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Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:57 pm
by Kugelfisch
Never heard of him.

Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:57 am
by Duwango
SpoonyOne?SpoonyDone wrote:
Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:57 am
"equally disastrous...NYC trip"

That one was disastrous? Really? Do tell. I thought that went pretty smoothly, but I guess not.
The NYC trip was the source of all self-inflicted wounds within (and occasionally outside) the DCE-centric hugbox for 8 years and ongoing, although there was never really a strong sense of unity between them anyway. I won't bore you with the sissified and rather irrelevant details about what went wrong with the trip, but it all boils down to the fact those creeps never really understood what makes people want to be friends with each other. Furthermore, almost everyone in the ranting/commentary community was raised solely on video games and internet. When you look into it through that context, their grotesquely unnatural behaviors isn't as mouth-opening, albeit not less chilling.

Nume26 is a wild card, in a way of speaking. She too sent me PMs because I was re-uploading unsavory and previously deleted drama videos from DarknessTheCuck and others. For the most part, she was actually pleasant to talk to for a while, even if she was obviously an extreme white knight who tried too hard to provide for DCE's cycle a sense of normality, and she would also try to rationalize their psychotic acts at every opportunity possible. Nume was pretty much the embodiment of 'Tfw to intelligent'.

Sometime in 2011, Nume had an extreme mental breakdown. The details of what happened are still shrouded in mystery to me, but she's been a bitter, hateful bitch ever since then. She also burned bridges with pretty much everyone in the ranting community except for BigAl.

Oh boy, trust me, it's only going to get more obscure from here on out. Does ChibiFighter ring a bell to you or annyone? I'll address more about her in a bit, but just to get it out of way: *It* is a Troon now. :lol:

And yes, a lot of the more popular ranter/reviewer/commentating cucks each had their own clique of yesmen. Although not necessarily a prime example of such, Boomstick545 was pretty much connected to all of those cliques in some form or another. He was considered the golden boy of said community for while, and in a way he was the "glue" that kept those cliques from engaging in an eternal sissy state of war with each other.. It's hilarious that, in retrospect, the lot of them loathed Spax3 and considered him the Hitler of YouTube when all of them were just as awful - if not worse - than GRIFFITH!!! manbaby himself. :lol: If Gury Larry's avatar is of any indication, Spax is still very much active in his Brony cosplaying ventures. Only in Commiefornia :lol:

MetroidJunkie2007 is another odd cookie. I used to chat with him for some time. He was fun to talk to at times, and in other instances he was a pain in the ass to deal with. I do remember that he and Josh were kinda close, then the latter felt like backstabbing him for the "lulz" all because MJ made I don't blame MJ for being rather difficult; all that harassment and gaslighting from DCE's gang obviously fucked him up a good amount, and I'm surprised the after-effects weren't more serious. :ugeek:

Likewise, I was also surprised when I saw MJ very much engaged and rather happy within the True Capitalist Radio shenanigans and community. MJ even went as far as creating several fangames and a Doom WAD around the TCR culture. I really have nothing to complain about that, since it seems that the JetDroidMonkey stuff is long past him, and he finally found his niche, no matter how exceptional it might be.

Lillylivers (Tiana Camacho) deserves her own separate post, but tl;dr she is a mentally unstable golddigger, and also a rape hoaxer. She pulled a Lena Durham long before that Pedophile Jewess thought of doing the same many years later. The gimmick kinda worked; Tiana was crowned "The Queen of Ranting" by all the other prepurbescent fedoras and she had DCE had their own weekly day off (It even had it's own designated name) where none of their fanfucks could bother them under any circumstances. Alas, it was never meant to last, and Tiana admitted to being a pill popping sadbrain. I still check her FB once in a blue moon, and sure enough she is trying to overcompensate for her long-failed camwhoring venture by worshipping BLM niggershining and troons. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:12 pm
by SpoonyOne?SpoonyDone
Bartnopolis wrote:
Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:57 am

