Warframe General Sperge

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Re: Warframe General Sperge

Post by Kugelfisch » Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:36 pm

I guess I'll have to check out that stuff later.
rabidtictac wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:43 am
Hey Kugel, how do I play Ash?
Build him for duration to stay invisible longer, use his 4 while invisible because it's cheaper during invis and mark all that shit in a room to kill everything. Carry a dagger with covert lethality to 3 and oneshot difficult targets.
Alternatively you can use the mod for his 1 that makes it strip armour but I find that pointless when you can stab anything and get a guaranteed stab with his 3 anyway.
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Re: Warframe General Sperge

Post by Pepsi Man » Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:51 pm

rabidtictac wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:43 am
I've ALSO heard that wolf credits DEGRADE OVER TIME!!! Remember how annoying that shit was for Argon? Remember having 10 Argon you didn't need and coming back the next day to have zero? Clearly we needed more of that system.
You've heard (somewhat) wrong, though. They go away at the end of the program and then you start fresh with the new episode. Episodes are supposed to be something like 10 weeks long so you'll have plenty of time to use them but the fact that they go completely away has me worried since it takes getting to rank 6 just to afford a single catalyst or reactor and you can't even do that in the first week unless you grind the little groups of 3 super hardcore.
Not to mention the fact that you have to use this method to get regular Vauban, skins, helmets, and various alert-only weapon blueprints.

Apparently the math works out that if you just do 60% of the dailies/weeklies you'll be able to get to rank 30 but I can't see a casual gamer (let alone a casual Warframe player, on top of that) getting there. All this feels like is them going, "okay we hit 1000 days on our daily reward system and people are getting tired of us adding new things that are gated behind a timewall that they can do nothing to speed up, how do we add the same thing but make it force them to do more than just log in?"

The added icing is that the Wolf drops 4 parts to make a new melee weapon. This is fine, I guess, but many people are reporting playing for far too long and seeing him once, or not at all. He's supposed to get more common as the episode goes on but that could mean anything. 2% chance to appear goes up to 2.5%? Is it even a 2% chance?

Also Ash is trash. All you do is spam Bladestorm or finishers with covert lethality. There's no other reason to play him because other invis-frames are more interesting and other armor-strip frames have better gameplay. You'll bring better solo utility by being Ivara and better, long term, team utility by being Loki or Octavia.
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Re: Warframe General Sperge

Post by Kugelfisch » Tue Mar 05, 2019 4:20 pm

I like Ash. Now Vauban, that's a truly trash Warframe that does fuckall and the little he does he does badly.
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Re: Warframe General Sperge

Post by rabidtictac » Tue Mar 05, 2019 4:44 pm

Vauban should be removed from the game if DE isn't going to do anything with him. He has 1 usable ability. ONE. Every other warframe has at least 2. Even low tier warframes people love to hate on have more than 1 usable ability. And his usable ability kinda does nothing since it doesn't damage enemies.
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Re: Warframe General Sperge

Post by Kugelfisch » Tue Mar 05, 2019 4:54 pm

It doesn't even do what it's supposed to do.
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Re: Warframe General Sperge

Post by Pepsi Man » Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:09 am

Vauban is really only an infested frame. Even then one healer will stop you. RIP your CC. He's another victim of DE having an idea but not really thinking how it'll play out in the future.

I'm exactly 3 days of reputation grinding from being able to fight the orb mother and I'm being cautioned not to get my hopes up.
Apparently they didn't learn anything from the complaints that orb vallis is knockdown and knockback city and I should expect to basically be a pinball.

Thank God I'll have my Chroma Prime fully set up by then so I at least can dish out some major damage when I finally get to shoot.
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Re: Warframe General Sperge

Post by rabidtictac » Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:06 am

Vauban isn't any kind of frame, because he's bad at everything. I'm not joking when I say DE should remove him from the game completely if they refuse to rework him. He needs 3 out of 4 skills replaced and bastille needs a buff to keep pace with other CC warframes. Frost, Equinox, Nekros, hell even generic tank frames like Mesa can CC better than Vauban.

People loved to shit on Zephyr and Mag but you know what? They're still worlds better than Vauban. Zephyr puts out unreliable yet powerful CC while being unkillable to weapons fire and able to fly all around the map easily. Mag can kill anything with her 2, CCs the shit out of enemies with 1 and heals party shields while stripping enemy armor with her 3.

Even Wukong has his 2 and his 4.

