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Re: Black Lives Matter?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:45 pm
by Gendo's Ocular Dickhole
Moe Bitches wrote:
Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:04 pm
I try so hard not to think about race, even the positive side of things, but when you constantly have videos of you know who going rogue, you can't help but take a look and assume.
It's not so much an assumption since it's basically just common sense; blacks, historically, have always been seeds of chaos. They burn, loot, rape, and kill their way through everyone and everything (including each other) because "muh reeeeeeparations," as if they're an inferior genetic offshoot of early homo sapiens, prone to their wild nature. They make near-perfect political assets (aka weaponized tools) for (((those in charge))) + elitists; mud golems if you will. Most will never take the blame for any trouble they've caused and always blame whitey for why they act the way they act, as ordained by their tribal coordinators. They've never had a history of their own, so they steal others' as a form of cope. If they were removed from most of society, the overall nationwide crime rate would genuinely & greatly decrease to an extent, compared to other races.

Re: Black Lives Matter?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:16 pm
by Kugelfisch
Kama wrote:
Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:25 pm
I was getting angry because it felt so much like no one cared or people just want to defend everything they do. It’s hard not getting mad when the only people who do care are “actual white supremacists.”

Why can’t normies have a heart or soul?
That's the internet for ya. General population doesn't like foreigners, faggots, nigger and all that shit either.
There's safety in groups, but there's has to be a basis for it.
Morons still wonder how several European nations could turn fascist and ultra anti-Jew in the 30s. They usually forego how the communist nations weren't any different about them.

But the point is that the population didn't just up and started hating them out of the blue. They always did.

You see the extra thick propaganda and think it reflects reality, or at least that it shows power. Its the opposite. It reflects extreme weakness. They know that if they aren't relentless in their propaganda, certain people would have a very bad time very quickly.

And that shit you just posted is exactly the pointless kinda stuff I was talking about.
Cab driver killed in the Bronx. No shit! Dumbass thinks moving to the USA and being a fucking cab driver in one of the most dangerous and expensive places is the "American Dream" and doesn't even have to common sense to avoid the Bronx and Harlem?
Next you'll be shocked about someone getting raped in Central Park at night.

Re: Black Lives Matter?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 3:35 am
by Kama
Kugelfisch wrote:
Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:16 pm
Kama wrote:
Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:25 pm
I was getting angry because it felt so much like no one cared or people just want to defend everything they do. It’s hard not getting mad when the only people who do care are “actual white supremacists.”

Why can’t normies have a heart or soul?
That's the internet for ya. General population doesn't like foreigners, faggots, nigger and all that shit either.
There's safety in groups, but there's has to be a basis for it.
Morons still wonder how several European nations could turn fascist and ultra anti-Jew in the 30s. They usually forego how the communist nations weren't any different about them.

But the point is that the population didn't just up and started hating them out of the blue. They always did.

You see the extra thick propaganda and think it reflects reality, or at least that it shows power. Its the opposite. It reflects extreme weakness. They know that if they aren't relentless in their propaganda, certain people would have a very bad time very quickly.

And that shit you just posted is exactly the pointless kinda stuff I was talking about.
Cab driver killed in the Bronx. No shit! Dumbass thinks moving to the USA and being a fucking cab driver in one of the most dangerous and expensive places is the "American Dream" and doesn't even have to common sense to avoid the Bronx and Harlem?
Next you'll be shocked about someone getting raped in Central Park at night.
So then injustices against whites or even non-blacks Perpetrated by blacks should just be ignored because they’re pointless? Meanwhile they get to bitch about their injustices and get their way because of race every single time? That’s fair? That cab driver was just trying to live a normal life and yet it’s his fault he got killed and that’s why we shouldn’t care? He was probably assigned there was just trying to earn a paycheck but because he’s the wrong color that deserves his fate being memory-holed like Waukesha?

They aren’t pointless to me because I care that these injustices are being ignored on purpose. And to be honest calling these issues pointless and that we just shouldn’t care about them does make me angry because that’s a big part of the problem. I do believe that ignoring these problems and allowing them to get away with it is giving them power and for what? So you can keep your head down while they run around calling everyone else racist and white supremacists? How long do you think it really will be until they come after you when you were a good boy all this time? Because I used to feel the same way about keeping my head down, and it was George Floyd and BLM that made me realize that shit wasn’t going to work.

It really was easier when it was all just the black Israelites and we wuz Kangz jokes. But 2020 Flip the switch where I don’t think they want us laughing anymore. Why else would they replace equality with equity? Maybe equality was the end goal for us but maybe it never was for them.

I’m not sorry because I don’t have any other place to vent about my frustration with political issues like this but if it’s wrong for me to vent. Then I just won’t do it anymore I mistakenly thought this was the one place I could without it being held against me

Re: Black Lives Matter?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 3:23 pm
by Kugelfisch
It's pointless and certainly not healthy to flip your shit over every random crime that happens.

He wasn't the wrong colour, he was a cab driver in the Bronx. Those get robbed and likely shot. I think you'll find that hoodrats don't discriminate in such cases.

"They do it as well" is just not a good reason to play the race card all the time.
Especially since this supposed sense of community doesn't exist. BLM is motivation by the want to riot and loot. That's it. They only grandstand over some random nigger being shot because they get to crybully and possibly get gibs or more leniency when breaking the law. It's purely selfish.

And I've already mentioned critical mass. You're in the vast minority. People vote for and support all this shit. Let them enjoy the harvest of what they sow. Just don't live or go to those areas yourself.

You want change? Be happy about home invasions and deadly robberies. Brutal consequences are the only way allowed speech is going to change.

Re: Black Lives Matter?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 5:31 pm
by Kama
So I guess everyone screaming and bitching about Drag queen story hour and groomers raping kids in schools should shut the fuck up too because their issues are pointless and no one should care about them. I mean those people are just as obsessed as you claim I am about race. But apparently what I do crosses the line.

I guess I should adopt a bug man attitude of just talking about anime and video games and Not caring about anything else because everything is pointless

Re: Black Lives Matter?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 6:41 pm
by Kugelfisch
There's a difference between state-sponsored propaganda and organized groups and some random nigger doing the usual nogging.
It's like getting upset over every instance of some drunk beating his wife or trailer trash fucking their siblings.

Or niggers flipping their shit over some random felon resisting arrest and getting shot.
That's what you're doing, just in reverse. And it's just as tedious and ridiculous.

Re: Black Lives Matter?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 6:50 pm
by Lindsay's Liver
DHI is a great place to talk about things that would get you excommunicated and banned elsewhere, but you can't get needy or think that your posts here are going to change the world.

You ever been around an angry drunk? Everyone else is chilled out and shooting the shit and cracking jokes and then there's one guy who has too many and then starts pounding on the bar and yelling about how no one loves him. Don't be that guy.

Re: Black Lives Matter?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 7:50 pm
by Kugelfisch
It's the difference between shitposting and sperging.

Re: Black Lives Matter?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 12:32 am
by Kama
I’m really not trying to sperg. I just don’t know how to find humor in shit posting about it anymore.

Re: Black Lives Matter?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 4:06 am
by VoiceOfReasonPast
You seem to have too much hope in humanity.