You all know her, August Ames - bullied to death by the Gay Mafia

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Re: You all know her, August Ames - bullied to death by the Gay Mafia

Post by Guest » Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:14 pm

You guys can argue over the finer details of who's to blame and where suicide begins and ends but I hope to God you're not retarded enough to be this nuanced about it on neutral normie ground.

Regardless of who's REALLY to blame for Ames' death (it's her and her alone, moving on) this is a great chance to highlight how evil and deranged the far left truly is so let's not swipe defeat from the Jaws of victory on this when the topic comes up in casual conversation with your normie friends, mmkay?

"Gosh golly gee oh my those people bullied that poor girl death! I thought gays were the GOOD guys right amigos ahahaha maybe we should reconsider all this propaganda we've been fed about morally upstanding faggots and hey maybe even take a second look at the righteous black man meme while we're at it ahahaha" - anybody with more braincells than fedoras when discussing this headline with members of the unwashed masses

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Re: You all know her, August Ames - bullied to death by the Gay Mafia

Post by Stranger » Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:19 pm

I'm not this nuanced on this topic with my normie friends because I'm not going to discuss a pornstar's life, let alone her death, when I'm chilling by the time clock at work.

On top of that, I'm not going to politicize this tragedy and sweep up the entire left when it was a few faggots leading the charge along with the usual retarded twitter brigade. That same brigade would have followed an alt-righter in on this chick if she had said something about whites.

If I expect #NotAllWhitePeople to be true and accepted then I need to also extend the courtesy of #NotAllGays.
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Re: You all know her, August Ames - bullied to death by the Gay Mafia

Post by sanicvr00m » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:06 pm

whoops forgot to log in again well here I am
Stranger wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:19 pm
I'm not this nuanced on this topic with my normie friends because I'm not going to discuss a pornstar's life, let alone her death, when I'm chilling by the time clock at work.
Fair enough. These kind of things tend to come up from time to time when I'm bullshitting with the lads or doing water cooler chat with normie peers, you clearly only run with some really sophisticated circles tho it's cool
Stranger wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:19 pm
On top of that, I'm not going to politicize this tragedy and sweep up the entire left when it was a few faggots leading the charge along with the usual retarded twitter brigade. That same brigade would have followed an alt-righter in on this chick if she had said something about whites.
Not really. Hypothetical alt right brigade would have been dogpiled by her white knight orbiters/average white guilt twitter user and she probably would have come out of the affair being portrayed as a heroic victim by (((VICE))) and other leftist propaganda outlets. "STUNNING AND BRAVE AUGUST AMES TARGETED BY NAZIS."

The hypothetical you're suggesting (shitting on whitey) is culturally acceptable and twitter status quo. The thing that actually happened (shitting on queers) is certified Thought Crime™ and deserving of death by bullycide as far as the average libtard/typical twitter drone is concerned.
Stranger wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:19 pm
If I expect #NotAllWhitePeople to be true and accepted then I need to also extend the courtesy of #NotAllGays.
then you have yet to accept the true nature of the left. have fun getting your shit kicked in (rhetorically speaking) in return for your courtesy, shitlord honky cracka. You might not hate them for what they are, but they sure as shit hate you for what you are (assuming you're white and straight).

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Re: You all know her, August Ames - bullied to death by the Gay Mafia

Post by Guest » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:15 pm

Stranger wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:19 pm
If I expect #NotAllWhitePeople to be true and accepted then I need to also extend the courtesy of #NotAllGays.
They wouldn't extend that same courtesy to you. Faggots spend their whole lives lusting for cum and shit, what make you think your puny white man morals are gonna extend to them?

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Re: You all know her, August Ames - bullied to death by the Gay Mafia

Post by Auli » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:19 pm

When misgendering someone is an act of violence, there isn't much you can say or do to appease these fuckers on the far left.
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Re: You all know her, August Ames - bullied to death by the Gay Mafia

Post by Stranger » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:22 pm

sanicvr00m wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:06 pm
Fair enough. These kind of things tend to come up from time to time when I'm bullshitting with the lads or doing water cooler chat with normie peers, you clearly only run with some really sophisticated circles tho it's cool
It's less to do with sophistication and more to do with appropriateness. I'm not going to bring something this heavy up around people because they have their own problems to deal with and talking about suicide isn't... great discussion material when you're already worried about paying your billth at the end of the month.
Not really. Hypothetical alt right brigade would have been dogpiled by her white knight orbiters/average white guilt twitter user and she probably would have come out of the affair being portrayed as a heroic victim by (((VICE))) and other leftist propaganda outlets. "STUNNING AND BRAVE AUGUST AMES TARGETED BY NAZIS."
You missed the part where her, "haters," were being countered by people in support of her and the part where the news link from the OP of the thread mirrored this topic title in its political leanings and spinning. Both sides are guilty of the same just in a different manner. Open your eyes.
The hypothetical you're suggesting (shitting on whitey) is culturally acceptable and twitter status quo. The thing that actually happened (shitting on queers) is certified Thought Crime™ and deserving of death by bullycide as far as the average libtard/typical twitter drone is concerned.
Literal example of #NotAll. Not everyone who dogpiled her is proud that she's dead. Very few, actually are. Normal people, even ones who disagreed with what she said, don't think she deserved to be, "bullied to death," and all it takes is looking into the situation, beyond the sensationalism, for five minutes to see this.
then you have yet to accept the true nature of the left. have fun getting your shit kicked in (rhetorically speaking) in return for your courtesy, shitlord honky cracka. You might not hate them for what they are, but they sure as shit hate you for what you are (assuming you're white and straight).
You sound like Miscarriage of Acchild. Stop it. What you're talking about are a bunch of internet whinetards who think they get to decide which direction the world spins based on how they feel that day. The reality of things is what leads to Donald Trump. There's been a counter-cultural shift building in America for quite some time now (RIP eurofags) and I've never, outside of Youtube comments and Twitter (tumblr too, but I don't willingly go there), had to deal with the level of vitriolic, "leftist," propaganda that you seem to be saying is the actual norm.

