Times you gave up on the opposite sex (or same sex)

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Times you gave up on the opposite sex (or same sex)

Post by Auli » Mon May 22, 2017 5:00 am

Have there been a time you just went "I really don't understand women/men.

It's early here and I remember twice where I gave up for a while.

1) I liked some girl for some time. She had a boyfriend. At one party, the guy had apparently cheated on her with one of her girlfriends and she was devastated. So I was just spending time with her, talking. I found out he was mean, violent on top of being cheating dick. And at one point at the party, she just started crying her eyes out and she turned to me and I just gestured for a hug. She just walked past me (in hindsight, I think she phased through my body) and just hugged my friend xD

They got back together :p

2) One other quicky (it's 7 in the morning here and I haven't slept): Shared a cab with this girl and some other people. We talked and hit it off. Then my other friend next to me started talking as well, and I have no idea how we got to this, but he called her a horse. That she looked like a horse. I said "nah, I think you're pretty".

15 minutes later they were making out.
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Re: Times you gave up on the opposite sex (or same sex)

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Mon May 22, 2017 3:59 pm

Chicks love assholes.
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Re: Times you gave up on the opposite sex (or same sex)

Post by Poonoo » Mon May 22, 2017 10:05 pm

Sounds like you were young, likely 18-21 when that shit happened. Women at that age are borderline retarded when it comes to their choice in men. I know many women who dated shit men at that age who call it their "dumb/wild period" where they wonder what the fuck they were thinking by the time they are 24. At 18 a woman will date ANY guy who is 23, and I mean ANY guy. I've heard stories of guys who would harass their women at work for wanting to leave them and burn themselves with cigarettes to make them feel guilty and guys who never got their girlfriend anything for their birthday, not even a card.

I think at that age women can't tell the difference between confidence and prickishness. It's like they have to learn it by the time they are 22.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: Times you gave up on the opposite sex (or same sex)

Post by rabidtictac » Tue May 23, 2017 3:08 am

Women like to have to work for approval. There's also often a nonverbal element to these interactions, like the "asshole" guy being more attractive, or having more money or some intangible element.

Just don't let it turn you into elliot rodger. A lot of guys are idiots, no surprise a lot of girls are too.

Women seem to "settle down" as they get older, but don't be fooled. Sometimes they're just getting baby rabies and need a stable provider.
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Re: Times you gave up on the opposite sex (or same sex)

Post by rat-fuck » Tue May 23, 2017 9:15 pm

rabidtictac wrote:
Tue May 23, 2017 3:08 am

Just don't let it turn you into elliot rodger. A lot of guys are idiots, no surprise a lot of girls are too.
But how else can I become the true alpha male?
RAPEMAN wrote:
Tue May 15, 2018 7:41 pm
Oh, rat-fuck could be a nigger. Never thought of that.

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Re: Times you gave up on the opposite sex (or same sex)

Post by Auli » Wed May 24, 2017 2:33 pm

rat-fuck wrote:
Tue May 23, 2017 9:15 pm
rabidtictac wrote:
Tue May 23, 2017 3:08 am

Just don't let it turn you into elliot rodger. A lot of guys are idiots, no surprise a lot of girls are too.
But how else can I become the true alpha male?


No wonder he got rejected... he's a fucking mass murderer :/

Joking aside, if he hadn't been an hero, he would have gotten lots of crazy bitches while jailed, and I don't mean just big black dudes.
Poonoo wrote:
Mon May 22, 2017 10:05 pm
Sounds like you were young, likely 18-21 when that shit happened.
Pretty spot on. I've met more reasonable women after that. Too bad I'm not social AT ALL atm :/
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Re: Times you gave up on the opposite sex (or same sex)

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Wed May 24, 2017 4:18 pm

rabidtictac wrote:
Tue May 23, 2017 3:08 am
Women seem to "settle down" as they get older, but don't be fooled. Sometimes they're just getting baby rabies and need a stable provider.
Some women never settle down. They either stay with their asshole boyfriend, or almost immediately run into the next one. I know someone who has pretty messed-up family relationships thanks to two of these ladies.
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Re: Times you gave up on the opposite sex (or same sex)

Post by Kugelfisch » Sat May 27, 2017 3:16 am

It's not women specifically who are dumb at that age. It's young people in general who are dumb.
I bet every single one of you have seen or even done the following things:
Girls being attracted to complete assholes.
Guys becoming the most pussywhipped bitches you could possibly imagine when they get the first girlfriend that puts out.
Girls being unreasonably sexually aggressive.
Guys bragging about shit they likely have never done.
Girls and guys being completely oblivious to blatant advances of the opposite sex.

I know you're older now, Auli, but just for any readers that may be younger: Don't ever comfort a girl that's crying at some party. It gets you absolutely nowhere. You're not the strong shoulder to cry on, you're a proxy girlfriend. She will unload all the penned up frustration off on you and then walk her marry way into her demise. Not because she's fucking retarded, but because half the shit she claims is made up nosense.
Ever listened to your girlfriend complaining about you? Noticed how unreasonable most of those complaints are? That's what she's doing. I fell into that trap more times I'm willing to admit.

