Flustered Fernando and the Seven Pesos

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Re: Flustered Fernando and the Seven Pesos

Post by Kama » Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:51 pm

Well there aren't any vital stars, devil stars, or holy waters to buy in DMCV so let's just see how far these MTs take anyone

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Re: Flustered Fernando and the Seven Pesos

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Wed Sep 26, 2018 4:23 pm

They can just charge for Gold Orbs then. Just like in the gold old arcade days.
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Re: Flustered Fernando and the Seven Pesos

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:05 am

Some Sick Fuck wrote:
Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:59 pm
Don't - I welcome any chance to talk some sense into these heathens. Even tictac eventually admits that I'm right most of the time.
Finally reached Booger status of self-delusion, I see.
suzaku wrote:
Tue Sep 25, 2018 2:50 am
I dunno but I think it's funny that Rockstar will do the same with Red Dead 2 that they did with GTAV and yet people are lining up to buy it, yet most of these people are bitching about DMCV? Who are you fooling?
Who are you fooling? It's all the same shit and one shouldn't support it but in this case you will and it's okay because supposedly everyone else is doing it? That's a weak argument if I've ever seen one.
suzaku wrote:
Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:11 pm
I'm just saying that calling me a cuck and demanding I don't buy what I want because that proves I care about the gaming industry is fucking gay and fuck those who say it
>caring about current vidya industry
>supporting the very cancer that has been killing it for over a decade
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Re: Flustered Fernando and the Seven Pesos

Post by rabidtictac » Thu Sep 27, 2018 8:08 am

I just want to mention a few more things I noticed from watching more gameplay footage, and why I'm getting more and more pessimistic about RE2make:

-The whole game is much darker. The same areas are laid out roughly as they were, but now you can't see shit because they're black as pitch and the game forces you to use your flashlight to see anything. Areas are so much fucking darker that they're practically unrecognizable as the locations you remember. Enjoy turning your gamma up I guess tbh, unless the darkness is actually black space, in which case enjoy getting fucked. A lot of the screen real estate in the demo footage is a black void.

-At least in the footage I saw of gameplay, the game uses a traditional TPS crosshair, rather than an RE4 laser sight. This is PROBABLY a feature you can toggle in options (it was for RE6), but it's a bad sign when the laser isn't default.

-They've talked about how they're still balancing the game around the fact you can aim. This probably means location-specific damage is in (demo gameplay shows it) but it makes me suspicious the game will either be way too easy or vastly different in feel.

-The way you swap your guns is EXACTLY the same as how you switch in Rev1 and Rev2. Very bad sign tbh. Between this and the crosshair and the way your ammo and other counters look, the game really, really looks like the HD port of Rev 2 I said it reminds me of. Even in RE5, hot-swapping can only be done by manually assigning weapons in your inventory to their corresponding directional slot. This looks more like some kind of default weapon wheel like you get in Borderlands 2 or Revelations 2.

-There are a shitload more cutscenes and heavier emphasis on story based on what I can see.

-The game goes out of its way to shove gratuitous close-up gore shots in your face in 4k. RE has always had gore but the way they're doing it in the gameplay footage lacks finesse and seems to indicate the same grindhouse/meat factory approach that Mikami took with Evil Within and Capcom took with Revelations 2. Gore isn't scary in itself. Just like how darkness isn't scary in itself.

-The game APPEARS to have some bullshit crafting in it. What I mean by "bullshit" is it looks like busywork to me rather than meaningful upgrading. I saw a dude pick up some nail boards and slap them on a window a zambie was pounding on. If this is a common item, that seems like it could potentially be total shit. Hopefully you don't need to nail shit closed to stop infinite respawns or something retarded like that.

Some other questions I have are:

Does the game have weighted drops, or are they fixed? Weighted drops usually translate to the game requiring you to kill most or all enemies before moving forward. See RE4, RE5 and Dead Space, where you can theoretically skip enemies, but the game rewards you for killing everything. In RE2, RE1 and RE3, you're rewarded for saving your ammo and avoiding enemies except when you need to clear them out, because enemies in themselves do not drop anything. Only a very few monsters in classic RE games have drops at all (mostly bosses and Nemesis.)

On the one hand, weighted drops can remove frustration. On the other hand, weighted drops give you no incentive to not spam your favorite/most powerful guns all the time, because the game will keep shitting out that ammo type for you. RE4 probably balanced its drops the best out of all TPS horror games I've played, but still. I find it's a system that tends to either be way too stingy (the last of us) or way too lenient (RE5). RE2 with weighted drops would kind of ruin it for me.
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Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
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Re: Flustered Fernando and the Seven Pesos

Post by Some Sick Fuck » Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:14 am

Kugelfisch wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:05 am
Finally reached Booger status of self-delusion, I see.
How dare you! Where is my hugbox when I need it?

