One has to admire Trey Parker's dedication; in order to cosplay as Eric Cartman for that concert he became as fat as him.
Btw, are Primus woke and/or virtue signallers?
I really hope not because i like their music.
One has to admire Trey Parker's dedication; in order to cosplay as Eric Cartman for that concert he became as fat as him.
That's some real method acting right there.Complicity wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 9:24 amOne has to admire Trey Parker's dedication; in order to cosplay as Eric Cartman for that concert he became as fat as him.
All you need to know is that they are a 90s band, ironically Nu-Metal, Doge is the vocalist and bass player, Spoony on the guitar, Michaud behind the drums.VoiceOfReasonPast wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 9:44 amNigga, if you've ever heard about Primus before, you know more about this shit than I do. Fuck if I know what bands these SP yokels employ![]()
I see Linkara (the author) still hasn't figured out how arrows work and/or look like.White Raven gritted her teeth together as she launched an arrow out at the head of a Dark Knight. The arrow sliced through the male Dark Knight, hitting the door of a nearby building and leaving the Dark Knight dead at White Raven's feet.
Stop right there, wench. Just because this is your first spotlight chapter in this book doesn't mean you have to overdo it.The day had started off relatively well for White Raven. She had a general feeling of happiness about her life and had begun thinking about-
Err, yeah, I did read last chapter.General J'Vok had gone to see Myrrha, against the advice of both Indow and herself, to attempt appealing to her conscience to try to find the locations of the remaining Dark Knights of the five lands.
Fuck me, that's quite the exposition before we get back to the current mayhem going on.Indow had been making travel plans to visit Pulmeth in L'Sol before returning to the church to finish her training as a Priestess. Lithmenar was the only one who hadn't been making plans. He just had gone with the flow, which was to party and have a good time.
However, the city was once again seeing action.
What, you thought the Dark Knights would just vanish after the Darkness bit the dust and you started partying in their former HQ?The Dark Knights had swarmed into the city like locusts, dozens of them just moving through the city gates and attacking anyone they saw. Most of the troops didn't know what to make of the situation and were in a state of shock
It's called chain of command for a reason, everyone.To make matters worse, General J'Vok, who had been coordinating all the forces in the area, had gone missing. And so, the large group of knights and soldiers had no leadership in the chaos.
Did they consent to your command?White Raven had taken charge of the few knights she had been near, but most of them were falling quickly to their enemies.
WTF are you firing?White Raven quickly aimed an arrow at the Dark Knight and launched it through its head.
Dude, you might not live long enough to spend this shit.As it toppled over, Lithmenar quickly snatched away a small pouch tied to the Dark Knight's waist. He opened it and smiled, seeing several golden coins within.
"I love my work!" Lithmenar exclaimed.
Even she thinks you're retarded.White Raven rolled her eyes.
Well, she spent most of it depressed..."Good to see these last few days of celebration haven't made your magicks thin out." Lithmenar stated.
Define "ramming" someone with a fuckhuge axe. The description is a bit confusing. At least I'm moderately sure he didn't actually hit him with the axe blade, because I don't think you can do much weapon raising if you have a fuckhuge axe cleaving into your shoulder.One of the Unit troops growled as a Terafell Arbiter's axe rammed into his shoulder. The soldier tried to raise his weapon to fight back, but the Arbiter then raised up the stick end of his Executioner's axe and slammed it against the soldier's head.
Yeah, it seems only Linkara's gonna be able to do much of anything here.Jordahn winced as she swung her axe and managed to knick the hand of one of the Arbiters with the end of the blade.
From the previous chapter's horror stories, it looks like they're holding back.Twenty Terafell Arbiters had come to the encampment, and they had already slain two of Louis' soldiers.
Ah yes. Linkara's famous pet peeve. He could never shut up about how much he hates not seeing his enemies' faces.Louis was not enjoying himself one bit in this battle, considering he hated not seeing the faces of his opponents.
Now you might think this ist stupid, but of course did they show their face. How else was the narrator supposed to remind us that they were not smiling?Even though a large number of Dark Knights had worn a helmet that hid their faces, the majority Louis fought had shown their complete faces to him, allowing him to have some idea of the person he was fighting.
So what, they're Teutonic Knights with prettier dresses and even goofier helmets?They wore red leather gloves and long, red robes that they somehow managed to move swiftly despite their size. To top if off was the large red helmets they wore. The helmets had two slits cut out for eyeholes, and had a tiny hole in the center for breathing.
