Have you lost friends over politics?

Shitpost about Trump, SJWs, Islam and everything else about politics except economics, because that's too hard
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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:12 pm

I think your friends might be ableist.

And I have a distant acquaintance who showed some warnings things of SJWisms when last we met. Dunno how serious it is.
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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by MegaNigger » Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:50 pm

I have the same 5 friends as I did 15 years ago. Writing a book with my best friend, the other is a lesbian and married (but hopefully not soon cause her wife is awful and she's realizing her mistake), another I gamed with a bunch is trying to live mobile and produce music (he's nuts so I'm just glad he's being fed and watered and not homeless yet), I might be the only normal person in my whole circle of friends and family. My family on the other hand is fractured and distant anymore.

Have I lost any due to politics? Maybe my libshit cousins, but that's a blessing.
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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by veris leta facies » Sat Dec 30, 2017 4:40 pm

No. One of my friend is even a politician nowadays and his party represents a complete opposite in the political spectrum from where my stance lies. I wouldn't never vote him but I can have beer with him anytime. I have lost friends due to their alcoholism, depression and suicides, but never for stupid reasons like having different political views, but then again, I never have much associated with tender snowflakes who can't stand a different opinions to begin with.

Like CIA African American I've known most of my friends for ages, most of them are from my school years. "Friends" I meet in band rehearsals, gym and work come and go, but it's basically just those old school friends which stay.
Auli wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:03 am
Who's the dick here? Me trying all I can to gather "tah gang" again, or the others who visited me ONCE in 1.5 year in the hospital?
That doesn't necessary mean they dislike you. IIRC you are quite young and younger people are very bad visiting people they know in hospitals, they find it awkward or something. I've heard many times how people regret they barely never visited their close ones in hospital. Just few months ago one of my co-worker (22 year old woman) opened up to me how she feels like shit as her dad spend almost half a year in hospital and finally died of cancer, and she visited him only twice that time. That was her fucking father, no wonder young adults visit their friends in hospital barely at all. And men are also much worse at this.
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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by Auli » Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:49 pm

I'm getting old. Turned 28 in November.

And I really wrote that in a sleep-depraved state after I found out people hanged out without asking me, so I was kinda bummed.

I don't blame them. They went to school/got engaged/moved/got kids, so they had other shit to do. And I didn't necessarily want that much visits anyway. I've always told people to not bother with me and just live their lives.

Most friends I have is from kindergarten/preschool, so we've been tight.

But as a man who has done nothing but catching up and getting caught up with Social Justice the past 2 years, I see it more and more that people like their bubbles and many can't handle opposite opinions.

It's a shame humanity turned so shit.
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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by CuckTurdginson » Sat Dec 30, 2017 10:17 pm

Absolutely, but my bipolar disorder makes me a challenge to be around anyway.

I haven't taken it personally, most of them are people I knew in high school who live in a different state, but even if I wanted to, I feel like it wouldn't be smart.
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Thu Sep 29, 2022 2:12 am
Sorry DHI but I cant have this shitpost finished by Friday. I've been farting nonstop for days. Its impossible to sit by the computer in this state.

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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by rabidtictac » Sun Dec 31, 2017 12:42 am

Auli wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:49 pm
I'm getting old. Turned 28 in November.

And I really wrote that in a sleep-depraved state after I found out people hanged out without asking me, so I was kinda bummed.

I don't blame them. They went to school/got engaged/moved/got kids, so they had other shit to do. And I didn't necessarily want that much visits anyway. I've always told people to not bother with me and just live their lives.

Most friends I have is from kindergarten/preschool, so we've been tight.

But as a man who has done nothing but catching up and getting caught up with Social Justice the past 2 years, I see it more and more that people like their bubbles and many can't handle opposite opinions.

It's a shame humanity turned so shit.
"turned?" Bruh, people have BEEN safe space SJW cucks the majority of human history. It takes some huge event to shake you up and take you outside of society long enough to see it. Or maybe you go insane from lack of interaction, lel. Six of one, half dozen another. Asking hard questions and holding tight to convictions never won any friends but it's lost more than a few. :lol:

But yeah, the other poster said it's probably that they don't like hospitals and visiting sick people. They probably feel like they don't know what to say and are uncomfortable. Maybe if you had some kind of event organized at the hospital to do, like hanging out to watch a movie or play games. I think a lot of people visiting feel like they're at a loss to say anything and don't think it's all that helpful, I dunno.

If it was me, I'd organize fucking keg parties and shit. :lol:

I wouldn't take it personally. I don't take it personally when somebody with a family spends time with their family rather than me. It's their family, bro.
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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by Auli » Sun Dec 31, 2017 1:53 am

Oh, don't get me wrong. They can spend time with their family.

But having hangouts or whatever with the gang and not invited one of the guys seems kinda weird.

Anyway--- fuck it 2018 soon, baby! The year of Auli!
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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by Kugelfisch » Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:24 am

No, not to political stuff. Drugs, going different places and general realisation that I don't need them, though.
I was placed in an internal school. Had to sleep there and shit despite living only five minutes on foot from the plot. Laziness and some dumb situation with some lies from some random shitter landed me there. It was supposed to be the worst shit you could imagine. You'd be hanging out with retards all day they said.

Well, there were fucking retards but also ten or so guys that landed there for shit similar to my situation. I could see something in my then circle of friends then. I wasn't too fuzzed about having to go there. No need to cry over spoiled milk, right? I had to go there and I knew that a childhood friend of mine would also be there from the list I received from that place so I wasn't too worried. I would at least know one guy and knew he wasn't a retard.
My friends hated that shit. Not that I had to go there but that I wasn't worried about it. I didn't yet realise that at that point.

So the schooling was piss-easy. Almost insultingly easy. I realized that the supposed terrible situation I got myself into granted me effectively a year off. I did gardening work made some unusual friends and enjoyed my time there. Guess how many of my supposed friends ever visited me or even called me on the weekend when I didn't have to stay there. None. Not one, not ever, not in the entire year.
I've called one, my then "best friend", and he seemed disappointed that I had a good time there. I realized part of it then.

I felt abandoned but also realized that I didn't need them. I could make new friends anywhere, nothing is as bad as people tell you it will be and a good part of your supposed friends actually hopes it'll be terrible for you so you run to them for support.
I'm a single child, I'm socially easy but I don't mind being alone either. I was fine without them and could easily replace them. They fucking hated that. Even during being there and sometimes spending the weekend with them I felt like the fifth wheel and like I wasn't welcome anymore. That's when criticism against me started as well. "You curse too much!", "How can you engage with those people?", "You're too loud!" and so on. None of that was ever a problem before.
I got my best friend a job after that and the fucker thanked me for it by stealing and resenting me for it. Had a total psycotic mondo meltdown and stills doesn't do shit but drugs today, almost 15 years later.

Friends that don't bother with you? They aren't your friends. Screw 'em. Don't worry about them too much. Maybe a few of them are but most are just shitheads you can do without.
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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by Tony Schiavone » Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:01 pm

I feel like I've gained much better friends through politics.

The old ones I might have had back in high school, on the left, I look at now and either scratch or shake my head.
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Re: Have you lost friends over politics?

Post by Liar Revealed » Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:16 pm

I honestly think this is what happened to me this X-Mas. A bunch of my friends snubbed me. I only see them once every two or three years.

The only thing that has changed since the last time I've seen them is my open support for Trump, and also my refusing to "BELEEB ALL WIMMYN" when a mutual friend of ours was accused of rape.

Taking these positions here on the West Coast can kill your social life, and I fear that this has happened to me.

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