Super Best Friends: Sperge Breakup

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Re: Super Best Friends: Sperge Breakup

Post by ban » Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:02 pm

Complicity wrote:
Sat Aug 28, 2021 7:00 pm
Some Sick Fuck wrote:
Thu Aug 26, 2021 7:48 pm
Maybe, but it doesn't leak into the videos. If somebody becomes too much of a shitter, so obsessed with polydicks that it transitions into their videos, because they are so desperate to "tell the world", then fuck them.
Wasn't his crossover with Stop Omega Cuckolds From Fighting a temper tantrum about Crapcom not announcing that Poison is a troon?
Didn't he say in one of his streams/videos/whatever "StandWithVic get the fuck out of my feed"?
Usually far left subhumans don't improve, they have bigger and bigger meltdowns and lose more and more subscribers.
I can't imagine hearing that shit in his voice, I'd rather go back to the army and just fry under the sun during the summer. At least my ears were safe in the tranquility of the mountain.

As for Alex Derek(?) boy, did he fall so fucking hard on his face : basically being a cuck bitch to the "woman" who basically has a tight leash on him along with his dick and balls in her bag, along with his earnings and channel, having him parrot her shit and paddle her SJW wank. What a sad existence. He may have been a smug shit before but he was free at least. It's sad seeing the guy now but that's what you get when you shove your dick into crazy out of immense thirst.
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Re: Super Best Friends: Sperge Breakup

Post by rabidtictac » Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:12 pm

Complicity wrote:
Sat Aug 28, 2021 7:00 pm
Some Sick Fuck wrote:
Thu Aug 26, 2021 7:48 pm
Maybe, but it doesn't leak into the videos. If somebody becomes too much of a shitter, so obsessed with polydicks that it transitions into their videos, because they are so desperate to "tell the world", then fuck them.
Didn't he say in one of his streams/videos/whatever "StandWithVic get the fuck out of my feed"?
He said that on twitter, I believe. Also I remember him saying something about Trump voters should unfollow.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
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Re: Super Best Friends: Sperge Breakup

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:13 am

Ah, the classic "If you have different political views from me, I hereby forbid you from consooming any of my product", a most bizarre form of virtue-signaling.
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Re: Super Best Friends: Sperge Breakup

Post by Some Sick Fuck » Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:12 pm

Well, that's pathetic, but again, as long as I don't really see it in his videos, I don't mind. I am not that principled. If somebody makes good enough videos and keeps their pathetic life out of them, I'll watch them. I've stopped watching most of the nobodies long before I started sperging about them, I don't really get this sort of "hate-watching" thing some of you fucks do.

I've already stopped watching so many youtubers that turned into shit - the above mentioned Derek Alexander (if I remember correctly), who's channel really went to shit after he started including that nonbinary thing, Civvie probably broke record when he speedrunned his path to shit when he got popular, Joseph something something, that faggot who makes absurdly long videos and did like 8 hours one on Witcher, where he stated that he read the book like 10 times (it doesn't matter how many times you read it, if you get nothing out of it, you talentless hack), and probably way too many which I don't remember.

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Re: Super Best Friends: Sperge Breakup

Post by popeyeschickensandwich » Mon Aug 30, 2021 5:02 am

Some Sick Fuck wrote:
Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:12 pm
Well, that's pathetic, but again, as long as I don't really see it in his videos, I don't mind. I am not that principled. If somebody makes good enough videos and keeps their pathetic life out of them, I'll watch them. I've stopped watching most of the nobodies long before I started sperging about them, I don't really get this sort of "hate-watching" thing some of you fucks do.

I've already stopped watching so many youtubers that turned into shit - the above mentioned Derek Alexander (if I remember correctly), who's channel really went to shit after he started including that nonbinary thing, Civvie probably broke record when he speedrunned his path to shit when he got popular, Joseph something something, that faggot who makes absurdly long videos and did like 8 hours one on Witcher, where he stated that he read the book like 10 times (it doesn't matter how many times you read it, if you get nothing out of it, you talentless hack), and probably way too many which I don't remember.
So basically if he isn't wearing his onesie and shitting his pants while his Obligatory Black Nerd Friend (TM) stares at him with concern, you're good?

I get it though, even the worst creator can sometimes make some decent content. I tried to peak into Pat's stream for this thread and I got bored so quick because all those clips people who shill for him post of him being this comedic genius have hours of dead fucking air.
Of course if you address that to Pat, get ready for Paige to retweet and bitch about it.
I haven't heard a word from Liam though, did he finally kill himself?

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Re: Super Best Friends: Sperge Breakup

Post by rabidtictac » Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:00 am

I would definitely argue against the notion that any of these fucks make decent content anymore.