Turns out the Terafellas fought nothing like stationary logs.Louis turned his head as he blocked another strike with his gauntlets, seeing the difficulty his troops were facing.
Since when do you care about others? I call bullshit.He saw these people who were simply trying to survive be beaten down by these... barbarians. He gritted his teeth, thinking of so many others who had fallen fighting against beings such as these. He had read the history book that Indow had provided him, read about the atrocities carried out by the Terafell Arbiters.
And Louis got pissed.
You didn't fight at full power? Are you stupid or something?Defying gravity briefly, Louis stayed in the air long enough for his full armor to come out from his gauntlets and form around him.
Dude, I'm pretty sure those two minions of yours are only dead because you held back.In an instant, he sliced his blade towards the nearest Arbiter, cutting his axe in half and sending the axe head to the sand beneath them. He then slammed his other blade into the Arbiter's chest, killing him on contact.
So your armor has loudspeakers or something. Cool.Somehow, Louis' voice had gone over the battle, allowing for everyone to hear him.
So your armor can also draw aggro like crazy. Cool."You Arbiters seem to enjoy picking on people smaller than you. Well, I'm smaller! TRY PICKING ON ME!" Louis growled, and his blades quickly slid out of his gauntlets.
Any of the Arbiters who were fighting the Unit quickly shoved their adversaries aside and began advancing on Louis. Louis just grinned and beckoned them over to him.
This is about as exciting as watching Superman fight a bunch of common thugs.The nearest Arbiter swung his axe at Louis. Louis immediately grabbed the axe blade with his hand and crushed the metal like it was tin foil.
How are they gonna fight a dude with wings? Do they throw their axes at him or something?He felt a cold feeling run down his back as metallic wings sprung forth from his back, allowing him complete flight. The Arbiters gasped, not sure of how to take this latest development. However, they soon decided that the wise course of action would be to fight.
They were wrong.
Louis began picking them off one at a time, swooping down and lopping their heads off or stabbing their faces with his blades.
"For he is the Kwisatz Haderach!"One of the soldiers looked around and grabbed a bottle of Geest from his travel pack. He raised it into the air.
"Hail Captain Louis! Hail Yokui Killandro Lan!" he proclaimed.
Or he can just summon a suit of celestial super-armor at will. It's pretty much the same thing, really.Jordahn looked down at the bodies of the Arbiters and smiled. After a feat of such nature, she could only come to one conclusion.
Louis was indeed from the future.
This abandoned building which is far, but not too far away from Soyah really gets a lot of use in this story.Within an hour, Indow, White Raven, and Lithmenar had returned to the abandoned building that they had used as a shelter before arriving in Soyah with Louis.
How many people are we talking about? And how big is this building, anyways?Although the Dark Knights had killed a great number of the forces in Soyah during the initial attack, most of them still managed to get back to this shelter to regroup and plan a counterattack.
Medics are kinda lame when healing magic exists. There's a reason why nobody cares about the Heal skill in D&D.Medics were assisting, but it was mostly the sorcerers of the divisions and units who were healing them.
She attacked while you guys were busy getting drunk. That's really mostly your fault IMO.Dark Knights now controlled Soyah. Myrrha tactics in conquering the city were exemplary
Well, he is the only other named NPC besides J'Vok, so...Now the large band of military officers that were now located on the hill needed leadership and guidance if they hoped to retake the city and stop the Dark Knights from whatever they were planning.
Jeremis took that leadership.
"Let's attack them!""They have taken us by surprise, but now is the time for us to turn around and eliminate the legacy of the Darkness! We shall organize ourselves and within a few hours, retake Soyah and eradicate the Dark Knights once and for all!"
Well, he's not called Rain, so..."But sir, what about General J'Vok?! He may still be alive!" she shouted to him.
As far as we've seen, they keep everyone alive and decide later who they feel like killing."It was a common practice of the Dark Knights while the Darkness still existed to keep high- ranking military officers alive, torture them for information, then slay them. The Dark Knights might keep him alive in order to find out about Ai's defenses."
It sure is handy when someone remembers that magic exists."Allow us to return to Soyah. I can use an Invisibility spell whenever we approach a group of Dark Knights and go through all the back alleys of the city so that we can avoid detection.