Lillylivers (Tiana Camacho) deserves her own separate post, but tl;dr she is a mentally unstable golddigger, and also a rape hoaxer. She pulled a Lena Durham long before that Pedophile Jewess thought of doing the same many years later. The gimmick kinda worked; Tiana was crowned "The Queen of Ranting" by all the other prepurbescent fedoras and she had DCE had their own weekly day off (It even had it's own designated name) where none of their fanfucks could bother them under any circumstances. Alas, it was never meant to last, and Tiana admitted to being a pill popping sadbrain. I still check her FB once in a blue moon, and sure enough she is trying to overcompensate for her long-failed camwhoring venture by worshipping BLM niggershining and troons. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cheers for her actual name, I'd long since forgotten it. She's still the weird, deluded, horse-faced looking mulatto she's always been, which maybe isn't too much of a surprise.

Hilarious to find out that she's STILL convinced she's going to be some kind of voice actor. Her speaking voice was always horrendously grating, like one of those BLM terrorists she loves so much. She must be, what, in her mid-30s now? And she apparently just moved to L.A. recently, good lord. She's going to get eaten alive there.

Weird to find out Nume had a mental breakdown, that's a bit sad quite honestly. Then again, how does one have a mental breakdown except through extensive abuse or just being batshit insane? My money's on the latter. PushingUpRoses is like that too, although she's endearing enough to the point that I wouldn't poke too much fun at her for it.

It's kinda sad to think that all of this was for naught. All these people acted like petty pieces of shit and absolutely got what was coming to them, but it's still sad that an assortment of human beings could be this delusional and such abhorrent.

Speaking about it again, Darkness' obdurate personality and his refusal to move on do sort of make sense. The only one of his rants which I ever think about was when he was complaining about HD televisions, which at the time was quite funny to me as people were spending absurd amounts for "a clearer picture", as he put it. This was back when the PS3 was first released too, so it made sense then, but since then I've come to realise that it wasn't just doing it to be funny. He genuinely cannot understand the point of improving upon what you already have - which explain why, 10 years on, he's still living in a basement and has the same tacky posters all over his walls. Most of these people just weren't capable of progressing as human beings, so it's no wonder they never went anywhere. "Innovation" just wasn't a word in their vocabulary.

Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:37 pm
by Yes
The best joke Dankness the purse ever said was

"I like my women like my weather letting me see the sun"

Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:00 pm
by Kugelfisch
Bartnopolis wrote:
Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:57 am
Does ChibiFighter ring a bell to you or annyone? I'll address more about her in a bit, but just to get it out of way: *It* is a Troon now. :lol:
I'm more surprised that she actually is a girl than hearing that she's pretending to be a dude now. She was very >muh YT gaming community back in the days. You'd see her comment under everyone's videos and be generally well-respected by all but actually watched by none.

The community aspect was big part of what made everyone despise Irate Gamer. You'd be forgiven to think he only was disliked because his videos were uninformed trash or because he ripped off the AVGN, which are both true, but for the most part it was because he didn't interact with the others.
For those that weren't there: Everyone knew everyone. Everyone watched everyone. Some may not like other vidya faggots but they usually wouldn't mention it. So for Bores to not answer to comments, ever, and never aknowledge any of the other vidya people he got loads of shit. When he was partnered over everyone else is when people got really mad. In their mind, somebody who was around longer was more deserving. Spoony wasn't partnered, PlayItBogard and Armake weren't either. None of the entire circlejerk were ever partnered. But Bores was. That's when shit hit the fan.
Pretty much only the AVGN was exempt from having to partake in the perceived community, since he was something like a proper celebrity to them.

Still, overall it was a better time. At least in the beginning not everything was about views and money.

Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:14 pm
by Chippah
Another random nobody...anyone remember the YTWatchdog?

Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 6:16 pm
by conchncoral
I always thought boomstick545 was kinda funny. never knew where he went. just stopped uploading after a while. I remember him having some sense of humor although most of his videos were at low hanging fruit.

Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:35 am
by Duwango
SpoonyOne?SpoonyDone wrote:
Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:12 pm
Cheers for her actual name, I'd long since forgotten it. She's still the weird, deluded, horse-faced looking mulatto she's always been, which maybe isn't too much of a surprise.
I agree on everything except for the horse-faced part. Tiana isn't too bad looking, which would explain why she went out of her way to seduce and manipulate minors to do her bidding. Seriously, what is it with NYC chicks and their borderline pedophilia predispositions? :lol:

She was about 18 years or older at the peak of her "popularity" in 2009 or so. Her voice acting career is all but white noise to me, but for what it's worth at least Tiana had some aspirations in life, even if they were short sighted and moronic, something that her peers never had because they unironically believed the ranting/commentary fuckfest would last forever. :lol: Needless to say all of those losers are still bitter over the rude awakening from YT itself. :roll:

I wasn't aware she had relocated to L.A. Last I heard she was a typical Unicuck snowflake in Binghamton, NY.

Nume is from L.A. too, so batshit insanity was to be expected. Keep in mind that Rachel was never really that sound of mind even before 2011; she was just barely tolerable at best. Last I heard, which was three years ago or so, she was an English teacher in Japan. For all I know she has already returned to Loser Aspies. Imagine if she and Tiana crossed paths; I know for a fact they're particularly hostile to one another and they still rely on liaisons specifically to send bitchfits to the other party. The San Andreas earthquake would happen waaaaaaaay earlier than expected. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Personally for me, the real sadness and tragedy is that such a relatively small, unimportant group of low-hanging sociopaths went out of their way to waste the time and betray the trust of a lot of younger folks who simply did not know any better, including me. It's also for this reason that I don't really miss the old pre-Cosmic Panda YT community at all. It was great learning experience but that's all it will ever be for the people who have moved on with their lives.

I used to have Darkness on Skype for about two years or so. I did make efforts to periodically send him messages in hopes to strike up a casual convo, but not once did he even bother to say a fucking "hello" or even "can't reply right away I'm kinda busy." This was long after his fanbase and popularity had dissipated. He was always virulently anti-social and was prone to sudden outbursts' even in his personal cycle.

One day another friend of mine wanted to chat with Darkness, just to get into his psyche. Since Josh never showed any signs of human live I decided to assemble a harmless group chat in hopes of getting him to give a shit for once in his emotionless life. Sure enough he had a meltdown and smeared me and my buddy as "stalkers and harassers" when all we wanted was to ask him questions on why he did the things he did. I haven't bothered with him since then and I'd say he wholesomely deserves his decrepit life. This cuckold had so many ample opportunities for networking and moving his channel ahead, and he-wasted-every-single-one-of-them. :x :x :x
Kugelfisch wrote:
Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:00 pm
I'm more surprised that she actually is a girl than hearing that she's pretending to be a dude now. She was very >muh YT gaming community back in the days. You'd see her comment under everyone's videos and be generally well-respected by all but actually watched by none.
Affirmative. ChibiFighter/ChibiUFO (Kristina/Kyle Foster, who previously simply went by "Maria" in her YT days) was quite the basement dweller and would gravitate around loads and loads of vaguely popular ranting, commentary and lets play channels and have them under her thumb because she was a chick. That's another case of wasted potential, too. She was friends or acquainted with practically ALL of the channels that mattered back in the day and made practically zero use of them. Indeed, she would burn bridges left and right and then subsequently gaslight her former contacts into silence. She was a tumblrina long before Tumblr itself became an actual thing. I checked her twitter in 2013 and felt like messing with ChibiFucker, and sure enough, she is still the same insular, shut-in, emotionally stunted creepazoid she has always been. I believe *it* is 28 years old now or older? Oh well just check the twitter for yourself if you dare.

I never really loathed Chris Bores/Irate Gamer as much as the other proto-redditors from the old YT community did. I actually appreciated the fact that Bores stuck to doing his own thing and not once acknowledged the temper tantrums that Armake and etc threw at him. That's not to say that Bores' own channel was an abnormality in itself, as it seemed that he simply sprouted out of nowhere and YT made him a partner for god knows what.

