Basements & Beards- Analogue Gaming Thread

Talk about the life consuming, celibacy inducing hobby that is all the rage these days.
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Re: Basements & Beards- Analogue Gaming Thread

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sun Apr 03, 2022 10:47 pm

Aww, you didn't had to do that, but thanks anyways :3

Advanced Thoughts & Opinions: Pocket Edition

Pokemon Tabletop Adventures
The grandaddy of Pokemon tabletop, and just like the early Returners' FFRPG a bit shite.
For some reason it's D&D-ish in that it has Not-Feats and the exact same Attributes used in D&D, but other than that it's fairly original. There are classes in the game, but they don't work like in D&D because you get to pick multiple ones and all this really amounst to is unlocking skill trees like in Titan Quest / Grim Dawn, though unlike those games there's the annoying feature of some Classes being locked behind achievements (a bit like how becoming a 3.X Assassin requires you to murder a guy, except more annoying).
Pokemon go up to level 100 just like in the video game, and their stats are directly derived from the source material. I guess if you have to fill your bestiary with hundreds of critters, it's better to make it as quick as possible.
Classes are pretty much based on the types of other underaged kids whose pets you physically abuse, so you have Ace Trainers, Botanists and Cooks. Shit like Martial Artists and Psychics can also try to beat the shit out of Pokemon, but the balance is a bit wonky. Pokemon pretty much live in a different world. They have more levels (trainers only go up to level 50), they level up as a different rate (Pokemon get typical combat XP, trainers level up by getting medals 'n' shit, as well as catching shit and filling up their Pokedex), plus trainers and Pokemon using completely different stats means anytime the two worlds interact the game has to make some conversion rules, which is pretty fucking weird.
Also really low level fights are lethal af because of the extremely low HP at that point.
Pokemon Tabletop United
Basically a less broken version of Adventures, ditching the D&D Attributes and d20 rolls for a more coherent d6 system. Now trainers actually have Pokemon-style combat stats right out of the gate.
Had some weird back-and-forth with the community, as the writers kept removing the Medic class from every update because they thought allt his class did was prolong combat, while the community actually like that class.
The final downfall however was the massive bloat. They perhaps went a bit too far with customization. You see, Pokemon gain "Tutor Points" every couple levels, which you can cash in to teach them moves (Pokemon here can have a lot more moves than in the video games, btw) or slap some passive abilities on them.
Basically players where expected to customize their trainer and at least 6 Pokemon, which is a bit like managing an oversized D&D all by yourself and without the conveniences of a video game. Yeah...
Pokemon Journeys
A work-in-progress. The planned successor of United, aka the less broken version of the less broken version of Adventures. Development moves at a glacial pace, probably because they also want to rebalance all Pokemon (arguing that the moves some Pokemon learn in the video games are a bit nonsensical). Good fucking luck with that.
Pokemon Tabletop Adventures 3
The newest edition of Adventures, one that actually improves shit. Trainers have a much saner level range and Pokemon don't even level up at all. If you want to improve them you use class abilities or teach them moves (and every trainer can teach at least some moves). The downside is that this requires a bit of GM fiat for Pokemon that originally evolve through leveling.
This one is based on the Storyteller System of World of Darkness fame, for some reason. Really noticable with the Mystery Dungeon supplement since that one has Humanity and Instinct stats like it's Vampire meets Werewolf or some shit. Also probably the only Storyteller-based homebrew that doesn't try to be an unofficial part of World of Darkness. Take note, Princess: The Hopeful.
One notable thing about this game is that it tries to be based on the anime instead of the game, which sometimes backfires like when it comes to Hit Points. The writers decided to base that off of the Pokemon's size, instead of just converting the actual Hit Point stats from the games. Guess this has more versimilitude.
Pokemon 3.5
Not sure if that was ever an actual homebrew sourcebook, or just a collection of random classes and critters on some D&D homebrew wiki.
Yeah, it's basically Pokemon in 3.5. Do you wanna manage Pokemon using the 3.X stat blocks, one of the ugliest ever devised my human hand? I don't think so.
Pokemon 5E
This one came and went pretty quickly since the creator violated official Wizards of the Coast guidelines for fan content (aka don't make shit based on IPs you don't own). Probably could've just filed off some numbers (aka just use 5E rules without saying it's D&D 5E), but I suspect the creator was out for that sweet fan outrage or something.
And it certainly wasn't Nintendo's fault 'cause Nintendo doesn't seem to mind all those other Pokemon homebrew RPGs using official Pokemon art (though they admittedly also make heavy use of fan art). Weird.
A joke game which, as you suspected, combines Pokemon with the mythos. Very light on rules and mostly for the absurdity of having underaged cultists command beings from the void between the stars. I hope the increasing market of Pokemon knockoff games of Steam will catch on to this concept eventually.
More of an honorable mention. It's Not-Pokemon in a high fantasy setting. Conversion work back to Pokemon requires a little bit of work since the game has different types which are also a bit more balanced (every type always has one type it is strong against and another one it is weak against).
Uses some odd magic-mumbo-jumbo to make it impossible for humans to even try and fight the Not-Pokemon themselves, which would actually make the typical Pokemon setting make a bit more sense.
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Re: Basements & Beards- Analogue Gaming Thread