You're a spineless cuck, Lithmenar."You two would be willing to return to that area?" he asked them.
White Raven nodded. Lithmenar shrugged.
"Well, I don't suppose I'm going to live forever, anyway, so I might as well go on a suicide mission." Lithmenar replied.
Maybe don't get wasted on the hard stuff before a suicide mission, then."So why were you unaffected?"
"What do you mean?"
"When we were fighting the Arbiters, you were fighting with more focus and drive than the rest of us. We were inhibited by the Geest."
"Just how did Linkara fight so well after imbibing an unspecified amount of unspecified booze?!""Most of you only took one swig of the stuff! Is it really that strong?"
"It most certainly is. Geest is one of the most sought-after drinks for its potency."
"Well, in any case, my physiology is different from other humans on Sin. We may look similar physically, but biologically we're completely different. The alcohol from this world didn't have any effect on me."
Err, you already did.The problem with getting so close to the border was that they were eventually going to run into Terafell Arbiter patrols.
Well, I guess some of the Terafellas must be wondering what happened to 20 of their soldiers by now...When that happened, a fight would immediately ensue, and this was supposed to be a stealth mission.
No description of the Terafellas looking fucked-up under their helmet? Sad.So, because of that fact, the group had looted the Arbiters that Louis had slain, taking their red outfits and some of their supplies for when they crossed the border.
I don't think Gyaru Casca is a particularly devout vegetarian who bathes in animal blood."Also true, Jordahn, but by wearing these outfits that have been stained with the blood of the Arbiters, would you not have their souls sent into you, as per your beliefs as a member of the New Blood Order?" the soldier replied.
Jordahn smiled inside of her helmet and shook her head. "I must bathe in the blood for it to join with my soul. And even if that weren't the case, I sincerely doubt that my soul would ever allow an Arbiter to join with it."
Linkara's so gonna fuck this up."Look sharp, guys! We've got a patrol approaching!" Louis stated.
Don't worry. Linkara just has to stab it once.What was approaching them was a collection of Terafell Arbiters on foot with executioner's axes in hands. However, what made the troops truly worried was the fact that there was a Dragonrider with them.
I'm sure nothing will go wrong.The patrol all stared at Louis as he approached, a somewhat shorter Arbiter than what they were used to.
You've one-shotted a giant kaiju blob before.This dragon was larger than the one Louis had slain, which especially worried him.
Smooth moves there, Linkster."May Terafell's gaze fall upon thee." the patrol leader said.
Louis blinked. "Um... yeah. Same to you."
These guys are denser than their armor.The patrol leader was a little surprised by this response, not expecting it. He tilted his head to the side in confusion, but then decided to just disregard his reply.
Ah, turns out they spoke the same language after all: senseless bloodshed."Oh? How many of those Kien rats did you exterminate while you were out here?" the patrol leader inquired.
Louis narrowed his eyes, although the patrol leader couldn't see that he was glaring at him.
"How many stars are there in the night sky?" Louis responded.
The Arbiter tilted his head back and laughed, then nodded at Louis before turning around to rejoin his group.
There'd probably be a lot more steppe and/or savanna before the first proper forest, but whatever.Soon, after many hours of traveling, the desert sands began to give way to green grass and forestry.
That doesn't have anything to do with biology, mate."You know," Jordahn said to Louis as she raised a tent pole. "I was thinking about how differently we reacted to the geest. What other sort of differences do people of your world have in comparison to ours?"
Louis shrugged, pulling a cloth over the arranged tent poles for the camp. "Well, where to start? For one thing, we're centuries ahead of you guys in technology."
"In what way?" Jordahn inquired.
"Well, for one thing, we domesticated and tamed horses a long time ago." Louis stated.
"But horses cannot be tamed. They are wild creatures that trample any who approach." Jordahn responded.
So Sin only had domesticated horses for 900 years in the present? You know it took us about 3000 years to breed wild horses into something you could actually ride into battle?"Read a bit further in the history book. Another hundred or so years, horses will become a vital part of transportation throughout the five lands." Louis replied.
"Listen up, sheeple! For I, the Great Linkara, have figured out the one universal truth about time travel!"Jordahn sighed. "The future is indeed a complicated thing, isn't it?"
"So is time travel. You know, there's a theory on my world about time travel that I've already figured out as opposed to the idiots who dwell on the question on countless occasions." Louis said, sitting down to rest.
