Dynasty Warriors games

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Dynasty Warriors games

Post by ban » Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:40 pm

Does anyone on this forum actually like this genre or am I again the only weeb who cares about them, like in 2.0? :D :lol:

Posting the best thing Koei ever made though since it deserves it :

And it doesn't have the cancerous second of part of the story that everyone loathes. There are many more but the one that really warantees any sort of attention by anyone is this :

In case people wondered why DMC4's Legendary Dark Knight worked so well and the "fill the screen with monsters" thing was balanced in the first place for the kind of game DMC was.
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Re: Dynasty Warriors games

Post by Kugelfisch » Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:54 pm

The music in that second video is terrible. Doesn't fit the action at all.
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Re: Dynasty Warriors games

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:03 pm

You're no longer alone, mate. I'm with you.

I've been a Warriortard ever since DW3 on the PS2, though I never really dabbled outside of the Dynasty series until a few years ago (not counting Warrior's Orochi).

I don't really think I'll by another Dynasty Warriors game anytime soon unless they really surpass my expectations. DW8 just feels like the final evolution of the PS2 games and does a decent job at following the actual novel.

(Oh yeah, Dynasty Warriors made me go out and read The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. There's some weird shit in there.)

As a One Piece dork, I also had quite a bit of fun with Pirate Warriors 3. Same goes for that Attack on Titan Warriors one, which will probably stay the best of its sub-franchise because it stops before the manga plot goes off the rails.

Bladestorm is pretty interesting, but my god is the PC port performance bad. Not Toukiden-bad, but still.

Samurai Warriors feels like a more unhinged DW. Hard to pin down, really.

Berserk Warriors is a steaming pile of shit. They tried to have MonHun-style Apostle fights, but couldn't be arsed to actually change their engine enough for it to work. And whereas Pirate Warriors featured fun recreations of iconic One PIece moments using in-game graphics, the lazy asses behind this turd just copy-pasted clips from that god-awful CGI Berserk.
To add insult to injury, if you're playing this on PC there's a good chance that the game won't be capable of playing those clips, even if you can play the files with a player just fine. I guess the game is doing you a service with that.

tl;dr: Please help me.
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Re: Dynasty Warriors games

Post by Kugelfisch » Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:10 pm

I got that one that's on the PC. Didn't fucking work at all.
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Re: Dynasty Warriors games

Post by ban » Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:22 pm

No need to help, as a fellow Warriorstard I'm happy to see another. I know it's not uncommon at all over the most animu parts of Europe and over here I enjoyed a lot of good times with friends as well. DW4 and fighting Lu Bu and all that good stuff.

Dynasty 3 and Samurai 1 were my first contact with the series way back in the day. DW was about kung fu fighting and being awesome while Samurai was about never bothering with the enemy because you'd crippled and your strategy would be fucked over. Now SW is an unhinged DW like you say and it's lost its flavour. Warriors Orochi 1 is still my favourite from the main series.

I don't have much for One Piece but I don't regret experiencing OP1 for the different gameplay style. Just wish they'd use that kind of moveset creativity more. AoT isn't really a Warriors game but it's a hell of a game for AoT fans I guess.

Berserk was shit to the point I had to replay the PS2 three times over to wash away the badness once I saw some gameplay. Pure shit but if you adapt CLANG you get CLANGs. The CGI is only on the first half, just you wait till you shit like this :

12 year difference between games. And the PS2 is by the company who makes the various Wrastling games like WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain and all the Smackdown Vs Raw series etc. :roll:

Finally from the subseries, beyond the first FotNS one, the last two Gundam ones are truly golden and the Zelda one is pretty good if one has a New3DS(otherwise don't bother at all). I have ventured beyond Koei with Capcom;s Basara and many others but that's probably too weeb for here.

PS : Never buy a Warriors game on PC. Apart from the two port jobs Capcom did and the recent Bayonetta and Vanquish PC port from Platinum, I have never seen a japanese studio ever doing a good console to PC port, let alone a decent one.
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Re: Dynasty Warriors games

Post by Poonoo » Sun Oct 29, 2017 12:06 am

ban wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:22 pm

The new one is autism personified. Fuck me, it's like they don't know how people move and emote, Miyazaki wasn't kidding when he said the anime industry is full of otaku who hate looking at people and it seems to apply to the japanese industry too.

The faces, my god the fucking faces. They are either dull and emotionless or meme faces.
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Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: Dynasty Warriors games

Post by Duwango » Sun Oct 29, 2017 12:20 am

ban wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:40 pm
And it doesn't have the cancerous second of part of the story that everyone loathes.
You take that back now you ricenigger. Hreece should be deprived of money forever because of that statement alone. :lol:
ban wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:22 pm
PS : Never buy a Warriors game on PC. Apart from the two port jobs Capcom did and the recent Bayonetta and Vanquish PC port from Platinum, I have never seen a japanese studio ever doing a good console to PC port, let alone a decent one.
No surprise there. Japan's PC market is so exceptional and niche there that there is zero motivation for devs to produce functional PC ports of their games.

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Re: Dynasty Warriors games

Post by da PAC Nigguh » Sun Oct 29, 2017 8:25 pm

Japan devs are absolute shit when it comes to do doing PC ports. I have no idea how they can fuck it up so badly and still get that shit published.

Somehow Final Fantasy XV for PC will require 170 GB of hard drive space.
http://wccftech.com/final-fantasy-xv-wi ... res-170gb/
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Re: Dynasty Warriors games

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sun Oct 29, 2017 10:08 pm


Apparently Square-Enix can't into compression.
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Re: Dynasty Warriors games

Post by Charlar » Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:01 am

I liked the musou games i played but until Dynasty Warriors does something original and interesting i'm burned out since i started at 3, 6 tried to change too many things and not doing those right
Samurai is still somewhat fresh since i only played one main game and Chronicles 1 and 3
Orochi was fun but i'm still trying to find the fun in 3
One Piece Warriors is a breath of fresh air
Gundam was fun
Have but haven't played Fist of the North Star Musou games yet
Got for cheap a warriors game based on the Arslan series
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