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Ready Player One

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:57 pm
by Oengae
So I was vaguely aware of Ready Player One but never read anything from it until the movie trailer was released at SDCC and people started posting stuff about the book and author and jesus this shit is cringe to read and listen to:

Some other bits of trivia:
  • The author actually owns a DeLorean like he describes in the book covered in nerd shit.
  • In the book the President of the US and the VP are Cory Doctrow and Wil Wheton. He's actually buddies with Wil and Wil reads the audiobook.
  • There's an entire chapter that's just a straight-up transcript of Wargames
  • The first sentence of the book is "I was born in 2025, but I wished I was born in 1980."
  • Spielberg is directing, presumably because he really needs the money.
Basically, the whole story is the sort of Bazinga-tier Faux Nerd Wet Dream where a nerd who memorized 80's trivia saves the world by finding Easter eggs in a VR world and comes off incredibly smug about it. It reads like Movieblob's book if he turned it into a sci-fi novel and sucked Wil Wheton's dick hard enough to get his endorsement. Also, I'm betting that he gives it a rave review.

And before this, the author wrote "Geek spoken word poetry" which is cringey as shit:

And here's someone doing some dramatic readings if you don't want to read through that:

Re: Ready Player One

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:39 pm
by Stranger
Got 10 seconds into that first video and noped out.

That title was so accurate that I'm disappointed in myself for doubting it.

Re: Ready Player One

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:49 pm
by rabidtictac
I saw an ad for this shit on jewtube while watching on a device, actually. It was unbelievably retarded, but even I didn't foresee this Sonichu-level of autism coming.

Re: Ready Player One

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:38 am
by Charlar
This is too autistic for me

Re: Ready Player One

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:57 am
by Guest
Damn book is just a list. At least Billy Joel had to write a song to go with his.

Re: Ready Player One

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:25 am
by Guest
"I CLAPPED, I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW [insert nerd culture reference]!

Boy, this is just... too much.

This is the end goal of "nerd culture", just endless references strung together by a plot that even Stephanie Myers would call shallow and poorly written.

It's basically references with parts of Spy Kids 3 put in between them.

Of course idiots are going make this movie a billion dollars.

Re: Ready Player One

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 4:38 am
by Keith Chegwin
I dunno. Spielberg's last movie didn't do too well.

Re: Ready Player One

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:46 am
by sigh
The 80's was a long decade (ten whole years)
This is some satire pointed at the current "geek culture`"?

Re: Ready Player One

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 8:48 am
by Seele
Mother of shit...

This is encapsulated autism in it's most raw form, and the perfect example of everything hideously wrong with the liberal fad known as "nerd culture". I mean, holy shit. It's literally nothing but references. Fucking nostalgia pandering references! How the fuck did any of this self fellating SoCal-tier bullshit get passed as actual human writing? It comes off as Movieblob's personal wet dream. Absolutely NOTHING is original about it. It's a shopping list of the author's personal safe space memories from a "muh childhood" perspective.

I hope this shit bombs. Spielberg is past his prime, so his Lucas-tier directing should make for Fucking a hopefully negative performance. There isn't much to build off of considering the source material is pure cancer, so, it could very likely doom itself or "geek" autists will flock to it in droves for "muh nostalgia hurr durr" and it makes an undeserving amount of cash.

Re: Ready Player One

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:19 am
by Poonoo
rabidtictac wrote:
Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:49 pm
I saw an ad for this shit on jewtube while watching on a device, actually. It was unbelievably retarded, but even I didn't foresee this Sonichu-level of autism coming.
Why does the guy in the videos sound like you? Is Mr Feel an alt account? :lol: :lol: :lol: