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Re: Nintentard's thread

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:17 am
by mad bum
I mean people want to fuck certain pokemon (the bunny and the leaf thing), so this doesn't surprise me.

Re: Nintentard's thread

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 4:24 am
by Pen Pal
Guest wrote:
Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:41 am
I forgot there's a nip baseball team with a pink sheep (?) girl mascot that everyone wants to fuck.
This thing?
I think it's a buffalo judging by the jersey.

Re: Nintentard's thread

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:37 pm
by VoiceOfReasonPast
So kawaii. I hope I can find some tentacle doujins with her.

Re: Nintentard's thread

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:16 am
by mad bum
Nintendo is making labo, the tldr is they are selling you cardboard that you can put the switch on and play the piano or other dumb shit.

People are defending this shit.

I'm on my phone, look it up.

Re: Nintentard's thread

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:48 am
by Seele
>Costs $70 - $80
>Includes shovelware
>$10 arts & crafts tools
>People are autistically defending it

Why am I not surprised?

Re: Nintentard's thread

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:13 am
by rabidtictac
Nintendo could sell anything and people would buy it for their kids. People are comparing this cardboard shit to LEGO but LEGO is a way better deal. LEGO was always overpriced as fuck, but at least you could buy a lego set for your kid without spending $300 out of pocket for a fucking game console underpowered tablet thing to make your cardboard set work. Grandma or whoever can just buy a lego set for Jimmy without worrying about if they also have the $300 Switch too.

To say nothing of the price point. Now, legos have been overpriced as long as I've been alive. I was big into them as a little kid and I remember those catalogues. Shit was over $100 and this was years ago.

BUT... All the pieces are in the set and there were more than a few around $30 or less that were pretty elaborate. Yeah the big sets were $100 and shit sucked, but you could spent a twenty here or there for your kid and get something they could enjoy for hours and hours.

So all I'm saying is lego is way less greedy than Nintendo, and I never thought I'd find myself saying that. Parents are spending $70 on this new nintendo meme cardboard for a toy their kids will probably barely use, like a shitty piano (kids don't want to play piano and parents have to make them as it is) or a shitty fishing pole.

If you want your kid to play with toys, get them actual toys. If you want them to game, get them a fun game like mario galaxy 2 or whatever.

Re: Nintentard's thread

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 1:02 pm
by VoiceOfReasonPast
This is extra funny considering Nintendo used to make LEGO clones. But who cares, cardboard will do.

Re: Nintentard's thread

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:32 pm
by Kugelfisch
The thing with LEGO is that it's indestructable. I got a giant box full of all kinds of LEGOs from my aunt when I was a kid and now those are at a much younger cousin of mine from a different aunt. And eventually those will go somewhere else. Nobody ever throws LEGOs away. Somewhere, there's always some kid growing out of it and somebody else having a kid.
Or you can just buy a big pile of them at a fleamarket or yard sale.

But some cardboard crap for a console that'll be outdated in less than ten years? That's trash only some collector is going to care for in a few decades because it'll be hard to find that shit in a non-broken state. For anyone else it'll just be garbage. Which is fitting because that's what it is today already. Nintendo is taking the piss.

Re: Nintentard's thread

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:45 pm
by Keith Chegwin
First time I heard about it all I could think of was this:

Re: Nintentard's thread

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:56 pm
by da PAC Nigguh
They should build stuff as fragile as possible just so faggot manchildren like Pat have to go to extreme lengths to preserve their useless toys.