I am still somewhat nostalgiac for the community aspect of that era, but I don't miss it at all. Like I said for SpoonyDone, it was solid learning experience and I wouldn't really have it any other way. :geek:

I disagree that views and money didn't matter back then. Armake himself would demand ransom money from his fans so that he could go out of his way to do videos on certain games that he didn't like. RandomDCE and his posse also swindled a lot of money from their respective fanbases to get their own forum, Wingerdinger, running. Wingerdinger only lasted roughly three months, and I don't think they even did anything useful with the cash because they ran the whole thing on the freeforums template. :lol:
Chippah wrote:
Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:14 pm
Another random nobody...anyone remember the YTWatchdog?
His high-pitched shtick was eternally grating and he would always overblow the tiniest of inner community workings on YT. Movin' on.
conchncoral wrote:
Thu Aug 17, 2017 6:16 pm
I always thought boomstick545 was kinda funny. never knew where he went. just stopped uploading after a while. I remember him having some sense of humor although most of his videos were at low hanging fruit.
Looking back, Boomstick (Wells Bristol, for you FB dwellers) had his own charm going to him, even if he always came off as meanspirited and he was on par with Spacks as far as mental and emotional stability were concerned, which is to say that he had neither.

Boomstick is kinda a tragedy in itself, since he ditched aside his old group of friends (I was one of them) in favor of embracing the golden ticket of acceptance into the YT ranting elite of Darkness, BigAl etc. The only reason he made commentaries was to ensure that his new high-ranking "friends" would continue to pay attention to him. That's literally it, and even then, they were never particularly close because the circle was already falling into pieces after the NYC lollercoaster. :(

Such was boomstick's influence, even Jim81Jim (Yes, InternetAristocrat) sucked up to him when the latter was still gloating about his SomethingAwful cred (which actual goons never do for obvious reasons) and pooping out Let's Plays that no one ever watched. :roll:

Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:24 pm
by Kugelfisch
RandomDCE is somebody I actually never knew about. No idea why. I only know of him from DHI and not much either.
True, there was always e-begging but it was at least seen as negative back then. Now it's the norm.

I took a look at Chibi's twitter. The bio is the usual ultra tumblr crap and she mentions EXPotemkin being her boyfriend. There's another twat I haven't hear of in a long time. His bio in turn lets us know that he's a NEOfag member, of course. I am willing to bet that this "couple" never actually met IRL.

Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:25 pm
by Duwango
Kugelfisch wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:24 pm
RandomDCE is somebody I actually never knew about. No idea why. I only know of him from DHI and not much either.
RandomDCE/James Thompsett (The anagram stands for Dickhead Cocksucker Emofaggot. Don't question it, it just is :lol:) was never particularly popular or talented in any way, so I can see why you were never familiar with him. He was only good at manipulating the other ranting figureheads under his thumb, and he would ditch them in the most psychopathic manner when he no longer had any use for them.

BigAl only "pretended" to be friends with James Thompsett because for a while the latter had more subs and influence than the Michigan Mastodon himself. They would constantly throw hissy fits and unfriend each other, and would go into delete-and-block mode if anyone would dare as much as imply that MAYBE things weren't really all that rosy between them. :roll: Also of note that Al is such a snowflake he even cried on a skype call about James not being interested in anime at all :lol: Wish I had saved the video when it was still up. Immediately afterwards James made a video with Darkscream217 about - what else - anime so he could fall into the good graces of the Al fanfucks. They were basically producing an ongoing soap opera for all normies to see and free of cost! :lol:

I used to kind-of-but-not-really chat with
EXPotemkin for a few years. There isn't much of anything noteworthy about him; he really just existed and he had no real strong opinions on anything that isn't vidya. Just another NeoCUCK who drove himself into poverty by always buying the latest 60 dollar AAA game and subsequently bitching that the gubbermint doesn't help him at all.

And no, of course the "couple" never met IRL. EXpo lives in bumfuck Pennsylvania and ChibiFucker is on Saskatoon (Western Cucknadia). That's another prominent thing I always noticed; the Pennsylvania-Canuckistan distant relationships between self-hating white cucks and troons. Lake Erie must be helluva polluted after all. :lol: