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Re: Lee is still Gay(ming)

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:09 am
by Some Sick Fuck
Moe Bitches wrote:
Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:15 pm
Are you really asking why to this dude? You shouldn't be surprised at all.
I just wanted to pretend I forgot about him. Is it the original kurugami guy?

Re: Lee is still Gay(ming)

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:10 am
by BloodKnightDollfie

I-It's not that difficult to get acquainted with Coleev is it???

His latest content doesn't seem to get too much engagement. His older stuff is
alright, and im intrigued with the direction he's going with the VR waifu content so hard I'm considering the latest Oculus, so I guess I can be considered somewhat of a fan. I want to be his friend and try to encourage him to make some VR Waifu Reviews and maybe collab with him in a crossover project. But these are just dreams.

From what I've glimpsed he actually does respond to random comments on Youtube sometimes and like I said, he doesn't seem like he has to deal with an overflow of people contacting him, but I heard he's dealing with health stuff although he can't really be considered busy. I do have sympathy for his situation.

He does kind of feed into my obsession with the Spoony Experiment lore/continuity as well, as canonically he is a character featured in one of the episodes.

Lee is based. I don't see what the problem is with the waifu thing, and it's not like he's grifting anyone like spoony, his wife is the one begging for money, not him. The VR thing is actually really smart. It's difficult and tiresome to stay thin and healthy and beautiful in real life. As an occulus waifu it just seems way more convenient vs kigging when thinking about it logicaly.

All you need for the waifu experience is the occulus and maybe a few hundred bucks for some sexy skins.

His good waifu stuff is private, but he is fairly popular and has a large circle of elite femboy waifu friends. From the stuff he's posted publicly it looks like he's taking lessons from a sensei. I did watch a little bit of it, and it was a lesson how to avoid spawning in without clothes. Seemed like advance stuff. It's clear he's working very hard at being a waifu. We should be proud of him. Lee's our guy. Anime waifu persona shit is cool and not degenerate.

I'm sorry if this is too uwu
But he has so much potential. I have high hopes for him.
And it looks as though he may actually (Not) completely hate his fans.

Re: Lee is still Gay(ming)

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:18 pm
by Kugelfisch
You are legitimately creepy.
What's wrong about all that shit isn't that I think that Lee is a bad person. He's likely pretty easy to get along with, actually.

It's more that his escapism is so extreme that it's entirely unhelpful to his situation.
He isn't the one begging but he isn't solving the situation they are both in either. You can't hide in VR from an eviction.

If everything would be going fine then his waifu shit would just be lulzy. But it isn't, which makes it plain pathetic.
I don't expect you to understand that because you obviously find him extremely relatable, if not admirable.

That you find him having a "femboy sensei" to be positive is somewhat to be expected from you. I find that mindset to be utterly baffling, though.

Re: Lee is still Gay(ming)

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:25 pm
by Some Sick Fuck
BloodKnightDollfie wrote:
Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:10 am
I'm sorry if this is too uwu
But he has so much potential. I have high hopes for him.
It is too much.

I can only wish Lee great success in becoming well known v-tube prostitute, we should all strive to find something we're good at in life, right?

I'm siding with Kugel on this one. If you're this far disconnected from reality, it starts to resemble a worse version of Matrix, except it doesn't end with waking up, it ends with an hero.

Re: Lee is still Gay(ming)

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 4:14 pm
by VoiceOfReasonPast
BloodKnightDollfie wrote:
Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:10 am
Lee is based. I don't see what the problem is with the waifu thing, and it's not like he's grifting anyone like spoony, his wife is the one begging for money, not him. The VR thing is actually really smart. It's difficult and tiresome to stay thin and healthy and beautiful in real life. As an occulus waifu it just seems way more convenient vs kigging when thinking about it logicaly.
He's pretending to be a waifu online to delay the an heroing by a couple more years.

Re: Lee is still Gay(ming)

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 4:16 pm
by Kugelfisch
That's another factor. You know this won't end well for him. Reality won't stay ignored forever and will devastate him.

Re: Lee is still Gay(ming)

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:36 pm
by BloodKnightDollfie
Hair up edition uwu


I've reviewed nearly all of his content. He was an average, dare I say, below average reviewer
who got carried hard by Spoony, The Nostalgia Critic, and even his own wife, who had far more skill and knowledge of reviewing. Lee only seems decent reviewing sports titles like baseball or nfl football based videogames
from just his real life love of the sports. But most his reviews are sentances long, most under or around the 3 minute mark.

As I said, Only his wife goes in depth with more obscure titles such as panzer dragoon, arcade games or horror games like silent hill and resident evil. And these are still counted as "Still Gaming" episodes even though she's the one reviewing. But I guess this was before she made her own show (either that or lee is just that lazy).

His content now is just random gaming clips from whatever he happens to be playing. Not real content.
VR waifu gaming however, is choice:


It's like one of my japanese animes! He's attaining higher power. We must have faith in Lee.

Re: Lee is still Gay(ming)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 12:05 am
by Kugelfisch
He wasn't carried by Spoonfag.
He is true old stock YT gaming community from way back when that was an actual thing.
Noah, ever the antisocial prick, didn't really interact with others. Lee did.

But then Lee started very early with his >muh illness thing. Consider the following:

15 years ago this was uploaded. Gaming Goose making references to then relevant vidya fags on YT. Jedite, Armake, Silent Rob, Fatstink420, Undercover Filmer, our very own Urinating Tree and, at 4:10, Lee, who even then had been AWOL for a bit.

Spoony was the fresh, new kid on the block well after Lee was mostly active.

Speaking of old stock vidya community, go ahead and look up Play it Bogard. I always hated the prick but you'll get a kick out of what he looks like today.

Re: Lee is still Gay(ming)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 2:10 am
by Some Sick Fuck
Why do I keep clicking on this thread...

Oh, right, to find out that somebody, who, despite not being as morbidly obese as Jim Spergling, is just about as repulsive as him. Surreal. Disgusting. I'm getting Diamanda Haggis flashbacks.

Re: Lee is still Gay(ming)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 5:24 am
by VoiceOfReasonPast
BloodKnightDollfie wrote:
Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:36 pm
I love how his waifuself looks like a dude with that hair :lol:
I also love how his waifuself has the most boring wardrobe choice possible for a virtual waifu. It was probably harder to get a model that doesn't have a kawaii desu dress on.
It's all highly symbolic of a wannabe troon that doesn't really try to fit in with the cool kids.