Fuck YIIK and fuck its enablers

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Fuck YIIK and fuck its enablers

Post by ban » Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:17 pm

Fuck YIIK. That should go without saying. But that shitshow is the drop too far in a bottle that has been spilling for years. YIIK is just the entire cancer of what faggots and normalniggers think JRPGs are about, what they think videogames are about and how their cults of persnolaties that have taken over are just as hilariously poisonous to themselves as they are to an industry that is barealy a husk of what it used to be. Enough is enough.

>BUT muh combat had potential

Anyone who argues that should promptly cut their fingers off, then their hands and then chop off their toes as well in order to never touch a controller ever again. Combat in JRPGs has seen many variations and even experimentations over the years but each time some faggot always shits on the concept so hard that inevitably everyone has to appease them by claiming that the Mario RPGs or the tried and true menus are the best method for these things, especially if they are by fucking Earthbound because Allah forbid there's a JRPG that isn't Earthbound out there in this fucking universe.

Even without going to recent successes like Dragon Quest XI that implements both the old system and a new freemoving one for better crits etc, a ton of other games have gone with nice ideas for how to evolve the turn based combat and make it more engaging to the player, sometimes even making it, dare I say, cinematic. One such example is Fate / EXTRA :

It's not some grand departure from the formula and it suffers from Rock-Paper-Scissoritis but it's something. It's a fresh idea and if you guess or know exactly the patterns, you can basically string 6 perfect hit against an opponent and see a seemless attack unfold with animations that flow in each other with different angles to insinuate the type of attack, damage and order of animation that they are done, awarding players with an extra action every 3 right actions. And that's one of them.

Another would be the Child-bearing JRPG series :

And unlike YIIK, you get laid with your harem and have actual babies instead of just..."Star Babies" and an interesting leveling system along with banging battle tunes.

YIIK could have fixed that problem by making good damage formulas, keeping the minigames only for the abilities in particular and most important of all : have a choice in whether or not you want to do the mini game for the abilities for extra crits / damage / hits / etc. The regular attack should just be the usual affair it is in other games. Simple stuff. You don't even need to balance your characters and shit, Dragon Quest 8 exists and its one of the most broken games if you play and level your characters correctly. And it's fun.

>But muh characters that haven't been attempted ever

This is the big one and the go-to arguement by the creators and the various gigafags on forums, jewtube and other venues that can influence normalcattle. As indicated by this video and its examples :

The examples he gives of unlikeable characters aren't what Allanson is thinking off. None of them, not even in the same ballpark. The thing Allanson wants is a flat-out, scummy, doofy, unlikeable, pathetic fucker who is so up his own ass that everyone hates him by hour 1 of the game, even the people that kinda tolerated him. Without comedy, without morbid curiosity. Just unlikeability. And then he actually has to go through an engaging and transformative journey to overcome all odds for a bitter sweet ending(going from the original cut ending of YIIK).

There was a character like that years ago and to this day, at least in Japan, remains one of the most beloved ones, surprisingly : The name of that character though is Luke fon Fabre from Tales of the Abyss.

It's exactly what Allanson phantasized about and to this day, probably the only character in JRPGs that goes through that specific kind of journey. Not a neutral "oh no, in my grief I may have accidentally killed my semi-dead wife" like James nor "haha look what an asshole Trevor is haha" or even "Man, look at *insert Undertale name* being either super good or super bad just like *insert other JRPG main characters who did the same stuff a decade ago*" not even Kratos because even he started good went to become an asshole and a fuck and then became a swedish cuck.

Luke starts as an unlikeable, entitled, self-centered and egotiscal brat from a wealthy family that acts haughty and demands everything to be about him until he really fucks up. And the one time he fucks up, the one time that people could maybe understand the reasons the character may have done it(ie he was manipulated), even then nobody believes him because he would have done without the villains goading him, he would have done what he did just for the glory and to get his friends to kiss his ass more. And he fucks up in a spectacular fashion. And in japan, they not only got a fresh va who had a shrill voice, they asked him to do an extra whinny voice on purpose while everyone else were directed to be stout and clear and with a loud, heroic booming voice, even the villains.

And here's the real twist : Luke's redempton and journey aren't even the real themes of the story, just a narrative hook to get invested into him as a character and his journey down the line. In a story with multiple character storylines that all have their own resolutions on top of the story's resolution. Something YIIK doesn't even attempt with its own cast and TotA has fucking Luke as the main character and like all Tales games, 101% of the game is spent up the MC's ass and the player can't even leave their field of view and yet it manages to juggle all its characters stories.

The problem with Allanson and a lot of other people, both on youtube and the indie scene is that their knowledge of games regarding certain matters always comes from a.) the mainstream or b.)nostalgia and specifically USA-centric nostalgia, thinking they can break the mold or do something different when in reality, the last time anything ever challenged any conventions regarding games, be it published or indie, was during the PS2 era. That's it. Nothing new has happened. Even Cuphead, as amazing as it is, hasn't done anything new. It just did the graphics better than anything and chose an unusual theme around them that hasn't been attempted since the PS1 days. Spec-Ops : The Line is the most obnoxious example however : some AAA shooter that never gives the player any choices but has the balls to stop the game right before it ends, look at the player and tell him they're a piece of shit because they bought and played the game and that they should kill themselves while their mothers are gangbanged...and it's somehow supposed to be challenging and artsy.