Oh and btw, one of the better game types for rewards involves corrupted enemies, which means Vaubs is doubly shit because of corrupted nullifiers.
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Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
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Re: Warframe General Sperge

Post by Pepsi Man » Wed Mar 06, 2019 5:35 pm

People only shit on Zephyr and Mag because they refuse to play them. I'm literally in a discord server dedicated entirely to Mag and people who main her (but they invite people like me who are high MR and have proven to have good knowledge of the game mechanics). Granted, I don't talk in there unless someone pings me but I can tell you right now that there's a lot that the general population refuses to understand about Mag. Every time someone complains she just gets stronger, too, so the actual people who appreciate her are just fine with that.

Same with Zephyr, except my main group of buddies that I play with has a Zephyr main and he and I both take Zephyr to high level missions quite regularly. Aside from Tornado being slightly random she's basically immortal and anything caught in those tornadoes is essentially deleted from the map by any bit of stray AoE fire.

Vauban really isn't bad at everything. He's a defensive frame that's good at defense and that's it. He excels at infested defense, in particular, but is able to literally lock down entire spawn points as long as you don't buy into the meme and build him for max range. The only issues are ancient healers, nullifiers, and ancient disruptors. One of those is blocked by a radiation proc (which Vauban has a mine specifically for) and all three are stopped by a single powerful shot to their face. Or whatever the ancients have.
Vauban just needs to be updated to fit with the current game. Make Bastille also block enemy fire, or something. Make his passive not absolute garbage (nobody uses him to tank fire, DE, he's squishy as a caster). Make his damaging traps actually worth using without gimping his entire kit in exchange (you can strip 100% armor with one of his mines but lose out on all other worthwhile stats in the process).
I'm not saying he's good. I'm just saying you might be underselling him a bit because you're not looking at where he excels. Sure, it's only a single mission type and he has to remain vigilant for specific enemy types, but it's still his strength, nonetheless.
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Re: Warframe General Sperge

Post by Kugelfisch » Wed Mar 06, 2019 9:09 pm

Mag was okay, got bad, got terrible, stayed terrible for a long while and was reworked to be, honestly, mediocre. She's not hot garbage anymore and can do some things but I still wouldn't call her good.

Vauban is good at Infested Defence? It's a shame that that's just about the most useless strength one could have because Infested really don't matter. They die to everything and the Warframes that are good for any kind of Defence are just as good for Infested Defence, plus a couple more have so little trouble with Infested in general.

Vauban was supposed to be a gadget dude that excels at fucking with the Corpus. There's not a trace of that in his kit and he's one of the guys that gets fucked by Nullies the most. He needs a COMPLETE rework and I think something that hard counters Nullies specifically would be really nice. Give the guy his lore niche and let him be the Corpus sabotage dude or something.
As it stands, there is no straight up reason to ever play him and that's just a shame.
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Re: Warframe General Sperge

Post by rabidtictac » Wed Mar 06, 2019 9:56 pm

Infested really are the definition of a trash mob. I'm struggling to think of a warframe that struggles specifically against infested. Even Mag does just fine against Infested because her 1 and 2 are still better than Vauban is.

Vauban only has Bastille and even Bastille is just not that amazing. Frost's 3 is better because it blocks bullets. Yeah, it slows enemies rather than stopping them, but that's functionally the same thing in a game that moves as fast as Warframe. Slowing an enemy means it's going to die almost right away as soon as a player sees it. Frost ELIMINATES damage coming from outside the ice shell, and REDUCES damage coming from inside it. Now that is what a proper Defense warframe looks like.

I mainly play Zephyr, Nekros and Oberon now. Nekros is another Defense warframe who shits on Vauban from great height (he's not strictly a defense warframe but this is just an example of how he works as one). His desecrate gives everyone lots of hp and energy. His 2 scares enemies away from the defense target, reducing damage to it. His zombie slaves redirect enemy fire off of the defense target and allies. And Shield of Shadows moves damage from you to your slaves so you become very tanky and can better guard the objective. None of Nekros' tools are faction-specific or hard-countered by nullifiers, unlike Vauban. It's also pretty common for Nekros to resurrect Grineer heavy gunners, corpus nullifiers and ancient healers as zombies, so the defense target ends up getting seriously buffed just from his random zombies. I frequently end up with 3 corpus nullifier zombies out at a time, waving their eyecancer energy shields all around the defense target so nothing can hurt it.

Oberon isn't a Defense frame, but he's still better to have for infested defense than Vauban. Why? He makes your entire team immune to toxin procs, gives everyone health regen and buffs their armor as well. He supercharges the team so that everyone stays up longer and toxic infested become a pathetic joke. His 2 also confuses infested and makes them waste even more time not attacking the defense target. Unlike grineer and corpus, infested can't attack from outside the range of Oberon's radioactive garden.

Vauban is good at nothing and good for nothing. Even people who like Vauban conceptually agree he's lowest tier. Khora, Frost, Gara. Pick one. Any one can do what Vauban does better than he does.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
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