Well, the traditional thought experiment involves your grandfather, which is why this scenario is known as the Grandfather Paradox, but you do you I guess."Well, the idea is what if you went back in time and killed your own mother before you were born?"
Well, at least that part is about accurate."If you had done that, you would never have been born, therefore you never went back in time and killed your mother, and so you were born and went back in time and killed your mother, etc., etc." Louis explained.
How educated are you, Gyaru Casca? It's weird enough that you can read."'Tis a paradox." Jordahn stated.
And you came to this conclusion because...?"Precisely. The real answer is that it's entirely possible to do that because once you travel back in time and exist before you were born, you've moved outside of the normal confines of the space/time continuum, making you immune to any changes in the timeline." Louis replied.
It's the great "Dress up as your Enemy!" chapter, apparently.Indow shifted uncomfortably around in the heavy armor she was wearing. The weight of the armor wasn't what was bothering her, but the fact that the armor had been that of a Dark Knight’s.
Oh, don't worry. Unless it turns out that he's related to Rain, he'll be fine.In order to successfully infiltrate the Soyah without a great deal of suspicion, the small group had to dress up like Dark Knights in the hope of fooling the Dark Knights long enough for them to get General J'Vok and escape unharmed.
Provided, of course, that the General was still alive.
Oh, it might have been a trainee Dark Knight. That makes it okay!Indow shook her head, but continued to fidget in the black armoring. "I do not feel comfortable wearing the armor of a murderer."
"You can't be certain the armor you are wearing even belonged to a combatant Dark Knight to begin with. The Darkness was no doubt still accepting new recruits into its army up until the Linkara finally arrived in Soyah." White Raven stated.
"He also changed my body to that of a woman.""And what about you, Raven? How does it feel to be back in the dress of a Dark Knights after so long?" Lithmenar inquired, trying desperately to hold back smiling.
"It feels no different than usual. The armor I usually wear is the same armor I wore when I was employed by the Darkness." White Raven responded.
"But the color's different. How is that so?" Lithmenar asked.
"A few years after the Darkness exiled me, I met a kind Sorcerer who changed the color of my armor, eyes, and hair." White Raven explained.
Since when has Lithmenar not been talkative? He's always been bitching and moaning about how much he hates following this group (while still following this group)."Still, your hair is now back to it's black appearance thanks to that dye." Lithmenar said.
White Raven narrowed her eyes at Lithmenar. "Why are you suddenly so talkative?"
I'm really starting to get sick and tired of your bullshit, mate."You said yourself that this would probably be a suicide mission and that you weren't going to live forever." Indow stated.
"Yes, but I had always hoped that I would." Lithmenar replied, smiling.
I don't think this bit of exposition will be relevant to anything, but whatever.The last time she had actually entered the gates was when she had first arrived with Louis into Soyah. The Darkness had created an illusion of a happy, joyous city that celebrated the Darkness' coming. The instant that she had entered the city, a vial of water that she kept at her side had boiled itself black, shattered the glass container it was in, and evaporated before it had hit the ground.
I guess you could just keep your helmets on, but then the other Dark Knights couldn't confirm how not-smiling you are.She shook off her memories and winced slightly, looking at her hair. In order to further perpetuate the illusion that they were Dark Knights, her hair had been dyed black along with the others'.
You have fur? Bitch you look like a glorified elf with a tail.She wondered if the light layer of fur that covered her skin required to be dyed in any way.
We have also never encountered any Anakos (aka catpeople) period.She had never encountered any Anakos who had joined the Darkness
Except you very much had the desire to join the Darkness last book. For about two paragraphs, but still.As a matter of fact, Indow realized that she had never encountered any Dark Knights who hadn't been human. For a brief moment, Indow wondered if it was only humans that had ever had the desire to join the Darkness.
If they're still supposed to be a hive mind (which they never actually were, but whatever), Myrrha is basically Kerrigan.Apparently, Dark Knights were still coming and arriving in the area after Myrrha had somehow made out a deep call for them to come to Soyah to create a new empire.
So they're just dudes now. Fine. At least this will put an end to the narration's weird fixation on whether or not someone is smiling.A much more interesting fact that they heard, though, was the fact that emotions that had been held back by the Darkness were now free to be expressed. Many of the Dark Knights were laughing and smiling as they finished their own reconstruction efforts or told jokes to their comrades.
I wouldn't exactly call grumpy people "monsters"."The Dark Knights appear to be behaving like actual people instead of the monsters they were when they were controlled by the Darkness."
Methinks she was so impressed by Linkara's bloodlust that she's now trying to replicate it."Is it possible that Myrrha could be hoping for a gentler hand with her troops than the Darkness had had when it controlled them?" Indow suggested.
"Unfortunately, my friends, you cannot enter the prison without strict permission from the Queen." he said.
Either Dark Knights have been cannibals all along."Is it true what they say? Is there a General of the Ai scum in the prison?" Jeremis asked.
The Dark Knight to the left nodded. Lithmenar grinned and stepped up.
"I'd love to taste the flesh of a General,” he said, licking his lips.
"This is a place of quiet contemplation and inner peace!"The right Dark Knight groaned and rolled his eyes. "I'd recommend you do not say such things around the Queen or any Potents. You must have only just arrived to assume that the bloodlust and psychotic tendencies of the Darkness’ Regime have any bearing here."
Helmets. You can put them over your head. They hide your face, among other things."And I must deny your request. We cannot allow him to be spoken to until the Genesis- wait a minute, aren't you the Priestess that traveled with the Linkara?!" the left Dark Knight exclaimed, pointing at Indow.
Uh-oh.Jeremis was quickly using the key he had grabbed in order to open the door. "Come! We shall free you and dress you in the armor of a Dark Knight we've slain. We can get you a helmet to hide your-"
"Well, well, well."
"I've got you, Indow!"Myrrha grinned and crossed her arms as she stared at the group assembled before her.
Bloody hell, she's just like the Darkness."I had hoped that I could persuade the General to join our side and assistance in some strategic planning for an invasion of Ai..."
Well, this is a cliffhanger, so nothing will come out of this. I was almost worried about Jeremis."... but it seems you all have given me a much more grand idea: sacrifices for my inauguration as Queen of the Eclipsed Legion." she stated.
That's a lot of growling. And what if those chains are silver?Indow growled and struggled futilely against the chains that were binding her to prison wall. She growled at the large Dark Knight that was locking her hands together with, oddly enough, chains that were painted bright silver.
Heaven forbid we get a Myrrha-centric story arc without a "Did you know that Indow got raped?!"Indow sighed, realizing that Myrrha was placing her in a similar position to the one she had been in when she had kidnapped and raped her.
In due time, my dear...Fortunately, though, Myrrha hadn't made any indication that she would repeat the torture she had experienced a few weeks ago.
Mysterious~Strangely, though, White Raven had not been chained yet.
"You tried to free my prisoner?! I will make that illegal!""You know, once my inauguration during the Genesis Ceremony is complete, I plan to actually make it official military law that rescue attempts for one person are illegal unless otherwise sanctioned by myself or the next in the chain of command."
"Later though..."Myrrha sighed and rolled her eyes. "Oh well, I suppose I can't use you as a plaything for the time being."
Right. She'll burn her hands if she tries to cast anything, which will never not be weird."I know you can't activate any spells while your hands are so close together, Priestess, but I decided to err on the side of caution."
Usually it's iron that suppresses magic, but whatever floats your boat I guess.Those silver chains suppress the energy that creates magic. The material is native only to the Aigol continent
"Witch! You shall face the wrath of Jilad after-" Jeremis began. One of the Dark Knights punched Jeremis in the stomach, stopping his statement.
Myrrha laughed and grinned at Jeremis.
"What are you doing here, Dad?!"Myrrha snapped her fingers, and two Dark Knights came down the stairs on the other end of the prison. In their arms held a man wearing similar robes to Indow's, but were longer and had golden lining stitched in several areas. Most of the imprisoned group recognized him.
It was Garik Chyprea, Indow's father.
Apparently just a few decades ago, there used to be plenty of land free for the taking.Against the urgings of his Unit, Louis had decided that their route to Walsz would travel through one Ai city to save time. And that was the city of Kuen, a city originally founded by Kien civilians who had hoped to form an independent city from Kien, but were later annexed by Ai when the country began to expand outwards decades ago.
Actually, I think your unit's advice might've been for the better. The more Terafellas you run into, the more they might wonder what your deal is.The Unit proudly marched through the streets, trying to fit in with the few other Terafell Arbiters that were on the street.
Citizens of Kuen were easily recognizable from the Terafell Arbiter civilians, considering each Kuen townsperson wore a red triangular patch on their chest.
I feel like you're just asking for people to get shanked at night if you bring your own smug citizens into your military occupation zone.Louis took a quick look over to some of the farther roads, seeing citizens without the triangles gladly smiling and moving about the streets freely while still bowing to the Arbiters that were in full uniform.
There goes the cover I guess.Louis turned to her, but continued walking towards the gathering. "What do you mean, 'little things?'"
"It's just a public execution, sir, we should just-" Jordahn began.
Upon hearing the word 'execution,' Louis sped up his pace and forgot about Jordahn.
Oh, so now they do have the symbols on their shoulder like a true concentration camp inmate.Two were holding down two citizens of the city, as marked by the red triangle on their shoulders.
There are probably jollier situations than your own imminent execution, so yeah.They were looking downtrodden as they were being held down by the Arbiters
Murdering a Terafella? How did that happen? Was he skinny dipping?"...The fifth charge is incitement to riot against the lawful government of the Terafell Arbiters. The sixth charge is murdering an Arbiter guard-"
"Don't. Tell me. What to do. Woman.""Captain, we must be going now,” she whispered to him.
Louis ignored her and continued to stare at the public display.
Great. Now they're intermingling. Can't see that going wrong. Is getting sent into an occupied city like a punishment for Terafell citizens?Few in the crowd cheered for the execution, but those that did weren’t wearing the red triangle.
So they get beheaded via their trademark axes, but they're victims are kneeling upright like a beheading via sword (which was considered the more "high-class" and dignified way of getting your head lobbed off).The Arbiters who held the axes lifted the two men back up onto their knees and straight up. Their heads were pulled back, exposing their necks to the crowd. The two Terafell Arbiters held their axes tight and got on either side of the two condemned men and raised their axes, preparing to swing them to the side and decapitate the men.
Yeah, we know you're OP. Get on with it.And it was at that moment that Louis felt a choice rise up inside of him. He thought of how he had defeated the Arbiters back in the deserts of Kien a few days before. The Arbiters were no match for the unbridled power that was given to him by the Linkaran armor.
So much for moral dilemma.However, such a thing would expose himself and his Unit and possibly put their mission to rescue the Prince Algaren in jeopardy. And so, Louis weighed the possibility that he should continue on his way, allowing these two men to be killed while keeping his cover in check against the possibility that he would be doing something incredibly stupid.
And in the end, he decided to do it, anyway.
You crashing their execution is not enough?The agility that the armor provided to Louis assisted him in this spectacle, but he realized that he'd need something else to keep their attention transfixed on him.
The narration will have you know that he's not just wearing any sneakers, but genuine Chuck Taylor All-Stars (tm)(r)(c).His metallic wings tore through the Terafell Arbiter robes and turned them into nothing but useless rags as the remains of his cloak fell to the ground, replaced by Louis in a pair of jeans, white Chuck Taylor converses, and a winged armor that allowed him flight.
Myrrha poured herself a glass of a golden-colored liquid from a bottle that she was holding.
Was there even anything left of the castle after the Darkness burst out of it?The room they were in was none other than the ruins of the Soyah castle, where a makeshift building had been constructed for the delegates from the other Jilad cities and villages.
Does no one make booze anymore? Everyone's just quaffing down this old shit."Would you like some Autas? Some of my reconstruction crews managed to find large stashes of it buried underneath an inn."
Myrrha sighed and set the bottle down. She then took the glass to her lips and sipped some of it. She then clenched her face and giggled, sighing contentedly.
If you can rebuild this shit so fast, why did you hang out in a city ruin for 300 years?"In a day's time, this city will be a fortress. Let the armies of men come, Raven! We are strong and ready for anything that they might throw at us." Myrrha stated.
"I bragged about fucking a catgirl, and the rest just kinda happened.""How did you get control over the Dark Knights?" White Raven asked.
So the Darkness had to actively suppress their emotions this whole time? I thought they got converted into Überritter permanently?Myrrha stopped smiling, turning away from White Raven. "The instant that the Darkness was slain, we all felt it. It was a cold, dark feeling that traveled into every Dark Knight. And in an instant, the voice of the Darkness, the one that had always guided and encouraged us, was gone. Those that were not members of the Five Horsemen of the Armageddon realized that the full range of emotions that had been suppressed by the Darkness were now theirs again."
