BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

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Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Post by SpoonyOne?SpoonyDone » Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:52 pm

Bartnopolis wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:37 pm
basically I was indirectly responsible for causing Armake's mental breakdown in late 2008. :lol:
That would have happened inevitably anyway.

I NEVER understood the appeal of Armake, which is saying something as somehow Josh's whining was more entertaining than it. Armake was Wizwar100 and Jedite levels of boring to me; wholly without any real charisma or anything interesting to say, and you could tell there was something up with him. Which turned out to be true, as he was so much of a beta cuck that he ended up apologising to his own girlfriend for her cheating on him. Yes, you read that right.

Speaking of Wizwar, he forgot the password for his account and so ended up making an entire new account. For years I just assumed he had quit. These people really weren't the brightest of the bunch.

As for Josh, he's quite clearly permanently depressed. He seemed fed up five years ago and he seems fed up now. You can tell that, too, as he's permanently stuck in the past, doing nothing but My Immortal fanfiction readings and taking years to play thorough Sonic '06 of all games. It's like a real life version of Sunset Boulevard, except somehow even more pathetic.

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Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Post by Cuckara » Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:03 pm

Bartnopolis wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:37 pm
I also recall that JKTIM had a decent job lined up for Josh as a sheriff's deputy, and the latter blew it all because he......admitted to pirating stuff from the internet. Yes, really. :lol:
Kek, what a retard. By the way, what's the deal with JKTIM? I've always found it odd that a shitposter who mocked the ranting community is close friends with a bunch of ranters.
Bartnopolis wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:37 pm
I think I might've already gone into extensive detail about this on DHI 2.0, and might do so again later on, but basically I was indirectly responsible for causing Armake's mental breakdown in late 2008. :lol:
Please post the full story, I haven't heard it.

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Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Post by Guest » Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:34 pm

SpoonyOne?SpoonyDone wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:52 pm

I NEVER understood the appeal of Armake, which is saying something as somehow Josh's whining was more entertaining than it. Armake was Wizwar100 and Jedite levels of boring to me; wholly without any real charisma or anything interesting to say, and you could tell there was something up with him. Which turned out to be true, as he was so much of a beta cuck that he ended up apologising to his own girlfriend for her cheating on him. Yes, you read that right.
Well Spoony once said Armake was his main inspiration for him to create videos, so let that one sink in!

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Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Post by Duwango » Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:04 am

SpoonyOne?SpoonyDone wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:52 pm
That would have happened inevitably anyway.

I NEVER understood the appeal of Armake, which is saying something as somehow Josh's whining was more entertaining than it. Armake was Wizwar100 and Jedite levels of boring to me; wholly without any real charisma or anything interesting to say, and you could tell there was something up with him. Which turned out to be true, as he was so much of a beta cuck that he ended up apologising to his own girlfriend for her cheating on him. Yes, you read that right.
I wouldn't doubt that it was inevitable, but I'd argue that I somewhat made his fall from grace (not that Marcus ever had a rise because he's always been a schizophrenic abomination) even lulzier. :lol:

I also never really liked his videos or his character (he sperged alot about this "character" of his, by the way), which is also saying something considering that almost everyone in the "angry" reviewing bandwagon were never particularly funny or articulate. Not only Marcus tried too hard, it was rather evident that his shtick was a coping mechanism for his otherwise dreadful existence. The horror stories are too many, and I'll recall more as the thread goes on, but among other things he got fired from his NYC cop job due to chronic alcoholism. He also scammed 10k from all of his online friends under the pretense of creating a hosting site for them outside of Youtube. All the cash went into an Alienware Server that supposedly broke down after a few months of use and I don't think Marcus ever elaborated upon what happened exactly, nor did he formally apologize for fans and friends for wasting everyone's time with his baggage.

I certainly recall questioning him about it on a 2012 twitch stream, and he had yet another mental breakdown for all to see :lol: around that time he was also going full psychotic over recommended videos on YTs and even tried to gin up a lynch mob against the site, to no avail. Guess he ran out of fentanyl a bit too early. :lol:

It also bears reminding that Marcus has quite a history with both Hab and Jim, which again, has probably been discussed at length at DHI 2.0 before. I could be wrong, but Marcus even appeared in a few InternetAristocrat streams, and apparently the former was very drunk and none of Jims' fans liked him in the slightest :lol:

Don't have much to say about Wizwar100/LazyWorkCreations. He's a Canuck Chinkerton who has simply always been there and had zero impact on things in the long run. Moving on.....

Another thing about Josh is that, much like BigAl2k6, he never had much luck with women at all, be it online or IRL. I used to know some Puerto Rican skank who used her failed relationship with Josh as a way of ginning up sympathy and attention for himself and also to get back at him. There were also several other ranting camwhores who got involved with Josh and also pulled similar stunts afterwards. For what it's worth, he isn't childless, but considering how he's stick stuck a decade ago in the past it really isn't saying much.

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Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Post by Griever » Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:43 am

Kugelfisch wrote:
Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:01 pm
Whatever happened to Cloud0815? Has the fucker finally cut his wrists?
Cloud0815--now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I'd be shocked if that fat bastard was still at it. I remember I dug up a ton of good dirt on him back in the old days of the DHI wiki. As with most of the wiki content, Monty bawleeted it for being too mean.

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Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Post by Duwango » Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:47 am

Cuckara wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:03 pm
Kek, what a retard. By the way, what's the deal with JKTIM? I've always found it odd that a shitposter who mocked the ranting community is close friends with a bunch of ranters.
JKTIM/David Hardy never really mocked anyone. He was always very passive and had permission from the JewTube ranting elite to do politically correct "parodies" on them that ensured it wouldn't hurt their precious feelings or put them in a negative light in any way.

As for the guy himself, I would say he isn't as apocalyptically spergy as the rest of the circlejerk he gravitates around. Regardless, he's also just as prone to drama mongering as his fossil friends. I distinctively recall that, four years ago, a trip to St. Louis that he undertook (and financed all by himself) with Nume93/FallopianFedora and others from the RandomDCE cult went terribly wrong. It was essentially a repeat of the equally disastrous (Funny how none of these people are ever functional, be it on the virtual or physical world :lol:) NYC trip that he was also a part of in 2009, except that apparently he was sexually assaulted by Nume in a hotel bathroom.

There is probably more to it that I can't recall immediately, but basically what we are currently seeing with Razorfag/Rob/Asalieri hugboxing around Hellstink's demise also happened in the aftermath of the St. Louis adventure. HeavybassX saw fit to leak news of the entire thing to to the internet for the sole purpose of stirring shit up (I believe JKTIM had already requested him to keep it a secret). RandomDCE came out of JewTube retirement just to settle his own personal sissy grudge against Nume under the pretense of wanting to "defend" David's honor.
Bartnopolis wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:37 pm
I think I might've already gone into extensive detail about this on DHI 2.0, and might do so again later on, but basically I was indirectly responsible for causing Armake's mental breakdown in late 2008. :lol:
Please post the full story, I haven't heard it.

It's not as awfully interesting as I hint it out to be :lol: but here goes.

NicolineAlien was embroiled on sissy fights with pretty much all nobodies on JewTube. Remember that he cooked up that fantastical lie about his old GF hacking into his original channel and closing it, all just so he could dance around the aforementioned server issue. I was just a dumb jock who didn't know any better. All I knew was that Marcus was always butthurt to the point of constipation and would cook up tl;dr schizo diatribes towards anyone who dared to question or oppose him in any way.

So there I went and sent him a few PMs poking fun at his perpetual misery and inability to properly dialogue with anyone else. Predictably, he replied with sissified passive aggressive textwalls, and I decided to link him to a relatively harmless video that a friend of mine did on Armake, which addressed his many well known personality defects. The comment war that followed on said video was the most insane I ever bore witness to. LuizPrower, Cloud8745, BigAl, Magus, and even Gury Larry - to name a few - were all duking it out in regards to Armake and their own personal sissy grudges against each other. Imagine if all the nobody stalwarts that are discussed on DHI were all on fentanyl going at it with AngrySpoonySnob Dutch-style bloviation with copious amounts of ecstasy, all of it happening while Wesley Willis' music plays at the background.

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Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Post by SpoonyOne?SpoonyDone » Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:57 am

"equally disastrous...NYC trip"

That one was disastrous? Really? Do tell. I thought that went pretty smoothly, but I guess not.

I actually spoke to Nume26 once. Or, rather, she spoke to me in a private message when I accused Josh and the others of being ED writers. She seemed pretty nice and sane to me, which was odd because you have to remember just how self-important Josh and co. were back in the day. Pages and pages of comments on videos, and I think I maybe got one response from Josh in the 2 or so years I watched his stuff. They were always arrogant shits, but strangely enough a lot of those smaller channels are.

So, this is getting to some of the most obscure nobody shit that there is, as if that wasn't already apparent from us talking about guys like Armake.

You see, the early ranters/reviewers usually had some sort of, I don't know, lesser I suppose. Basically, many of them had their own Cuckson of sorts: BigAl had Darkness, UrinatingTree had Ebeeto to an extent (poetry); a person who didn't mind admitting to being inspired by a particular person and usually gravitated around them in some manner. Well, you see, Darkness had his own cuckson called MetroidJunkie2007. This guy was pretty clearly fucked in the head (you'd have to be to like Josh that much), and used to gravitate around him. What happened? Well, after getting annoyed by MJ2007 doing some weird albeit pretty irrelevant shit, Josh and co. decided to make a sort of SonsofKojima-style channel where they mocked him endlessly. Even back then I thought it was really in poor taste, and actually might have been what finally disillusioned me with them.

MJ2007 is another one of those channels which never found their niche. I was extremely surprised years later to hear his name...on True Capitalist Radio of all things. Yes, he ended up being part of a contingency which continuously trolled old Ghostler himself. After everything he'd been through. I guess it's true what they say, you really are more like to abuse when you've been abused yourself. He was a very selfish person though, and very egotistical, so maybe that's not too much of a surprise. He didn't deserve to be belittled in the way he was though.

Also, I had no clue that LillyLivers broke up with DCE, that's hilarious. To be expected, sure, but still hilarious. What's also funny is that Lilly was another arrogant shit, once saying she thought she was really attractive and so she put off showing her face for ages. Protip: she's really, really not attractive. Hugboxes were a mistake.

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Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Post by Poonoo » Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:21 pm

SpoonyOne?SpoonyDone wrote:
Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:57 am

You see, the early ranters/reviewers usually had some sort of, I don't know, lesser I suppose. Basically, many of them had their own Cuckson of sorts: BigAl had Darkness, UrinatingTree had Ebeeto to an extent (poetry); a person who didn't mind admitting to being inspired by a particular person and usually gravitated around them in some manner.
Archfiend and UndertakerFreak can be added to that list. Doge Walker and co decided to go against Sith tradition and have multiple cucksons and it gave them greater success. It's like Star Wars Legacy
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Post by Kugelfisch » Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:55 pm

Poonoo wrote:
Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:21 pm
SpoonyOne?SpoonyDone wrote:
Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:57 am

You see, the early ranters/reviewers usually had some sort of, I don't know, lesser I suppose. Basically, many of them had their own Cuckson of sorts: BigAl had Darkness, UrinatingTree had Ebeeto to an extent (poetry); a person who didn't mind admitting to being inspired by a particular person and usually gravitated around them in some manner.
Archfiend and UndertakerFreak can be added to that list. Doge Walker and co decided to go against Sith tradition and have multiple cucksons and it gave them greater success. It's like Star Wars Legacy
Stan Burdman had Invisible Nigger and Judekhanzo. PlayitBogard had Luis Prower. One could go on.
Jedite stopped making videos very early on but since he was regarded an oldfag he used to still make videos answering to people asking what he thinks about their channels. I always enjoyed those videos a lot with all his handwringing, hillbilly accent and just the whole absurdity of it all that people wanted tips from him. At some point he got fairly buff and I'm still surprised I haven't seen him in one of the backyard wrastlin videos Joe Roscoe likes so much. :lol:

I didn't bother looking further into Burdman but I'm not surprised that he basically just tried on and off to become an Internet Nobody proper. Goes well together with the company he kept when he used to matter a little bit.

I never liked DarknessTheCurseofMalepatternBaldness. He was always a shit version of UrinatingTree, just that he seemed to take himself and his shit serious instead.
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Re: BigAl2k6, Darknessthecurse and the Rest of the Old Ranting/Commentary Community

Post by Chippah » Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:19 pm

Anyone remember The Mad Ranter? I think he was either Native American or Mexican. Wore a mad hatter style hat in his videos. If I remember correctly he did like top 5 lists about facebook or myspace sucking. Looks like there's some white guy with the channel name now. Trying to find one of his old videos.

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