Shadow Dream Girl - A Bennet the Sage Psychological Horror Tale

Whine and Bitch about people long after they become interesting to talk about
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Re: Shadow Dream Girl - A Bennet the Sage Psychological Horror Tale

Post by pibbs » Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:31 am

The DHI Autistic Book Club

Shadow Dream Girl
by Bennet “The Sage” White
Chapter 16: Revealings and Feelings!
protected by Fair Use, bitch

Ian is confused.

No shit. That should have been the title of this boring book.

Luke and Ian bicker how Ian will use his time here, as Ian often tries to wait out the clock.
Ian loved a woman once.
Oh? Are we getting some plot 85% into the book? How novel.
Ian sips his beer. I guess realities are blurring here or something.

So, Ian remembers being at a party with her. He hated it, and he suspected she was there just to be around other people, besides Ian. I sympathize.
They had been arguing a lot lately. She wanted Ian to get over himself. You and me both, sister. He always seemed to annoy her. Yup, check.
He was in a relationship prison. Liek his job. Prison. Prison. Prison. Fuck off, Ian. It was a special kind of hell, Ian says.

My eyes are rolling so hard, they are spinning.

He can't remember her name.
Luke asks, “When did you start working at Millie's? Who's your boss-”
RECORD SCRATCH. FINALLY! The greatest mystery of the book!
He also asks how can he afford an partment on his wages, or even afford a psychiatrist.

Ian's answer...
“I don't know.”

I'm not even mad. This is what we all expected.

All he remembers is that night at the party. He leaned against the wall.
After some time of boring conversations, he goes looking for his chick. He found her in group that matches the group Lisa was with at the club a few chapters back.
Are we actually getting somewhere?
He tells her he wants to leave.
At Luke's office he takes a big swig of beer.
Back at the party, she screams at him all drunken like. He takes her by the arm and forces her out of the house.
They drive off. It's a long drive.
She's still screaming.
What the fuck is the matter with you? If you wanted to leave you could have left me at the house!
Ian seethes as he drives. She keeps screaming,at him.
“I've had it with your moper, pity-partyI'm not your mama. Just kill yourself already, you dickless turd!”
And the biter, the thing that hurt him the most:
It was a mistake. A mistake to love you!
Ian starts to cry.
I swear to God, we are through! I don't ever want to see you, or your sorry ass again!
“She wanted me to hurt myself, and-”
You made me waste my life, lyou fuckling- WATCH OUT!
Ian drops his beer on Luke's carpet.
Ian asks Luke if he's dead.
Luke gets a little angry and goes on a diatribe how he gets patients who are so oblivious to the truth that it's aggravating. And Ian is especially aggravating (no shit) because he's asking the wrong question, and that he's so close to getting it but keeps dancing around it.

Is Luke the voice of the readers?
Ian tries to leave, but his feet get stuck in the spilled beer like cement. It starts to get hot in here.
The chair Luke is sitting in turns into a charred car seat, with a smoldering skeleton with bright red hair. The room catches on fire.
Ian recognized the skeleton. It's Lisa.
”Selfish little boy!” Lisa scolded with a demonic grunt, ;ifting her head and exposing a face that had been half-burnt to the bone, “How long are you going to run?”
End of chapter.

So, the “twist” apparently is going to be Ian drove the car off a cliff or something, and all of this is happening as he burns to death. Unless Bennet pulls something out of his ass.

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Re: Shadow Dream Girl - A Bennet the Sage Psychological Horror Tale

Post by pibbs » Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:55 am

The DHI Autistic Book Club

Shadow Dream Girl
by Bennet “The Sage” White
Chapter 16: Suddenly, It becomes a Little Awesome
(subjectively for this book that is)

protected by Fair Use, bitch

Ian screams as he's “laying his entire body against a steering wheel.”

HOLY SHIT! I just realized something. This entire chapter IS ONE LONG PARAGRAPH!!!!! Like 7-8 pages, one big block of text.
What the fuck, Bennet?

So, Ian hit a telephone pole.
The horn is blaring.
Despite that, he somehow hears gas pouring out of the tank.
He unbuckled the seatbelt, but the door won't open.
He crawls out the window. Flops onto the road.
Blood on his face.
He throws up.
He crawls away and turns onto his back.
There's a full moon.
The car's front end is wrapped around the pole.
The horn stops.
The pole falls onto the car, crushing it down its length.
A wire sparks on the road.
Ian crawls further away.
Car erupts into flames.
He watches his chick frantically trying to escape the flames.
Ian is too weak to help, you see?
He watches as she burns to death, and listens to her death screams.
He takes the time to make the grotesque scene about himself, as he wonders if he truly deserves love.
Yeah. That's happening.
The car explodes sending metal and bone through Ian's body.
The explosion lifted him up, leaving him a mess of meat and bone.
His legs have come off.
The blackened skeleton flies towards him still screaming in pain!
As he flew through the air he tried reaching for her, but he had only a stump for an arm.
He lands on the ground.

End of Chapter.

Only 7% left.

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Re: Shadow Dream Girl - A Bennet the Sage Psychological Horror Tale

Post by RedLine » Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:07 am

pibbs wrote:
Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:55 am
Only 7% left.
We all saw the "twist" coming but there still are a ton of plot points left to reconcile.

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Re: Shadow Dream Girl - A Bennet the Sage Psychological Horror Tale

Post by pibbs » Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:31 am

The DHI Autistic Book Club

Shadow Dream Girl
by Bennet “The Sage” White
Chapter 17: Ian Makes it Right
protected by Fair Use, bitch


We're back in an apartment.
It's morning and he drags his ass out of-
I'm skipping all this shit.
I'm skimming this chapter.