All right, let's level for a moment. I haven't played any newer RE titles after RE5. I had enough. I haven't seen much from the spin-offs, and what I saw in RE7 wasn't bad, but it sure isn't the old school RE, so I've skipped that one as well.

rabidtictac wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 8:08 am
why I'm getting more and more pessimistic about RE2make:
As if you needed a reason to be pessimist.
rabidtictac wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 8:08 am
-The whole game is much darker.
-the game uses a traditional TPS crosshair
-the game will either be way too easy or vastly different in feel.
-The way you swap your guns is EXACTLY the same as how you switch in Rev1 and Rev2
-There are a shitload more cutscenes and heavier emphasis on story based on what I can see.
-The game goes out of its way to shove gratuitous close-up gore shots in your face in 4
-The game APPEARS to have some bullshit crafting in it
1) I did not get that impression, so hopefully that's just your bad monitor. Too much darkness can easily ruin the game - I hated DOOM 3.
2) Eh, I never cared much about RE4, and in old games, you had autoaim (which was kinda necessary due to camera system), so I'm fine with it.
3) I'm sure there will be a difficulty settings - right now, I really have no way of telling how difficult the game will be.
4) I take it you didn't like Revelations and it's a bad game? If anything, I've always hated how needlessly time consuming the inventory was in older games, for something so simple. Especially on PC.
5) Could be how they cut it for promotional materials.
6) How is that a bad thing? Again, could be cut a bit much together to show off, but I am certainly not angry that they aren't afraid to show actual gore. In RE2, you get plenty of super violent cutscenes, like chief Irons flying through trap door torn in half, or that journalist guy giving birth alien-style, and obviously the game doesn't shy away from violence either, since you can shoot off zombie's legs with shotgun.
7) You got that from a guy using nails to shut the windows? There have been elements of crafting in old games too, RE3 uses crafting to make your own ammo, giving you the ability to mix gunpowder. How dare they!

So far, I really can't say that I feel bad about it. You know what I really don't miss? Abudance of bullshit QTE from RE4. Silly, ridiculous characters, fantasy-like settings, weird, supernatural monsters, because RE4 was in development hell for a long time and they made many experimental versions, even those with Silent Hill like monsters and ghosts. We will see in few months. I remain optimistic - sure, I could nitpick many things about what I've seen, but since this seems at least partially like a return to classic formula, I don't feel like.

As for enemies, I did like what RE Remake did. Killing standard enemies would make them more powerful later on, if you didn't burn the corpses. But since that feature never returned, I'm guessing a lot of people didn't like it, because you could basically screw yourself without knowing it. Crimson heads were no joke.

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Re: Flustered Fernando and the Seven Pesos

Post by rabidtictac » Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:47 am

Did they confirm no QTEs in RE2make? Because I honestly expect to see those again.

I won't believe they're really gone until I see the final game tbh. Ever since RE4, they've been in every mainstream RE game except possibly 7 which I didn't play. Rev1 and Rev2 have their own forms of QTEs.

And yes, I hated Rev2. At least the story mode. Raid mode is raid mode, it's whatever. It's an arcade shooter with microtransaction bullshit. But it's basically a completely different game from the story mode. Most of the levels in Rev2 Raid mode are stolen from RE6, because Rev2's actual level design is so bad.

Rev2 is straight up trash though. Everything about the game (except! the controls!) is downright horrible. They ruined a bunch of classic RE characters like Claire and Barry by putting them in such a shitty game. Most of the enemies look stupid and locational damage is basically gone. Hell, enemies don't even react to shotgun blasts half the time. They changed contextual melee so every character has only 1 or 2 moves and they look fucking lame. Ammo drops are given in true Last of Us/Evil Within style, where you get 5 pistol rounds at a time instead of the 15 or even 30 of previous games. The puzzles are stupid and the game is up its own ass about Franz Kafka literature. Don't even get me started on the retarded forced co-op shit that makes Sheva look like a goddamn genius wonder child by comparison. Imagine a CPU partner who only has a crowbar and flashlight, and the only way you can uncover more of those previous 5 bullet handgun ammo drops is by switching over to them and wasting time flashing your light around so the invisible ammo drops become visible. No, I'm not kidding. You ACTUALLY have to do that.

If you think weird supernatural monsters are a bad thing in RE, I've got news for you regarding the rev2 monsters btw. :lol: There are invisible bugs that instantly kill you because raisins, and you have to swap to a little girl so she can tell you where they are so you can swap back to Barry and shoot them. Enjoy that.

And while I said the controls are good, I mean for the type of game. The hot-swapping between assigned weapons is fine on a frenetic game mode like Raid. It's less fine for a slow, deliberate survival horror adventure such as RE2.