Matt makes shitty trivia videos for guru larry fans. His "edited" LP videos are fucking horrifying. Just, random jumpcuts and nothing flows. He'll be saying something and then the video will jump forward to who-the-fuck-knows-when, because he wants to keep runtime low for his spastic audience. Whoever taught this idiot how to edit? You edit to make the video more watchable and not less. He loads his shit up with ads too btw, so don't ever load his channel without adcuck enabled. His idea of a gameplay video is to show 5 minutes from the middle of a game, then 5 minutes from a random place, another 5 in a random place, and 5 at the end of the game, stitch it together and overlay shitty dad jokes.

Liam makes trash. Bottom of the barrel, low-effort streaming and that's still too anxiety-inducing for him.

Pat is just DSP now. Spends every video reading superchats and blindly stumbling through whatever current Big Name Game is out now. Has nothing to say and nobody interesting to bounce off of. Paige is just there. Paige feels like a never-was e-thot with her bizarre solo streams.

Woolie is the only one who still makes the kind of videos that SBF got famous doing: full length let's plays in a group format. Ironically, the black one of the group works the hardest. His videos aren't edited like a complete retard, but they're also not 4+ hour raw stream chunks that would put an insomniac into a coma. He doesn't spend two hours of every video reading fucking superchats either. But are his videos good? Eh. Not really. He's assembled his new Wakanda version of the SBF, aka he plays games with his group of Super Black Friends. They're just not particularly entertaining. Woolie was always the blandest member of SBF to listen to on his own. Without an angry gnome to bounce off, listening to him is like listening to me talk to myself about the status of drying paint.

Liking Matt's videos is akin to saying you enjoy Kim Justice and Ma'am Sterling. I can't really argue against your personal taste, but I disagree.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
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Re: Super Best Friends: Sperge Breakup

Post by popeyeschickensandwich » Mon Aug 30, 2021 6:08 pm

I didn't even know Liam still streams anymore, I thought he stopped because of his anxiety.
When even streaming might be too much for you.... what a sad little man.
I watched one Matt video where he talked about LA Noire. Wasn't terrible, wasn't good, didn't really bring up anything new that people didn't already know. It's CA level, but that still sells so I can't really get mad at him.
I just really don't get the appeal of Pat and Paige. Like I stated before, for every meme clip on youtube you have hours of dead air. That just makes it not worth it. The only other thing I know is he and Paige get all bent out of shape together on twitter which might be more common than I think? He ate dog treats, which seems about right.

Them breaking up still seems like a terrible idea, and I can't help but think Matt's wife had something to do with it with how she went nuts on twitter over Pat replying to Liam about a game.
Imagine taking twitter that seriously, holy shit.

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Re: Super Best Friends: Sperge Breakup

Post by Kugelfisch » Mon Aug 30, 2021 6:22 pm

Liam is such a weak, pathetic bitch that he awakens bullying instincts in the meekest of men.
He needs a good few weeks of army boot camp or prison.
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Re: Super Best Friends: Sperge Breakup

Post by Some Sick Fuck » Mon Aug 30, 2021 10:24 pm

rabidtictac wrote:
Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:00 am
Liking Matt's videos is akin to saying you enjoy Kim Justice and Ma'am Sterling. I can't really argue against your personal taste, but I disagree.
Bullshit, how is that a fair comparison? Kim makes me want to stab a bitch because of his shitty voice, so I never had an opportunity to judge any of his videos, I just couldn't take them. And Spergling is just a massive, giant cunt, where his personality is all you get from his videos, and you feel violated by the end. Which is the thing I've pointed out - I don't see it with Matt, it's not like he's taking over the videos with his shitty personality and making them about him, or his personality is so bland that I'm not affected by it.

This isn't me trying to defend his shit, it's obviously nothing great - I was just surprised that it was tolerable and didn't make me just want to close it in disgust like with the two other degenerates. I'm just not seeing what you're seeing, probably because I never cared about the guy and I basically know nothing about him, which makes him a blank slate to me and I'm not reminded how pathetic of a person he is every time I see a video of his pop up on youtube.

Either way, I don't think he's worth arguing about, I don't really have much else to say about him. Maybe I'm just becoming too much of a normie.

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Re: Super Best Friends: Sperge Breakup

Post by popeyeschickensandwich » Tue Aug 31, 2021 5:06 am

He's really a nothing of a guy, his wife seems to have more personality than him. It sounds like you just find his stuff passable, honestly.
Although Liam cancelling stream because someone told him Woolie and Pat got a job is possibly the funniest Super Best Friends content ever.
Now if you were going to go off and simp over Pat and Paige being idiots for three hours as their fans coom, I'd be a little concerned.

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