Crying out loud, half of the youtubers who talked about the situation and said that the crybullies were in the wrong for doing what they did identify as leftists and espouse leftist values.

You aren't going to get anywhere by painting everyone as your enemy. Shit on the people that deserve to be shit on but you should always extend the same courtesy that you expect from them.
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Re: You all know her, August Ames - bullied to death by the Gay Mafia

Post by Stranger » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:25 pm

Auli wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:19 pm
When misgendering someone is an act of violence, there isn't much you can say or do to appease these fuckers on the far left.
Except it's not and that mentality isn't normalized. That's a mentality that even people who are constantly misgendered don't even necessarily agree with.

Why are you DHI faggots so quick to jump to sensationalism? Honestly. You piss and moan about the way the left treats you and then you treat them the same way and don't see it. You aren't doing anybody any good by sitting here acting like this instead of looking at the actual facts of the situation and seeing just how few people were actually doing the horrible things you're acting like everyone did.
"I currently have 274 pounds of lean mass. My nurse explained that since she'd just seen me walk a quarter mile that I basically was ripped underneath all of this fat." - Arnold Boogienigger

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Re: You all know her, August Ames - bullied to death by the Gay Mafia

Post by Auli » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:34 pm

The small portion that is the loudest on the far left do, to some extent, get to decide which direction the world spins.

You see how companies, people or whatever are forced into doing, or not doing, something else to appease these loud retards. Because of the fear of being labelled a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobic/Islamophobic/whatever people will abandon their beliefs and change their meanings/opinions just to not get their life ruined.

There has, thankfully, been more pushback from people because normal people are getting sick of the SJWs crying and moaning.
seeing just how few people were actually doing the horrible things you're acting like everyone did.
Does it matter how many or few people are doing it? It still works. They succeed in getting their way.

More and more are waking up to it, though. Normal people have had enough and they are starting to not give a crap about them.
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Re: You all know her, August Ames - bullied to death by the Gay Mafia

Post by Guest » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:49 pm

Stranger wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:22 pm
Literal example of #NotAll. Not everyone who dogpiled her is proud that she's dead. Very few, actually are. Normal people, even ones who disagreed with what she said, don't think she deserved to be, "bullied to death," and all it takes is looking into the situation, beyond the sensationalism, for five minutes to see this.
Don't underestimate the cruelty and vitriol of the average man. The faggots that took time out of their day to signal to a dead sex woman than AIDS dicks are the best woudly glady watch her die 1000 times over. This is the norm, even non-psychos wish for the suffering of their supposed enemies.

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Re: You all know her, August Ames - bullied to death by the Gay Mafia

Post by sanic » Fri Dec 08, 2017 8:10 pm

Stranger wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:25 pm
Auli wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:19 pm
When misgendering someone is an act of violence, there isn't much you can say or do to appease these fuckers on the far left.
Except it's not and that mentality isn't normalized.
Except it is in many spheres. See: the comics and video game industry for a blatant example of SJW-culture being pushed on the masses. You can't just hand wave shit like that away because it's convenient to your point.

As for the masses embracing this shit themselves: here's your daily reminder that if not for the brilliant foresight of our delegate system, Trump would have lost. The majority of voters favor the side that favors this clown world bullshit where mudslimes and buttfuckers both get free reign to rape and pillage the once-wholesome western world. I'm not saying that rape is happening at full force just yet, but it's a serous threat when over half the voterbase is bellying up to the ballot box to put leftist fuckers into power. Not that the right is a shining beacon of justice and wisdom, but it's definitely the lesser of two evils in the current political paradigm.

I don't know how you redditor faggots can be so happy-go lucky about a world where the majority of the masses want to bring about their own demise, but that's really more a question of personal temperament than anything. To me, a world where the governments are actively shipping in a violent low-iq workforce to replace their own citizens while Cananiggers pass legislation to make horse-fucking legal is a pretty fuckin objectively sensational world, but please excuse all our pissing and moaning about the left and what it leads to if it harshes your buzz

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