YMS: The Pretentious Furfag Movie Critic

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Re: YMS: The Pretentious Furfag Movie Critic

Post by Cuckara » Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:10 pm

Mark also said Adam has ODed multiple times. I wish I had thought to ask him what Adam takes.

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Re: YMS: The Pretentious Furfag Movie Critic

Post by rabidtictac » Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:24 pm

My guess based on his appearance and the fact he's Cucknadian would be that he abuses prescription drugs such as painkillers, but with the money he makes, he could easily be doing coke or heroin.
[–]anUnkindnessThat YMS guy[S] 146 points 4 years ago

It was really fucked up having a sex drive before having an outlet. I didn't even know what I was attracted to for the longest time. I had realized I was into anthro stuff before I had realized I was gay. It was much easier to publicly admit to being gay than it was to being a furry though. For a long time I had promised myself that I'd commit suicide as soon as anyone ever found out. I had repressed that part of myself for 2 years, lost a lot of weight, got addicted to pills and cocaine, got pretty depressed, etc. Eventually I decided I couldn't repress that part of myself any longer and worked up the courage to tell my closest friends / bandmates about it. They seemed fine at first, but it played a large part in me being ditched by them. I have difficulty with relationships because of it and there's a poetic sense of irony to feel like such an outcast within a group of outcasts. Overall it kind of sucks, but I can deal with it.
https://www.reddit.com/r/YMS/comments/1 ... _ama_2014/

He "got addicted to pills and cocaine." So he's basically always been a cokehead who abuses scrips. Rightmost guy in my avatar was my face upon finding this old AMA.
[–]anUnkindnessThat YMS guy[S] 49 points 4 years ago

My grades were decent. If I got bad grades it's because I didn't put in the effort. Science and Social Studies were boring to me. I did well in Math and English. I wound up dropping out because of drama with a principal and then finished high school through individual courses. Didn't sit through a single class of grade 12 english but took the exam anyway and got 98%. I had asked one of the teachers which films or novels they had watched/read in the semester (because the exam would include an essay based on your choice of those) and once she mentioned Shawshank Redemption I figured I could bullshit just about anything they could possibly ask me.
Another of these amazing geniuses who of course flunked out of school and had to make it up their own.
[–]download13 15 points 4 years ago

Do watch/ have you seen Adventure Time? Any thoughts? Also what's your highest level of education?

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[–]anUnkindnessThat YMS guy[S] 62 points 4 years ago

Yeah, I've seen the first 2 seasons and a bit of the 3rd. I enjoy it, but Rick and Morty is even better. I completed high school and that's it.
[–]anUnkindnessThat YMS guy[S] 13 points 4 years ago

My best friend was a lesbo chick and I did everything to try to impress her, but eventually she only saw me as competition for the spotlight and turned people against me by being a manipulative bitch. This just so happened to be in the time after I worked up enough courage to tell her I was a furry without committing suicide.

First sexual relationship was a guy I met online but I broke up with him after 2 weeks because I'm not willing to try for something unless it works naturally.

Second sexual relationship was with a guy who took emotional advantage of me, using the fact that I had a fallout with my only close friends as leverage. I wasn't interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with him, but he was the only friend I had to talk to at the time and he told me that if I don't tell him that I love him, he's moving back to Penticton and leaving me. I was emotionally vulnerable and it forced me into pursuing a relationship I didn't want.

He kicked me out of his house (that he convinced me to move into in the first place) because I had started pursuing a relationship with someone else.

He unfortunately was already in a relationship. Despite the fact that it was an open relationship, his boyfriend hated my guts for whatever reason and banned him from seeing me. He was a hypocrite and an asshole in general and it was quite the retarded love-triangle for a while. I eventually realized that the type of person who can't even be honest with his own boyfriend or make up his own mind as to what he wants isn't the right person for me anyway.

That was over 4 years ago and I haven't dated anyone since.
Wew lad these depths of tism haven't been plunged in a while.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: YMS: The Pretentious Furfag Movie Critic

Post by rabidtictac » Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:33 pm

More cocaine junky story:
[–]anUnkindnessThat YMS guy[S] 14 points 4 years ago

I was quite the e-tard to the point where my dealer would call me whenever he got a new batch in. Once I discovered it, it was a great way to escape from my problems. The pills I was taking were always pressed, so I never really knew what was in them. Sometimes they would be mixed in with hallucinogenics that wouldn't kick in until much after I expected to be coming down, so that made for some interesting days, but I didn't really care too much about my own life anyway. I was pretty close to attempting suicide and kids aren't taught comprehensive education on responsible drug use. There was a point where I cut back and all of my doses would be marked on a calendar so I could compare to previous days and see if I could wane myself off. I don't know anyone that experienced withdrawal symptoms from e, but I did. It was probably because of all the speed and other random shit mixed with it. I still take mdma every once in a while, but never pressed pills anymore. At this point it's only once every couple months and it's basically safer than alcohol if it's not laced with anything, but maybe it's also something I need to get over in the future. Either way, I'm not ready yet. I was the only person I knew that did cocaine, so although it was tough to quit, I'm sure it could have been much worse if it was social for me. I'm a loner-stoner and prefer not to be around other people when I take drugs. Literally all it took was some guy coming up to me at 3am in Edmonton asking if I wanted to buy some, and then I was addicted to coke at age 15. Not really after the first bump, but I was unsatisfied with my experience and got 2 bumps the next time. After that point I was hooked. It was the only point in my life that I'd ever stolen money from my parents. I blew basically all of my own income on it as well. I really couldn't handle being sober at that point. Too much internal shit I was forced to deal with. It's an expensive drug and there's a lot of reasons to quit, so I used that as justification for deleting my dealer's number. There was a moment where I was conflicted about it and almost memorized it from my phone, but I managed to get rid of it. This was at a friend's party where I was the only one on coke and I'd already bitten a big chunk out of my bottom lip without realizing it. Part of coming to terms with needing to quit was writing a song about it. It was the 3rd song I'd ever written and since then I've been using music as a form of therapy to face my problems and insecurities.
So at the time of that writing, he was still on drugs. I doubt he ever got off them.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: YMS: The Pretentious Furfag Movie Critic

Post by Kugelfisch » Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:10 pm

About fucking time that furfag got interesting again. :lol:
>MDME is safe if it's not laced with something else
But you can't ever tell that beforehand, which is why taking synthetic drugs is a terrible idea in general. You never fucking know what the hell you're getting and you may not get at all what you wanted. They are the patreon pledge of drugs.
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Re: YMS: The Pretentious Furfag Movie Critic

Post by RAPEMAN » Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:34 pm

Who the fuck takes E outside of a concert or rave?

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Re: YMS: The Pretentious Furfag Movie Critic

Post by Kugelfisch » Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:56 pm

RAPEMAN wrote:
Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:34 pm
Who the fuck takes E outside of a concert or rave?
Reads a lot like he'd take anything he gets his hands on. Then again, isn't MDMA the perfect drug to take alone if you're a narcissist? :lol:
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Re: YMS: The Pretentious Furfag Movie Critic

Post by Guest » Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:36 am

RAPEMAN wrote:
Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:34 pm
Who the fuck takes E outside of a concert or rave?

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Re: YMS: The Pretentious Furfag Movie Critic

Post by RAPEMAN » Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:53 am

Guest wrote:
Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:36 am
RAPEMAN wrote:
Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:34 pm
Who the fuck takes E outside of a concert or rave?
I guess they need all that energy for SODOMY.

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Re: YMS: The Pretentious Furfag Movie Critic

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Aug 02, 2018 2:04 am

RAPEMAN wrote:
Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:53 am
Guest wrote:
Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:36 am
RAPEMAN wrote:
Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:34 pm
Who the fuck takes E outside of a concert or rave?
I guess they need all that energy for SODOMY.
Fun fact: Sodomy, while strictly speaking refers to any sexual act that doesn't aim at reproduction but in most of the world refers to anal sex, is pretty much exclusively used to refer to sex with animals in Germany. Check and check.
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Re: YMS: The Pretentious Furfag Movie Critic

Post by Cuckara » Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:23 am

Fun fact: Adam admitted on reddit years ago that he has been in gay porn. The videos are out there somewhere.

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