Post by Moe Bitches » Sun Apr 03, 2022 11:05 pm

You didn't have to do all this, either.
da PAC Nigguh wrote:
Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:06 am
Shit like this is why satire is dead in currentyear.

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Re: Basements & Beards- Analogue Gaming Thread

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sun Apr 03, 2022 11:21 pm

Oh, it was nothing. My word processor only deleted everything twice and screamed at me for no reason.
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Re: Basements & Beards- Analogue Gaming Thread

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:16 pm

In serious news, Paizo is converting another Adventure Path to 5e after Kingmaker. This trend is of course raising an eyebrow or two with regards to whether or not Paizo has given up at trying to win this edition war.
Though really this move is technically the same kind of keikaku as all those years back when they came up with Pathfinder in the first place: Sell more Adventure Paths to the D&D crowd by exploiting a weakness of those coast wizards.
Back in the day it was the poor reception of 4e, now it's the fact that Wizards have never managed to copy Paizo's success when it comes to Adventure Paths. Also probably doesn't hurt that even regular 5e adventure modules shat out by Wizards are a bit ass (and that's not even the SJW hipster adventures where you're playing fantasy baristas).
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Re: Basements & Beards- Analogue Gaming Thread

Post by Kugelfisch » Tue Apr 05, 2022 5:11 pm

Just about all reasonable people have left Jizzards of Seattle quite a while ago.
I'd ask you if you'd want to hang around woke faggots all day but then you're a programmer so you have no real choice about that.
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Re: Basements & Beards- Analogue Gaming Thread

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:38 pm

I don't see as much programmer socks as you think. I guess my employer isn't virtue-signaling hard enough.

In other news: retroclones, aka lets see what numbers have been filed off recently.

Against the Darkmaster

This cover almost speaks for itself, doesn't it? If you think this looks an awful lot like Lord of the Rings, that's because this is a clone of MERP, aka Middle-Earth Role Playing, itself a less autistic version of Rolemaster, infamous for lots of cross-reference tables - including lulzy critical hit tables that the Warhammer RPGs would later borrow.
Many remember MERP fondly, though it's not exactly an "authentic" LotR game since you can make D&D wizards flinging fireballs and stuff, which last time I checked isn't actually a thing in Tolkien's work.
Old-School Essentials

Very similar to the older Labyrinth Lord because it's a Basic D&D clone and has a supplement that lets you add content from AD&D without having to deal with the autism that is AD&D.
Currently the newest darling in the world of D&D retroclones because, err, it has a clean layout and uses bullet points.
What? This is like the 157th Basic D&D clone. It's like picking your favorite Doom source port among dozens of nearly identical ones because this one has slightly more "authentic" lighting.
Mutants in the Now

Did you know that the blokes who made Rifts also made a TMNT RPG? Now you know, and now it's back. It's not 100% identical, but it keeps the option of setting just how furry you are. You can basically slap this onto your character sheet and make a circle around your pick:
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Re: Basements & Beards- Analogue Gaming Thread