I knew my point about the gore would be hard to explain because RE2 and the classic games did have gore in them. My point was the gore serves the story. RE3 has many great examples of this, where a dude gets owned super hard to show you how fucked you're going to be by Nemesis. The more recent RE films remind me of comments mark kermode made about michael bay filming with a pornographer's eye. It's that notion of shooting an action sequence or showing a big gore explosion like you're shooting a cumshot. That's the way RE games from RE4-5 on seem to treat the violence imo. RE5 even has a big retarded zoom-in every single time you reveal the stupid crab boss' weak point. Like, they gave it a fucking separate cutscene just to show that and they play it EVERY TIME you reveal the weakness. :lol:
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: Flustered Fernando and the Seven Pesos

Post by Some Sick Fuck » Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:41 am

rabidtictac wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:47 am
Rev2 is straight up trash though. Everything about the game (except! the controls!) is downright horrible. They ruined a bunch of classic RE characters like Claire and Barry by putting them in such a shitty game.
That I can believe. To me, the franchise was getting stupid silly with Code Veronica already, but at least it that was so insane that I didn't mind too much. RE5 was what finally broke me, because that was just fucking embarrasing - making Wesker into a fucking clown, throwing glasses like he's fucking Oddjob and acting like Neo.

Fortunately for us, the story seems to be following RE2 quite closely from what I've seen, without too much bullshit. I'll give questfag the fact that Claire has a weird, fixed facial expression in some of the cutscenes, but I think that's mainly because they let her stare with her mouth open and look like idiot. But that's really a detail I'll gladly overlook as long as the rest is faithful to the original without too much bullshit added.

And let's not even talk about Resident Evil movies. They are all dumpster fire. I'll admit I haven't seen all the gameplay footage, but the part where Leon exposes the torn head looked like a good moment to me, so unless they use the same thing 5 times after that, I don't mind, it's not overused.
rabidtictac wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:47 am
If you think weird supernatural monsters are a bad thing in RE, I've got news for you regarding the rev2 monsters btw. :lol: There are invisible bugs that instantly kill you because raisins, and you have to swap to a little girl so she can tell you where they are so you can swap back to Barry and shoot them. Enjoy that.
What's with the obsession with little worms, bugs or other crap they seemingly have? I guess T-Virus just stopped being scary in the developer's minds, because for RE4 they made Las Plagas, which I am not a fan of, since it seems like a needless change just so you can say it's something new, but at least it has the disturbing mind control idea. The black tar from RE5 was shit, and I'm pretty sure it appears in other new games. I don't know if something like that is in RE6, but I believe the Rev2 bugs are something similar, more like worms, right?

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Re: Flustered Fernando and the Seven Pesos

Post by Rapeculture » Thu Sep 27, 2018 3:32 pm

Some things I gleaned from interviews I've read about REmake 2:

-The difficulty is dynamic. The better you do, the more difficult the game gets. In other words, it uses the RE4 difficulty. There will also be a hard mode. Whether or not it has to be unlocked like RE4's professional mode is unknown (at least to me).

-They almost cut the giant alligator due to it not being "realistic" enough for their gritty, realistic zombie game. They kept it in because they knew fans would bitch. They actually said that.

-Dark areas that need the flashlight to get through were added for a greater sense of clausterphobia plus horror atmosphere. Also, enemies can hide in the darkness, naturally.

-The only QTE I know of is the one in which you use a knife or grenade to escape an enemy's grasp. This was in REmake 1 of course. I've not heard anything about additional QTE's, but there are supposed to be more defense items available other than the knife and grenade.
rabidtictac wrote:
Wed Aug 09, 2023 4:57 am
Rapeculture lives in a van by the river and rapes bitches every day.

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Re: Flustered Fernando and the Seven Pesos

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:45 pm

A mutant alligator was deemed too unrealistic. In a game with walking plant monsters, zombies turning into monsters who can stab you with their tongue, and a bloke who gets overtaken by his own tumor.
rabidtictac wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:47 am
If you think weird supernatural monsters are a bad thing in RE, I've got news for you regarding the rev2 monsters btw. :lol: There are invisible bugs that instantly kill you because raisins, and you have to swap to a little girl so she can tell you where they are so you can swap back to Barry and shoot them. Enjoy that.
This is highly symbolic. Dunno for what, but it is.
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Re: Flustered Fernando and the Seven Pesos

Post by Kugelfisch » Fri Sep 28, 2018 12:52 pm

rabidtictac wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:47 am
Did they confirm no QTEs in RE2make? Because I honestly expect to see those again.

I won't believe they're really gone until I see the final game tbh. Ever since RE4, they've been in every mainstream RE game except possibly 7 which I didn't play.
They are in 7 in some scripted fights. They remind me a lot ot the ones in The Order 08/15.
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