Some guys are equally as pathetic. I had a friend that was the posterboy for the "bad guy". He got loads of pussy. Not just by his claims but actually verified. During the time he considered me and my best friend his best friends he'd regularly come to either mine or his place to basically whine and cry about his situation.
Girls will take some brute stud to fuck them. The slutty ones will just message the guy to come by to plow them when their boyfriends are out of town. Happened to him, seen the messages, met two of those girls.
Thing is, for all the pussy he could get by being basically messaged to come by to fuck, he couldn't find an actual girlfriend. Even the fatties were treating him as their boytoy.
You don't want to have a girlfriend that half the city had, so do the girls don't want a guy that's DTF at all times. Whores know and talk to each other.

Don't ever be the pussywhipped one, though. That's the worst guy you can be. Had a friend that suddenly never had time to hang out with us anymore because he got a girl that would let him fuck her. We had organized a cool party, she was going to the disco with her girls. Everybody is going to have a great night, right? Nope, he went to her home at 2000 to wait for her. Told that she will likely only come back multiple hours later and will likely be smashed he went all "I don't care, I want to be there for her when she comes back.".
The fucker eventually faded away completely and could never regain the lost respect when she dropped him. Bros before hoes isn't just a funny saying.

To finish this, the moment of my life when I was the least proud of myself:
I was 17. I hadn't had contact with most of my circle of friends for about a year and came back. I wasn't really away but was in a situation that low-key wasn't deemed socially acceptable for a year. I went from the school they were all in to one where I had to live at the place, dunno what the word for that is. It was only about a kilometer away from my home but none of my previous friends ever bothered to contact me in that year and so I didn't likewise.
So when I came back a guy who was fairly low-rank when I left became pretty much top rank. In hindsight really no wonder since he was a really okay guy. But having been one of the most popular guys and definitely the most well-known guy in the whole city I was jealous.
So there was this girl he liked. I didn't care for her one bit but because I knew he liked her I brought my best game and claimed her. Made out with her in front of him as well. I ditched her five days later. I thought it would feel like a victory but instead I just felt like the total asshole I was.
I have always had that tendency to resent against whatever force I felt pushing down on me. That whole deal made me realize that fact. You think I'm some low-life poorfag? I would behave as such to not only verify your suspicion but verify it to a level that's really uncomfortable to you. You think I'm a well-off snob? I would shove every single last bit of my wealth in your fucking face that I have to make you feel doubly as bad about yourself.

I guess the odd thing is that I get along with all kinds of people. From bums to rich people, I can relate to all of them. I suppose that made many people I've known to think I'm "fake". They think I'm just going along with less intelligent people because it's easy to do so if you're smart. But they don't understand that I actually can relate to most people.
When I was at my lowest point socially, in that internment school, they thought I'd come to them crying about how bad it was. But I didn't. Instead, I got along well with those perceived low-lifes, of which many actually were low-lifes and even retards, but many were just lazy fuckers just like I was.
They expected me to come back crawling on my knees. But instead I realized that I don't need them. They didn't need my in the position I was in, I didn't need them.

In hindsight, I was a cocky bastard. But they were total cunts not worth keeping around as well so I was glad to get rid of them in the years after that. They liked to keep me around for my popularity but also resented me for it at the same time. Since they thought I was just playing along with the people they couldn't hang with they assumed I did the same to them.
They were mistaken but I never bothered to clear that up.

I have no idea where I'm going with this. Sorry for blogposting, I guess. I just felt like unloading this since it's largely what characterized my youth and we're talking about youth-related dumb shit.
rat-fuck wrote:
Tue May 23, 2017 9:15 pm
rabidtictac wrote:
Tue May 23, 2017 3:08 am

Just don't let it turn you into elliot rodger. A lot of guys are idiots, no surprise a lot of girls are too.
But how else can I become the true alpha male?
You mean "supreme gentleman".
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Re: Times you gave up on the opposite sex (or same sex)

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sat May 27, 2017 5:14 am

I know of a pussywhipped one. A very gruel fate, especially since there's pretty much no public awareness about this.

An puberty is that funny period of life where almost everyone gets hit with a bit of Spoony or DSP.
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Re: Times you gave up on the opposite sex (or same sex)

Post by rabidtictac » Sat May 27, 2017 8:50 pm

Young guys all fall into the pussywhipped trap if they don't learn better. You spend so much of your youth horny as shit, and then you meet some girl that puts out and shit seems incredible. Guys are willing to sacrifice a lot just to have that, but the mgtow are right that it ain't worth the cost sometimes. A lot of women know how easy guys are to manipulate with sex. Hell, a lot of women are straight-up looking for a man to 100% support them. I remember one video I saw from a mgtow talking about "pussy pushers." Aka women who are giving up sex like a drug dealer giving samples, and then they jack the price up when the guy is hooked. :lol:

There's plenty of public awareness about being a whipped bitch. It just doesn't get play on television/news stations because shitlibs are the most pussywhipped political party and entertainment media leans left. Conservatards and religious christfags aren't any better though. Traditionalism and shitlib feminism are two sides of the same double-ended dildo.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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