Have you lost friends over politics?

Shitpost about Trump, SJWs, Islam and everything else about politics except economics, because that's too hard
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Sieg Zeon
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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by Sieg Zeon » Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:31 am

When he does the windmill it’s like a rave.

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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by Liar Revealed » Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:59 am

A couple of friends of mine are whining about Roe v Wade on Facebook.

One guy really pisses me off though. He was Mr. Jesus H Christcuck when I knew him. Then he moved to Silicon Valley and married a fat feminist. He's apparently sold out his former beliefs because he's whining about how wrong the decision was.
I really want to say something, but I suppose it would just cause trouble.
Last edited by Liar Revealed on Thu Jun 30, 2022 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by Kama » Thu Jun 30, 2022 11:33 am

I can hold my tongue and be polite in real life so no but online I’ve lost a lot of friends. I can’t get along with liberals at all online. And as for Republicans it seems I’m too racist for them because they’d rather ignore race completely outside of cucking to POC’s Hoping to get them on their side while not fighting for white people at all even when more and more the establishment is becoming even more bold in saying they want us dead.

I’m also considered too black pilled by people who watch every video razorfist puts out and claims him to be one of the most intellectual political commentators on YouTube. These same people Who are hard-core Trumper’s that’s still believe they get him in; in 2024 He’ll fix everything and everything will be like the 1990s again where people could grill and be left alone. Even though that will never happen.

But I guess owning the Libs is more important than actually fighting for anything. I mean just think about it since when does the Supreme Court leak shit like row versus Wade being over turned? This was just the latest in republican consumer product to make them believe that they are actually winning anything. Meanwhile it doesn’t matter if nobody’s paying attention to the January 6 hearings because they will make sure that you were so distracted by owning the feminist that by the time they are done you won’t be able to organize even by 2016 standards.

It’s like I said in the clown world general when the GOP made that Juneteenth tweet they are just diet libshit. Especially the so-called Republicans I was hanging around that listen to lolbertarians like razorfag. If I sound too alt right for them then fine. Being a conservative that tries to out liberal the liberals, or just relies on safe takes that no one will challenge them on Is nothing more than a Cuck and a coward.

Kyle Rittenhouse is proof of this too. He was safe in the public had his back. If not for that you would’ve seen the conservative Talking Heads going radio silent on him or throwing him under the bus. Especially if he had killed a black. But chauvin? The McMichaels? Nah you won’t even see them with the finger to fight a battle even if it’s one they can’t win. That’s why Ethan liming gets his head caved in by 3 blacks and murdered When he didn’t even have the gel gun or pulled the trigger and he’s considered the white supremacist mass shooter with nobody even fighting on his side except white nationalists.

I’m going to be honest I don’t really give a shit about gays and tranny‘s. I mean I do care because I don’t want those people around kids, but considering I was born with a permanent visual disability that over the years has eating away at my corneas to the point that even when My eyes were at their best I received a lot of bigotry by people who thought I couldn’t do anything no matter how hard I worked. I maybe I don’t feel like being told that because I’m white that I now have a second reason for people to be even more bigoted against me and deny me a relatively normal life that I think I deserve because otherwise what was the point of working so hard? Being told I’m worth nothing because I’m disabled is bad enough for being told I am worthless because I’m disabled and white is not a world I want to live in. Once that’s dealt with maybe I will give more of a shit about Trannies. Besides most of those Republicans I was hanging around don’t even have kids anyway and yet they are the most obsessed and mad about that whole thing.[/spoiler{

Sorry that sounded more like angry ranting than an actual answer but I’m pretty sure I had one in there

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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by Lindsay's Liver » Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:56 pm

I have not formally ended any friendships, but there are people I now keep my distance from since seeing their takes on Covid and vaccinations. The "Never speak to me again if you voted for Trump" posts on Facebook in 2016-2020 never bothered me. I thought they were funny and I enjoyed being a silent heretic among these people. Also, I, perhaps naively, still like to think that those with different viewpoints can be friends and that these nerds will catch up to that eventually.

I turned a corner with some of those same people when I saw them openly support a lot of the tyranny and attempted tyranny during the pandemic. Fauci is a flawless saint. The unvaccinated should lose their jobs. Canada and Australia have the right idea. I can't respect that.

A Colorado friend of mine who was all about that shit texted me last spring. He and his wife were going to be in Texas soon, "first time traveling since the lockdown", "just got my booster", and "hey, do you want to get together?"

Me: "Sorry, I can't make it. I'm actually going to be out of town that week myself", which was a total lie.

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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by Le Redditeur » Thu Jun 30, 2022 2:05 pm

That's easily avoided by not hanging on social media. None of my friends or coworkers ever know what I think about politics because I don't spergpost under my own identity (and, for a long time, not at all, since social media shitposting lost its appeal a long, long time ago, when everybody started doing it). That also means I don't have to keep contact with them unless it's absolutely necessary, which is very good for keeping friendships and the job.

And whenever I absolutely have to talk about it in person, I just blackpill them. It's easy enough to do without even going into specific politics, because shit's getting worse and worse in general for everybody, and there's no way it will ever get better. Usually that causes a change the subject very quickly, because no one likes to be reminded that, in the end, their pet politics don't matter.

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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by Poonoo » Mon Jul 11, 2022 8:58 am

Liar Revealed wrote:
Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:59 am
One guy really pisses me off though. He was Mr. Jesus H Christcuck when I knew him. Then he moved to Silicon Valley and married a fat feminist. He's apparently sold out his former beliefs because he's whining about how wrong the decision was.
He just liked being a tyrant by the sounds of it. The Christian Right used to be the oppressive no fun assholes and now that the left became that he joined their team.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Mon Jul 11, 2022 10:43 am

Poonoo wrote:
Mon Jul 11, 2022 8:58 am
He just liked being a tyrant by the sounds of it. The Christian Right used to be the oppressive no fun assholes and now that the left became that he joined their team.
He just updated to the new state religion to continue his diddlin' ways.
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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by Kugelfisch » Mon Jul 11, 2022 11:56 am

Pretty much. Sounds like he has been very susceptible to indoctrination and supposed moral authority. So nothing much has changed.
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