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Re: Feminism and SJW's in general

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 9:31 pm
by McGinnis
Pocahontas Warren thinks that the SCOTUS, once they've gotten rid of Roe, are going to go after interracial marriage next. Leaving aside the feasibility of this, it clearly never occurred to her that Clarence Thomas, the most conservative justice on the court and a key proponent of repealing Roe, just so happens to be a black man married to a white woman

Re: Feminism and SJW's in general

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 10:03 pm
by Tony Schiavone
Let them panic and think whatever doomsday they want. It's about time to start having some more riots.

The Dems are working their base into a fever pitch, so I say let 'em riot and go after more urban streets and stores, with underfunded cops They all get what they deserve.

Re: Feminism and SJW's in general

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 10:59 pm
by VoiceOfReasonPast
I hope this sticks. Then in a few years we can have a touching documentary where some Karen tells her own child that it should've been aborted.

Re: Feminism and SJW's in general

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 11:51 pm
by TheBilthCollector
VoiceOfReasonPast wrote:
Fri May 06, 2022 10:59 pm
I hope this sticks. Then in a few years we can have a touching documentary where some Karen tells her own child that it should've been aborted.
I'm waiting for the Lifetime movie about a brave and stunning woman that is "forced" to murder her children because the evil Conserva-Nazies banned abortion and those damned crotch fruit are a real drag on her dating life. So, after disposing of the children she evades law enforcement, changes her name, and moves to a college town whereupon the film ends as she triumphantly has a bunch of drunken frat boys run a train on her.


Re: Feminism and SJW's in general

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 12:58 am
by mad bum
How hard is it to wear a condom or use BC you dumb whores.

Re: Feminism and SJW's in general

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 1:55 am
by Lindsay's Liver
Possible white pill:

Apparently, according to CNN even, the Democrats did not get a boost in the polls this week due to the Big News. The Republicans actually gained ground.

I don't know how much trust I should put into this, but it's interesting.

Re: Feminism and SJW's in general

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 2:10 am
by McGinnis
Lindsay's Liver wrote:
Sat May 07, 2022 1:55 am
Apparently, according to CNN even, the Democrats did not get a boost in the polls this week due to the Big News. The Republicans actually gained ground.
Almost as if that's exactly what I've been saying. Pro-abortionists already vote. Nothing could possibly motivate them to vote more.
mad bum wrote:
Sat May 07, 2022 12:58 am
How hard is it to wear a condom or use BC you dumb whores.
Or just not fuck the men. Pretty much all these Karens' response to being told they can't get an abortion is 'well it's sexist men's fault for cumming inside us. Why don't Republicans regulate them?' as if women don't hold all the power in sexual transactions in our society

Pretty much the majority of contraception goes on the woman anyway, so it's not like there's nothing they can do if the guy doesn't want to wear a condom

Re: Feminism and SJW's in general

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 2:30 am
by rabidtictac
Male contraception is subject to sabotage in ways that female contraception is not. A man can have his contraception methods overruled by a sabotaging partner. And pulling out is not always effective. Even if it were, discarded semen can be recovered and injected by a crazy enough bitch. The contraceptives women use are largely independent of whatever the man does. He need never know she's taking them if she doesn't want to say.

MRAs and mgtow have been sperging for ages about the need for a male pill equivalent.

Of course, one can say "just get a vasectomy." Because it's a much easier operation than the female equivalent. But that's rather more permanent. Maybe the man does want to have children someday, or at least the option to have children. Men remaining able to bear kids for much longer than women, typically. So a man may not want to make a decision at age 22 that stays with him until he dies at age 84 or whatever. That's a long time and people change a lot. Women generally can't have kids past 40-50. Not safely anyway. So a man can have children for about twice as long as a woman. It strikes me as somewhat cavalier to ask the man to shoulder the burden of lifelong infertility when he has so much longer to live with it. A woman's infertility arrives naturally around the halfway point of life.

There may be options to reverse vasectomies, but I couldn't say how well any of that shit works. A quick google search shows a 75% success rate if you have it reversed within three motherfucking years. So you better change your mind fucking fast. :lol: Otherwise that success rate tanks.

I'm not anti abortion btw. I'm pro because people suck ass. I'd rather they all be going around aborting than bringing up kids they don't want to have and abusing the shit out of them, or sticking them in the revolving door of foster homes until they come out career criminals on the other end.

Re: Feminism and SJW's in general

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 3:59 am
by Rapeculture
rabidtictac wrote:
Sat May 07, 2022 2:30 am
I'm not anti abortion btw. I'm pro because people suck ass. I'd rather they all be going around aborting than bringing up kids they don't want to have and abusing the shit out of them, or sticking them in the revolving door of foster homes until they come out career criminals on the other end.
There ya go, best goddamn pro-abortion argument ever.

Re: Feminism and SJW's in general

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 4:01 am
by Le Redditeur
>all that nonsense because you can't not cum inside roasties

You should play the right cards.
