Kassandra Killjoy: Paranormal Private-Eye "The Search for the Swordsman" - A short story cosplaying as a novel by peeRod

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Re: Kassandra Killjoy: Paranormal Private-Eye "The Search for the Swordsman" - A short story cosplaying as a novel by pe

Post by Singh'sSpot » Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:33 am

Can't wait for the cartoon adaptation, can't wait for the anime adaptation, cardcaptor sakura eat your heart out.

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Re: Kassandra Killjoy: Paranormal Private-Eye "The Search for the Swordsman" - A short story cosplaying as a novel by pe

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:42 am

It doesn't (yet) have enough pedophilia to ever replace Sakura in my heart.
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Re: Kassandra Killjoy: Paranormal Private-Eye "The Search for the Swordsman" - A short story cosplaying as a novel by pe

Post by pibbs » Mon Mar 25, 2024 5:47 pm

First, >all the Fan Fiction, I'm seeing a few asterisks by that declaration.
Secondly, of whomever is Fan Fiction writing about your awful book, of course there is more interest in a strong male protagonist (even if it is derivative and uninspired) as it's rare these days, than yet another Mary Sue, girl boss. Sorry to burst your bubble peeRod.

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Re: Kassandra Killjoy: Paranormal Private-Eye "The Search for the Swordsman" - A short story cosplaying as a novel by pe

Post by Dehbashi » Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:03 pm

Exactly. The character was cliche either way. May as well go to the one who pops out more.

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Re: Kassandra Killjoy: Paranormal Private-Eye "The Search for the Swordsman" - A short story cosplaying as a novel by pe

Post by Singh'sSpot » Sun Mar 31, 2024 5:21 pm

You know with a name like "Killjoy" he could have rewritten this into an over the top, guns blazing, action comic, think Shelly from Ion Fury mix in with a bit of Arnold's one liners(atleast those two are better inspirations to the character rather than a self insert student he met one time).

He could have started some sort of kickstarter to hire an artist and maybe a proper writer but of course ballbusters couldn't do that seeing this is his precious pet project.

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Re: Kassandra Killjoy: Paranormal Private-Eye "The Search for the Swordsman" - A short story cosplaying as a novel by pe

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:01 pm

Instead he's handed it over to some scam publisher who is making sure he ain't be getting any kind of profit out of this.
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Re: Kassandra Killjoy: Paranormal Private-Eye "The Search for the Swordsman" - A short story cosplaying as a novel by pe

Post by wulfenlord » Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:33 am

Sir KKK with a big ol' cross on his chestplate :lol:
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Re: Kassandra Killjoy: Paranormal Private-Eye "The Search for the Swordsman" - A short story cosplaying as a novel by pe

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:19 am

Having him dressed up as Crusader Don Quixote just further raises questions about what he's doing on a US graveyard. Did her family carry his remains over to the New World so they can chat with him, or does FedEx have a corpse ferrying service for what they can only be assume to be an ancestor?
And if it's normal for ghosts to remain with their mortal remains, wouldn't it be more convenient to put him in an urn so you can talk to him without having to go through mentally disabled vampires every time?

And why is that devil guy getting an actual description, when he's just some idiot who got killed in the only scene that featured him?
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Re: Kassandra Killjoy: Paranormal Private-Eye "The Search for the Swordsman" - A short story cosplaying as a novel by pe

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sun May 12, 2024 8:44 am

He now has an epic trailer for his book. Enjoy: I think he went with some kind of hard-boiled pulp detective narration, but it just comes across as some weird af whispering.

Here's him rejoicing about fanart. Admittedly it looks a lot nicer than the original art, but there is a distinct lack of creativity. Most appear to be traces with minimal changes (like say one arm for the fish dude). The mad scientist and mummy chick are effectively direct traces with no noticable changes in their pose (that can't be explained by a more talented artist).
A little bit of research reveals this guy primarily does Fakemon, so I guess it's just a thing for him that critters and characters only have one main pose.

He has also redrawn the old fake comic book cover from back when Killjoy was an action hero. Call me crazy (again), but I prefer the old cover. The new background is too dark and clashes with the characters' art style. I'm also pretty sure he didn't do that background himself, since the two characters are noticably more amateurish and flat-looking.
I dare say FemKilljoy is a complete downgrade. Her pose is stiffer, her chin is weird af, and the perspective is all fucked. At least you can tell that ManKilljoy is looking at the werewolf. I have no fucking idea what FemKilljoy is staring at, but it's definitely not the werewolf. Wouldn't surprise me if he copy-pasted her from a different drawing, instead of drawing her with this dark alley werewolf ambush in mind.
There was also no need to keep the oddly spread legs, especially with the spindlier legs that make it look even goofier.
And I know I'm a bit autistic for bringing this up all the time, but I thought werewolves are as tall as Zakus?
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Re: Kassandra Killjoy: Paranormal Private-Eye "The Search for the Swordsman" - A short story cosplaying as a novel by pe

Post by Kugelfisch » Mon May 13, 2024 8:35 pm

Everything about this is a fucking fever dream.
I love hyperbole and I am intentionally mean here on purpose but all of that aside, just a sober and fair look at all of this, I'd be embarrassed for a 12yr old presenting that shit.

I'm too old and jaded to not be aware of adult men behaving like absolute morons and very childish at times. But there's a limit to that.
I'd fully expect a man well into his 50s to engage in high school level fights on the Internet or fuck all his shit up because he couldn't shut up or keep his dick in his pants at the right moment.

But I wouldn't expect him to fabricate a crude maccaroni picture and present it to mommy with the glee of a toddler.
What this legally retarded adult is presenting here is easily the equivalent to that.

Any person over the age of 16, that has an IQ above 80, would be too ashamed to show that shit. They would hire someone for the art. They wouldn't dare to brag and shill in that way with tripe of this abysmal of a level. Rightfully so!
This isn't brave, this is just embarrassing for anyone at comprehensive reading level or above.

Linkara would rather get caught on tape sucking dick at the truck stop glory hole. Because it would at least be an adult thing to get caught doing.
This is more shameful than getting exposed as an adult baby diaper lover, because there is again a level of maturity to it.

This nigger is a mental toddler. He doesn't even grasp the concept of shame.
This is a fucking nightmare I can't wake up from.
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