So the hive mind that they never had was just a telepathic link that has never actually been a thing? Okay.Myrrha turned around, facing White Raven again. "Furthermore, the telepathic link that we all shared was beginning to become chaotic."
Bitch you just wasted time literally fucking around instead of following your orders."Without him or a leader, we lost sight of our goals. I myself was the most devastated by the loss of the Darkness. I was his chosen one; his most favored one after you were exiled! I was the first to be selected as one of the Horsemen of the Armageddon, and now he was gone."
Aka she said it "sarcastically"?"I'm sorry for your loss." White Raven said with a voice that indicated she was in no way sincere.
For what it's worth all of you are idiots."After a brief time, maybe a few hours, I slowly began to realize the truth: that the Darkness was imperfect. The Darkness had formed us in hopes of being the perfect beings, yet he, an imperfect being, had the audacity to lead and direct us?!"
Wait, how was our hero's cosplay disguise supposed to work anyways if the actual Dark Knights still have their telepathic link? They should've been caught instantly, but instead they only blew their cover because one of the Knights recognized Indow."My first step was reasserting a leading presence over the telepathic link and shared my revelations to the remaining Dark Knights."
So the new leader of the Dark Knights goes on a dangerous scouting mission on her own, and immediately fucks everything up after getting distracted by her favorite victim."Most of us met a few miles outside of this town, and when we had enough, I went ahead to scout out the city. I discovered Indow's dwelling and thought I'd pay her a little visit. When I did not return, the other Knights of the Eclipsed Legion stormed the city to rescue me and take the city."
"I'm still gonna bathe in your friends' blood, though."Myrrha shook her head. "We are not like the weak Darkness, Raven. We shall not seek conquest. All we want is the city and to be left alone."
Not sure about any "Dark Times" and its "Monarchs". Seems about the first historic even that has not explained beforehand. Who knows if it'll come up again.Myrrha walked over to White Raven and pointed out the window. "Look out into the streets, Raven! Do you see people roaring with a thirst for battle?! Do you see Terafell Arbiters trying to enforce their religion on others?! Do you see the Monarchs of the Dark Times imposing unjust and unfair laws on the civilians?!"
Fucking slut. Also who cares about your precious feelings?"Many of them have expressed the desire to hang up their swords and attempt to raise a family with the few female Knights that we have among us! I myself have already declared that I shall take on many mates if it means letting them have children. You cannot deny these people their rights, Raven! They want a home of their own, and this is the ideal place for it!"
"And what do you want of me, murderer? What does the Queen of the Eclipsed Legion want of me?" White Raven asked.
"I want you," Myrrha replied, "to join me."
Man, those new bad guys are so dangerous that we're skipping fight scenes with them now.After the very bloody mess that occurred on the platform ended in Louis' victory over another group of Terafell Arbiters...
So you just managed to fuck off and disguise yourself again?... he freed the two men who were slated to be executed and managed to steal a new Terafell Arbiter cloak to wear considering his last one was torn to shreds when he expanded his wings.
I assume it wouldn't look any difference than when they'd lose this war when they're supposed to, since unlike you they don't have an almighty history book.I'd love to see the looks on their faces when they lose this war long before they're supposed to. Louis thought.
Oh, now you agree with avoiding cities.Louis had also outlined the plan to the group once more, basically stating that they would proceed on a direct course for Walsz without entering any more cities along the way. The active policy was to avoid confrontation with the Arbiters at all cost
So they roughly have to cross Germany from top to bottom."This trip's going to take at least a month, so let's make sure we cover as much ground as possible each day, people." he had said.
Do you have any idea how fucking cold desert nights are?The Unit was used to the harsh, arid climate of Kien, filled with hot sands and a blazing sun that was constantly beating down on them until nighttime. In Ai, the temperature dropped about twenty degrees. Because of that, everyone was feeling a lot colder than they wished to be, despite the Arbiter uniforms that they wore that provided them some minor protection to the cold.
Oh, now she's getting uppity again.To make matters worse, because of her own personality or her high irritability thanks to the cold weather, Jordahn had exploded at Louis when he had told the others about his fight with the Arbiters back at Kuen.
"Fuck you, woman. The Great Linkara does as the Great Linkara wants."Louis had responded with a quick "fuck you," and proceeded to tell Jordahn that their mission was a mission of saving lives..."
