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Re: Spoony... nothing else to say really

Post by AdorableOtter » Sun Dec 31, 2017 5:36 am

When does this happen to Splooney?

Btw Taco Killer doesn't count. It must be one of Cucksons.

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Re: Spoony... nothing else to say really

Post by MegaNigger » Sun Dec 31, 2017 6:09 am

It happens when Cuckson and I have our duel of fates! There will be his 5 move arm snapping technique, unbested by anyone, and me;

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Re: Spoony... nothing else to say really

Post by Guest » Sun Dec 31, 2017 8:24 am

Guest wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2017 11:30 pm
Who is actually *good* at being an angry internet media reviewer at the current time?
Whenever he actually puts out videos, which is like, really rare (though still more often than Spoony), The Necro Critic.

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Re: Spoony... nothing else to say really

Post by Vaporwear » Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:25 am

Guest wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2017 10:06 pm
Does anybody still enjoy early Spoony? I despise the lazy fucker so much that I just can't bring myself to watch anything he's touched.
I have no problem re-watching his vids from time to time, what, you think I'm going to let that failure get under my skin? No, he's not worth the effort, I'm not going to get butthurt over a loser. Yeah the AV quality of his early stuff is lacking, but that was also when he was at his funniest and wittiest. The charisma he once possessed really shined through at that point, and judging from those vids alone you'd think he was a (mostly) well-adjusted nerdy fun guy who was self-aware enough to not take his videos too seriously and was willing to take the occasional pot-shot at himself.

His FF8 and FF10 reviews, the FMV game reviews, X-Files, The Thing, and the Phantasmagoria and Ripper Let's Plays are the best of his early work, most of which came out between 2008 to 2011. After that his stuff ranges from ok to middling, with significant and noticeable gaps in video creation. The last good proper game review was Minority Report, back in 2013, and before that there was his Ultima Retrospective, which was great up until the last one, where his emo-ness shined through. A portend of things to come.

I see some dipshit's whining about his early Let's Plays being scripting, and it's like, so? It's funnier that way, I don't fucking care if it's scripted, I'm not here for some retarded pure LP experience or some shit, if he needs a script to be funny, then he should write a script. That he doesn't bother to do that now is a major reason his current Let's Plays suck so bad.

Anyway, it's interesting going through some of his old stuff, cause you can definitely feel the change as the years rolled on, where he's clearly more cynical and obsessed with his own mental state. For instance, compare his FF8 or FF10 reviews to his FF13 vids. He's clearly having fun with the older ones, but with FF13 he's fucking miserable the whole way through, he's just forcing himself through it because money and because he was known as a Final Fantasy guy back then. Or compare his 2010 SWAT 4 play through with the SWAT 4 follow-up video he released in 2013, where he barely talks at all. And then there's the Ultima 9 review or some of the VCR boardgame reviews, where he's spends so much time dealing with how emotionally fucked up he is or some dumb shit.

It also makes it clear to me that there's no actual inflection point, he's always been a lazy, thin-skinned irritating asshole that wouldn't mind scamming people, it's just that he was better at hiding it when he first started. People seem to forget that Spoony always had an inconsistent, shitty schedule that would land him into trouble with his fans, and this was before the whole Scarlet thing or the Patreon scam. Every negative trait that Spoony possesses now was always there, simmering underneath the veneer of what seemed to be a pretty OK guy, it just took a few years for those aspects to bubble up onto the surface for everyone to see.

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Re: Spoony... nothing else to say really

Post by Auli » Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:32 am

Looking back... waaaay back, I kinda only just enjoy the Yor-review.

The rest is too scripted. Can't believe I didn't notice that before.
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Re: Spoony... nothing else to say really

Post by conchncoral » Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:35 am

his first video, the bayou billy review, was pretty bad in hindsight tbh. he did get better afterwards though.

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Re: Spoony... nothing else to say really

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:37 am

Charlar wrote:
Sun Dec 31, 2017 4:36 am
It matter when it leaks into their works
It's especially bad with internet nobodies because they have far less of a filter than say a real actor. I've seen too much of the real Spoony to enjoy the good days.
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Re: Spoony... nothing else to say really

Post by Some Sick Fuck » Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:49 pm

I won't stop liking someone's work just because a person I have no affiliation with has done something terrible, or I think they are piece of shit. In fact, you would have to be pretty autistic to project your existence through that work to reach out to that person (in your mind) that you would feel like you are somehow connected and justify to yourself that you feel dirty for even looking at anything that person has done.

It's all about how much you are connected to another person. Why do you care so much about a family member passing away (you don't you sociopathic shit), but unless you are Boogie, you don't mind that thousands of people are dying every second? Because it's perfectly natural and healthy to care more about those that you know better. (To an extent, I could go futher, but you get the point.)

With that said, I think Riddley Scott is a lunatic that shat all over his past work. Just like George Lucas. That doesn't prevent me from enjoying their older movies, because when I'm watching them, I'm not obsessing about what I think about them, I just enjoy their fucking movies.

Granted, it can be more difficult when someone like Spooner has made many videos with him looking in the camera at you, and your little reptile brain can convince you that somehow, he's speaking directly to you, that you are two little butt buddies or something. In that case, I still have a remedy for you. Get a better idol. The truth about Spooner is, and always was, that he had nothing special going for him. He was one of the better reviewers out there, but nothing about him was special. That's why I don't even connect him to the ranting madman he is nowdays, because it's just some guy from the past.

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Re: Spoony... nothing else to say really

Post by AngrySpoonySnob » Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:49 pm

Spoony never hid that his stuff was scripted though. That was one of his excuses often, well the review will take a lot of time because ive gotta script it, film it edit it etc.

I also fail to see how it matters, 99% of content on tv and the internet is scripted. all I cared about is does it give me some information on the game and is it entertaining which a lot of his stuff was. And at the same time it was always obvious he had issues, I found him a psychopathic moron at first who thought he was so much smarter and better than "regular people" while saying dumb shit all the time. I never thought he would be such a pathetic wimp though lol but it was always clear he was a rotten person.

In fact I dont think I can recall ONE single nice thing spoony has every done for his fans or college's, hell I cant remember him saying anything nice about anyone either.

He's always been like "im spoony, I think im god and you can laugh at my content but you better not disagree on my godhood or Ill start raging", which turning into or ill start crying the last few years.
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Re: Spoony... nothing else to say really

Post by AngrySpoonySnob » Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:50 pm

Some Sick Fuck wrote:
Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:49 pm
I won't stop liking someone's work just because a person I have no affiliation with has done something terrible, or I think they are piece of shit. In fact, you would have to be pretty autistic to project your existence through that work to reach out to that person (in your mind) that you would feel like you are somehow connected and justify to yourself that you feel dirty for even looking at anything that person has done.

So you can listen to R Kelly's music without thinking about kids getting pissed on and women getting abused? Must be handy to have no heart... Kind funny to see you call anyone an autist when you check all the boxes.
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