On that note, fuck Spec-Ops. Fuck it. Fuck it to hell and back, fuck its devs and I hope they keep getting shit for this game even after humanity evoles into digital gods in this universe. Fuck'em.

>But muh post-modernism

And how did that go? Allanson ticked every single post-modern tikbox out there and what we're left with is a pile of infested garbage unfit even for the most mindless consumers out there. Bravo, you made it and proved once again why post-modernism isn't just a retarded idea in and of itself but also why NOBODY LIKES IT!

>B-but muh 90s nostalgia

Anyone who uses that to defend that game should promptly get struck by a truck in Japan so they can hopefully Isekai themselves in the land of perpetual 90s to see what the decade was actually like. This blend of 2000s and early 2010s with hipster chique shit and assinine ideas of what Earthbound thought the early 90s were like for America, isn't indicative of the decade. Not even the bullshit dial-up shit.

You want 90s as fuck aesthetics? Fucking hell...The World Ends with You is infinitely more 90s that all of YIIK and it's supposed to be mid-2000s Shibuya "Cool" fashion worn by hip-hop faggots in Japan. Jesus, Gyrozetter for the 3DS was more nostalgic for the 90s and it was a game in 2014 about transforming racing cars fighting other transforming racing cars throughout time space, between 2050 and 2070.

>B-b-but muh unique leveling system

Not an arguement and certainly not unique. Well, it is unique in that it fucks up by taking an obscure leveling system and taking away the ability to min-max. Yes, this kind of systm has actually been attempted before, the difference is that the game allowed you to go through each door and absorb its energy in a stat more than once. That's the only difference.

>B-b-b-b-ut muh Toby Fox music and-


And fuck Allanson for not being able to write even one decent song without stealing music from Sonic Adventure's Knuckles stages of all things. Actually that kind of hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

>Oh, the creator said that games aren't art and that they're toys for children, surely you can agree with me now

Good for the hipster cunt maybe now he can wake up and make a masterpiece, like Kamiya, Sakurai and Miyamoto do whenever a retarded idea comes to their noggindon't you ever stop guys.

And that's it from me. YIIK is undoubtedly the Undertale of this gen, for reasons opposite to the ones Undertale found success though but both are equally cancerous.
Assiman wrote:You know who else is never wrong? Ban.
poonoo wrote:You just got ban'd!
He warned youShow

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Re: Fuck YIIK and fuck its enablers

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:50 pm

What's a "YIIK"?
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Re: Fuck YIIK and fuck its enablers

Post by ban » Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:55 pm

Among other things, the sound a drunk makes right before they barf. :3
Assiman wrote:You know who else is never wrong? Ban.
poonoo wrote:You just got ban'd!
He warned youShow

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da PAC Nigguh
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Re: Fuck YIIK and fuck its enablers

Post by da PAC Nigguh » Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:53 pm

I don't know what YIIK is, but niggers.
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Re: Fuck YIIK and fuck its enablers

Post by RAPEMAN » Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:59 pm

What and what are an YIIK?

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Re: Fuck YIIK and fuck its enablers

Post by Guest » Tue Oct 06, 2020 12:29 am

I didn't read most of the first post because it just started talking about "YIIK" with no explanation as to what the hell that word is. I looked it up and apparently that's the name of some stupid video game. It doesn't seem to be an acronym, just a retarded name.

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Re: Fuck YIIK and fuck its enablers

Post by Le Redditeur » Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:30 am

I swear Luke von Fabre was a ploy by the game director to laugh at game reviewers who play into one hour of the game and then start postulating about it like they've played the entire game. See also: Guy's "hilarious" shaking fear of women's touch.

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Re: Fuck YIIK and fuck its enablers

Post by Poonoo » Tue Oct 06, 2020 12:24 pm

ban wrote:
Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:17 pm
So I watched this for a bit to find out what triggered your autism, basically some self indulgent Millenial hipster made a shitty RPG that is full of snark and "self aware" bullshit that is extremely fucking obnoxious. Like all hipster bullshit it is condescending as fuck to it's audience because the creator is a self absorbed, douchebag rich kid.

The difference here is that he is a hipster who is pretending he totally isn't one (which they all do, they never admit to being one) by making fun of hipsters without any self awareness. Either that or he was playing it straight and later lied about the main character being an asshole on purpose to cover his ass.

And that quote at 3:42:
My mistake was thinking video games are art
You're mistake is that you tried too hard to be fucking quirky with your story that you didn't understand that basics of fucking writing to realise why those rules exist in the first place. Know the rules before you fucking break them, different for the sake of different is just trash.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: Fuck YIIK and fuck its enablers

Post by Newhalf » Tue Oct 06, 2020 12:59 pm

I've seen some game footage of this. It's probably that my withered pea brain does not fully understand the genius of this work but I got a strong Undertale vibe.
I.e. a game by someone who liked Earthbound and crappy pasta, put the two together and added their own clouded vision.
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Re: Fuck YIIK and fuck its enablers

Post by Dehbashi » Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:09 pm

In his rant, ban talked about Toby Fox. Wasn't he involved with Undertale?

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