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Mon Apr 11, 2022 9:09 am

It seems that the creators of Horny Falchion Dykes have quietly purged all traces of their planned Fate Decolonization Toolkit from their site. It's no longer on their product status page, after having sat there with no progress since its announcement.
This fucking sucks, man. I was so looking forward to pirate it.
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Re: Basements & Beards- Analogue Gaming Thread

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Thu Apr 14, 2022 4:18 pm

A follow-up to the Dork Souls 5e announcement from February: The Dork Souls book is out.
It sucks.
  • It is perfectly possible to get starting weapons and armor that you can't actually use. Of particular note is the Knight, who is incapable of starting with enough STR to wear his armor
  • Spell descriptions and data have been copy-pasted from other spells without any changes
  • Text from D&D 5E has also been copy-pasted without any changes, leading to the book referencing classes and other shit that doesn't actually exit
  • Several spell/item/weapon effects have, let's just say questionable utility, like "Spend 2 hit points to regain 1 hit point"
  • The rules can't make up their mind whether or not getting down to 0 hit points is instant death, or if there's still time for you comrades to patch you up
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Re: Basements & Beards- Analogue Gaming Thread

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Apr 14, 2022 10:17 pm

VoiceOfReasonPast wrote:
Thu Apr 14, 2022 4:18 pm
  • It is perfectly possible to get starting weapons and armor that you can't actually use. Of particular note is the Knight, who is incapable of starting with enough STR to wear his armor.
Not even Nethack is that mean. Yeah, your horse will kick you in the head and kill you if you don't tame it but at least you get the five apples to throw at it to do so right from the start in your inventory.
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Re: Basements & Beards- Analogue Gaming Thread

Post by wulfenlord » Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:44 pm

Bring forth yet more corruption of Roleplaying games for the SJWTQI mob, under the guise of inclusivity & education, hooray! ... escription

Overisles - a TTRPG teaching sign language


And if this Captain Planet multi-cultural roster doesn't set off any red flags so far...
Our games are inspired by over a decade working with the Deaf community and by our local 5e Dungeons & Dragons group for high schoolers. Our company is even named after those delightful Hatchlings teens! With them in mind, OVERISLES, much like INSPIRISLES, has been created to benefit gamers of all ages, and we are hoping parents, educators, tabletop beginners, and enthusiasts alike invest in our projects. Many of us cherish those 80s fantasy classics such as The NeverEnding Story and Labyrinth.
So, you give your pedofile group a cutesy nickname, eh?
The Glow are one of the kingdom's eight ruling fae known to us humans as Friends. Usually such peace-loving folk, recently they have undergone changes, their eyes and feathers discolouring and their behaviour becoming erratic. Many are now heading skywards and teaming with greedy wyrms to steal and hoard sacred Nimbus eggs... But why?
Wow, can you get any more Teletubby in your setting?

Thankfully you are not alone and unprepared for your adventure. Here are 2 heroes from the prequel book :3

Anyway, that's enough from me, I could go on about them praising their wHiMsICaL RPG and how great it is to teach their children how to play (more like indoctrinate), but I want your attention for the next game (heh) ... es-in-adhd
A 5e module to learn about ADHD in a fun easy way while adventuring through the Feywild.

Oooh boy, they are breeding, and they want everyone else to suffer. Or, maybe my outlook is just too bleak. Who is this game from?
Awfully Queer Heroes
I have ADHD myself and it took me until I was in my late 30's to realize because mine weren't the standard checked & common symptoms. Then when it was realized, I then faced stigma and/or dismissive attitudes.
I am mentally ill and I want you all to respect this and buy this, or else!

Some other interesting snippet -
In most cases, that is in the form of a ramp, where that is not possible (some of the boats for example) a winch / lift has been added over hatches.

If there are other ways that our maps can be improved to provide more access friendly options, please reach out either here or on twitter @AwfullyQHeroes. I (Kel) own AQH with Skald and we are both completely committed to providing options for all players without discrimination.
Dungeons with ramps! Now I've seen everything.

While we're at it - where's the catering to blind cripples?
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Whenever you feel down :3

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