The CA Google Doc

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Re: The CA Google Doc

Post by Poonoo » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:24 am

Kugelfisch wrote:
Sun Apr 15, 2018 1:51 am
mad bum wrote:
Sat Apr 14, 2018 8:42 pm
*tweets of Holly having a mondo meltdown*
Funny, all I'm hearing is "Stop asking for proof, just listen and believe a totally anonymous shitposter on reddit already!".
Real life, non shitposting current state: Justing fucked Kittie Marie who was of age and, let's be real, fucking loved it. Sure, she's a rere but isn't that awfully condescending of the CA cunts to claim that she didn't know what she was doing?
He may or may not have banged Screaming Mantis. She was drunk and likely wanted it but regretted it afterwards so of course by SJW logic it was rape. Bitch, I've banged chicks drunk I wasn't proud of in the next morning either. It happens. It's still not rape for either party, though.

Memes aside, we'd all call bullshit on those vague allegations if it wasn't CA shit. Let's not be hypocrites and suddenly believe the lying cunts when it's convenient to us. But do keep hammering them about their hypocrisy. Because to them, I'm sure, they actually believe it was rape.
I think it's real because Mantis didn't go public with it. When it's SJW shit they always go straight to Twitter to ruin reputations rather than the cops, and I know of a friend of a friend in real life who had shit happen to her by a famous Aussie Rugby league player and his mates who doesn't want to go public because it would drag her family into the public eye that would be more trouble than it's worth. Mantis already dealt with that shit with Lordkat at that time and hated it when Arthur Chu dragged that shit back up to shit on Lordkat during gamergate.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: The CA Google Doc

Post by rabidtictac » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:40 am

I think there's at least one real rape in there. I get a rape tingle when I look at suicideluigi's face. The fact people did NOT want it known that it happened leads me to believe there was something legit. Because there seems to have been such a culture of keeping JW's weird sex shit secret, and also painting him as a saint after his suicide (not to mention the suicide itself,) I think there was something going on there.

If this had all happened last week and the first thing the victims did was run to social media right away while avoiding talking to their bosses or the cops, then I'd think it was fake. But this person (and there may have been more than one) contacted motherfucker mike and mike 240p nogroped his legal team for advice, which ended with the decision to fire JW. Which was all done on the down-low and the real reason was not made known for YEARS. As for the cops, I just don't know to what extent they were involved at the time, or if the cover-up extended to keeping the cops out of it. :lol:

The story is amazing either way, because Lupa, Linkara, NostalgiaCunt, Doge, Holly etc all covered for what they consider a serial rapist. Motherfucker Mike was the only one who didn't cry crocodile tears over rapewaluigi's suicide. Doritos and fanta man isn't a hypocrite.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
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Re: The CA Google Doc

Post by rabidtictac » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:43 am

Guru Larry wrote:
Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:39 am
I was always told by TGWTG that Justin had left CA as he wanted to be with his friends at Retroware TV.
Lel. Tell me who told you this, larry. I need to know which one specifically was lying to your face. Because that's what they were doing. :lol:

They FIRED jewwario because he RAPED someone (when a girl tells you "no" and then passes out and you have sex with her, that is legally rape lel.)
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: The CA Google Doc

Post by Osterzone » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:48 am

I really hated how his suicide day practically became an observance. Felt like a cult.

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Re: The CA Google Doc

Post by Kugelfisch » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:49 am

Nah, not buying it. Him slamming the, obviously mentally challenged, Kitty and with that cheating on his wife is reason enough for the cover up. Mike didn't do shit on the down-low especially, he never did anything in the open ever at all even when everyone and their horse knew why somebody was fired it would say "Oh, Spoony and us go other ways bla bla all the best wishes bla bla.".

I don't want to piss on your party and I maintain that the cunts should get blasted over how they handle this shit. After all, they seem to be fully convinced that he was the ultimate child rapist. But when all is said and done, there's zero proof for anything but him banging a slow fangirl completely legally.
I'm not going to flip flop on that kinda thing. Can't go all 1488 on the SocJus for their hypocrisy and how they throw people under the next bus over nothing and then go apeshit over some throwaway on reddit and a complete whore.
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Re: The CA Google Doc

Post by Kugelfisch » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:50 am

rabidtictac wrote:
Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:43 am
They FIRED jewwario because he RAPED someone (when a girl tells you "no" and then passes out and you have sex with her, that is legally rape lel.)
Yeah, get fucked. That's what some drunk whore said many, many years later and not even then directly. That won't do.
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Re: The CA Google Doc

Post by Rapeculture » Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:59 am

I don't fucking know what to believe anymore.

By golly, things seemed so much simpler in 2010, kek.
rabidtictac wrote:
Wed Aug 09, 2023 4:57 am
Rapeculture lives in a van by the river and rapes bitches every day.

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Re: The CA Google Doc

Post by Cuckara » Sun Apr 15, 2018 3:10 am

I'm hoping someone makes a video on this shit. I desperately want to see Holly, JesuOtaku, Lupa, Lindsay, and all of these other #complicit cunts called out for being hypocritical sacks of shit. It seems like DHI is the only place on the internet that has noticed that the leaders of #complicit didn't have any problem covering for an alleged rapist.

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Re: The CA Google Doc

Post by oldbones » Sun Apr 15, 2018 3:23 am

Would any of this have ever come out if not for "I need attention and more patreonbux Lupa" and her sidekick "Googly eyed bore Marzgurl"? All these people supposedly knew about jewwario but what? Are we to believe they all would have taken it to their graves if not for the salty cunt brigade that wanted a piece of the metoo movement? They sure seem all too willing to hop on the bandwagon and claim they knew from the beginning about the alleged rape thus implicating themselves in a massive cover up. It shows me that many of the people claiming they knew about this are either lying or only knew about rumors gotten second hand which are based on the ravings of a blackout drunk nutjob. It doesn't mean she's lying necessarily but it's 2 extra hurdles to jump to believe a drunkard and someone with mental issues (real ones unlike Spoonys).

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Re: The CA Google Doc

Post by Kugelfisch » Sun Apr 15, 2018 3:24 am

Cuckara wrote:
Sun Apr 15, 2018 3:10 am
I'm hoping someone makes a video on this shit. I desperately want to see Holly, JesuOtaku, Lupa, Lindsay, and all of these other #complicit cunts called out for being hypocritical sacks of shit. It seems like DHI is the only place on the internet that has noticed that the leaders of #complicit didn't have any problem covering for an alleged rapist.
We've long since talked about a podcast and I'm thinking this may just be the topic to do one on. But I'm also thinking that it's best to wait for the thing to run it's course. Had we done a few days ago it would've been about almost nothing, today we've got the whole JW rape angle and how the cunts dealt with it. I'm curious to see what else may come of this. It's best to hold out on this one.
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