And if you ask me if i'm talking about the book or the writer, my answer is
Either Spoony and Orcril both survived, she dumped him, and this Jacob's Ladder bullshit was caused by not letting the dremel go, or they both died, were stuck in the lamest Hell ever, and then she dumped him and moved to a better afterlife.
Fat and gay, fat and gay.
She was the sexy version of the dead wife of the dude in Silent Hill 2. And also the zombie nurse of Silent Hill 2 , why the fuck not.
Especially us.
IN school of writing:
To make a payoff unexpected, it must be as mundane as possible.
Being in Hell is an improvement over being in this book.
I can't help thinking that Lauren Simonsen is Orcril.
Benito, i'm sorry to inform you that she was a cunt as much as Spoony.
She knew that she was living with the money of her boyfriend's fans, and yet she was on Twatter 24/7, bragging about her Skyrim sessions and how she didn't feel like working more than 2 days a week.