dead. Still somewhat effed up.
In other animal news: animals hate her guts.

Her pet cat still hates her, and wild animals aren't looking better. She once again got threatened by camels (because she apparently can't leave these poor creatures alone), and she got scratched by a stray cat (because she can't leave these poor creatures alone).
When not lounging in her luxurous apartment while her fake husband regales her with the finest renditions of Axel F that a cheap keyboard is capable of, she seems to be spending more and more time driving around Kuwait looking for shit to eat and consume.
It seems she's in the endstage of her typical relationships, where she keeps spending more time alone so her S.O. can't pester her about her food intake.
Her health ain't looking good. Her teeth are fucked, her edema's getting worse, she can get spontaneously cross-eyed just by putting on glasses, and her eyes are just leaking tears whenever they feel like.
Most recently was a legit "marital" quarrel they had live - over ice cream.
So she was out during the night, alone, finding some cheap ice cream vendor.
Except the guy couldn't speak English. Chantal has never learned even a single sentence of Arabic, and she seems completely oblivious that the very phone she's holding 24/7 has easy access to serviceable translation apps.
Even worse, because she's dumb and almost blind as a bat (especially at night), she just handed him random coins, most of which appeared to have been from Canada and Thailand. The poor vendor eventually got an actual Kuwaiti fil, but not nearly enough (because of course Chantal can't read Arabic numerals).
After some confused back-and-forth she eventually got her ice cream - and then starting having an argument with her beloved "husband". He doesn't like her eating all day, and she was angry that he wasn't there to act as her interpreter