Uh... it's a beautiful morning. He's tranquil so that means something is wrong.
He spots on the street below, “the other Ian.”
That Ian looks at ease.
He points to his left. Ian looks.
There's a redhead laying on his pillow
Other Ian is gone.
Ian sits on the bed.
She looks familiar.
*sigh again
He wants to uncover her, but he's afraid of what he might find.
Fuck it, he's tired of being scared.
She's a normal, naked sleeping girl.
Ian remembers he used to trace the constellation Cygnus out of her freckles on her back.
(I looked it up, Cygnus is the Northern Cross, if by some chance that's important, but probably not)
He starts to remember things. Moving in with her after high school, Christmases, Birthdays etc
He finally remebers her name...
She turns over and gives a cute little moan.
They stare into one another's eyes.
Ian is holding something.
A photograph.

Lauren identifies it as Ian's 25th birthday.
At his parents.
She sits up next to Ian. They talk about the party. Nothing of note.
She complains about the usual Ian shit. He can never be happy.
He starts to pity himself.
She's tired of it.
The covers start to smoke.
OK, Bennet, we get it. This shit right here is getting old.
She screams at him while she nears bursting into flames.
Ian finally admits that people are tired of his shit. And he made his problems her problems.
Ash and soot falls around them.
Ian brings up the party of the night of the crash. He can't remember much about it.
OK, this is a little confusing. Lauren says now she trapped here with Ian. The relationship, or this repeating nonsense?
He admits he did what he did, because she was the best part of his life, and he knew he was the worst part of hers.
Ian apologizes for keeping her stuck here. Again, the relationship, or this repeating hell?
But he knows what will make things right.
I'm getting my head out of my ass.”
End of chapter.


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Re: Shadow Dream Girl - A Bennet the Sage Psychological Horror Tale

Post by pibbs » Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:48 am

The DHI Autistic Book Club


Shadow Dream Girl
by Bennet “The Sage” White
Chapter 18: DISAPPOINTMENT !!!!!
protected by Fair Use, bitch

Back to the wreck.
This time he leans over to save Lauren.
He pulls her unconscious ass out of the car.
He nears passing out, but with great effort he drags her away from the car.
The pole snaps and falls onto the car.
Wire sparks.
Ian wraps himself around Lauren.
Car explodes.
He's peppered with shrapnel.
He's got a fender in his lung.
Lauren is safe.
He struggles to breath.
I need you to know that I'd do anything to erase who I am. Start myself from the ground up and change everything about me, so I could be someone who deserved you.
Ian starts to black out. The pain is fading.
He slips into darkness.

Where am I?
UGH! Why can't we end here with him dead?
He's now looking at a clock.
There's that National Geographic again.

Nurse asks if he had a good nap, though it sounded like he was having a nightmare.
Luke ushers him into his office.
Just a normal session discussing his sleep.

And here are the last words of this fucking book.
”What happened to Lauren?”
Luke pursed his lips, letting a slight smack of air escape, “Well she wanted to move on. Greener pastures and all that.”
Ian stopped for a moment, letting his head bob from side to side.
“Good fo her.”

Bennett... go fuck yourself, you fucking hack.

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Re: Shadow Dream Girl - A Bennet the Sage Psychological Horror Tale

Post by RedLine » Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:53 am

pibbs wrote:
Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:48 am

Nurse asks if he had a good nap, though it sounded like he was having a nightmare.
Luke ushers him into his office.
Just a normal session discussing his sleep.

And here are the last words of this fucking book.
”What happened to Lauren?”
Luke pursed his lips, letting a slight smack of air escape, “Well she wanted to move on. Greener pastures and all that.”
Ian stopped for a moment, letting his head bob from side to side.
“Good fo her.”

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Re: Shadow Dream Girl - A Bennet the Sage Psychological Horror Tale

Post by pibbs » Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:59 am

This book was a colossal waste of time for everyone involved.

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Re: Shadow Dream Girl - A Bennet the Sage Psychological Horror Tale

Post by RedLine » Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:03 am

1. I guess Luke was "real" but what about Stan and the Brians?
2. Did he work at a "Millie's Video Store" in real life or was that just some nightmare job to waste our time?
3. Why did he hate his real life?
4. What was the deal with all the horniness from Lisa (shopping for porn, being bisexual, acting like a slut)?
5. Who the fuck was "Lisa" anyway? His girlfriend was named Lauren and aside from red hair(?) they don't seem especially similar. Lisa was some pornbody sex zombie and Lauren was basically normal.
6. Why is he in the hospital at the end? The ending truly makes zero sense from what I can tell. Beyond being obviously rushed and having no payoff.

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Re: Shadow Dream Girl - A Bennet the Sage Psychological Horror Tale

Post by pibbs » Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:06 am

About the Author

Bennett White is an American writer and YouTuber. Shadow Dream Girl is his first novel, and was partially inspired by personal events during the Tubbs Fire disaster of 2017, as well as the LNU Lightning Complex fires of 2020. His sources of creative inspiration for Shadow Dream Girl include the works of Nick Hornby and Clive Barker, the films of Kevin Smith and Richard Kelly, as well as the music of Joshua Homme, Philip Glass, Hajime Mizoguchi, and Ludvig Forsell.

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Re: Shadow Dream Girl - A Bennet the Sage Psychological Horror Tale

Post by pibbs » Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:07 am

RedLine wrote:
Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:03 am
6. Why is he in the hospital at the end? The ending truly makes zero sense from what I can tell. Beyond being obviously rushed and having no payoff.
No, he was in Dr. Luke's, Jew Psychiatrist's office in the end.

The rest, I don't have a fucking clue.

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