I'm sure those two random peasants will make all the difference."... and considering that the Arbiters possessed superior military skills, it was more than likely necessary to have all of the allies that one could muster."
I know it's supposed to be that Linkara has read about their various atrocities (which Gyaru Casca should know about as well since she's been reading this, too), but we all know that Linkara loves nothing more than bloodshed and senseless violence."Simply defending those two would've been something I could get over, but ever since we arrived in Ai he has been acting strangely... More aggressive and spiteful towards the Arbiters than any one of us could ever be."
I can't wait to see how quickly you'll give up this time."We may need to start a mutiny." Jordahn finished.
You're asking this like he just came for a surprise visit, instead of being a captive like you."Father, although I am happy to see you, I must ask, what are you doing back here?"
"The plot demanded that I be here.""The trip to back to the church usually takes two weeks on horseback and a full month when going there and back... How could you have gotten there and back within a week?" Indow inquired.
Oh, it's the convenient teleportation magic which you'd think would change the way people travel in this world on a fundamental level, but doesn't."I hired a freelance Sorcerer to use a Teleportation Vortex to get me there and back in under just under a week."
White Raven looked straight at Indow. "I have decided to join the Eclipsed Legion."
Did you two get your lines mixed up or something?"Oh well, no real surprise there," commented Lithmenar.
"How could you, Raven?! What could possibly possess you to ally yourself with that monster?!" Indow yelled.
"Are you picking up what I'm putting down, Indow?"White Raven raised up her right hand and began tapping on the side of her head. "Think about it, Indow. I'm sure you can use that Linkaran Priestess intellect and all of your mental magic to figure out what I'm saying."
You're just overcompensating for your stupid attempt at converting the Dark Knights to the side of Good.J'Vok struggled against his chains, desperately trying to free himself from them.
"I'll rip you to pieces, you filthy traitor!" he growled.
"I'm with the bad guys now.""For what it's worth," White Raven said. "I'm sorry."
Lithy don't give no shit about dem crazy hoes.The group relaxed back into their former positions, but still burned with anger. Well, except for Lithmenar, who remained exactly the same way he had been since he had been first chained to the wall. He simply smiled and laid his head back as if he were resting.
"I shall kill those vermin when we have escaped from this pit." J'Vok snarled.
Even more secret than the pieces of your Bible that no one can translate anymore?!"There is something that has been kept hidden from the entire Linkaran religion. It is a secret that has been passed down from one head Priest of the First Church to another." Garik stated.
Heaven forbid this story is ever gonna escape the shackles of fate."The prophecies of the Linkara that were split apart and sent to the other churches are not the only prophecies of the Linkara." Garik replied.
"But how is that possible?!" Indow asked. "The Linkara was killed in the battle with the Darkness!"
Garik bit his lower lip. "Well, actually, he wasn't."
Indow's eyes went wide. "What?!"
Brave New World is actually like the one klessik dystopia book I haven't read, so forgive me in advance if I can't tell if he's getting shit wrong."So, you have to understand that the thing that was taken away from the people in the book Brave New World is their ability to make choice."
AFAIK the people in the book are expected to fuck like animals. You make it sound a lot more prudish than it actually is."They aren't given the choice to actually have children or have their children genetically engineered. As a matter of fact, love is considered taboo and illegal!"
Well, that plot went nowhere alright.Throughout the rest of the week, Louis and Jordahn managed to get back on speaking terms.
Along the way, they had resumed their cultural discussions
"Jordahn! What is best in life?"The fifth day of their journey had been spent discussing the issue of what honor actually is when it comes to battle, and what was truly considered a glorious death.
Basically like in Brave New World?The sixth day had forced them to stop for a full day due to heavy amounts of rain that would've only impeded their journey if they had traveled the whole day through it, so they had spent the time together discussing the fact that sex was a normal pastime for the Kien soldiers, used as a form of exercise and adrenaline-boosting.
So you're like dumber Klingons? No wonder your king so grumpy if he has to tard-wrangle you all the time."The idea of the individual's rights and honor is sacred among my people. The Kien Warrior's Code specifically outlines that it is the honor of the individual that takes precedence over the goals of society, because a society can corrupt more easily than a single warrior who can believe honor. We act as a united people, however, to help each other obtain honor and glory." Jordahn explained.
Well, at least he has scientifically proven that pedophilia is wrong."It gets even worse." Louis stated. "At later ages, at like six or seven, most of the children who are grown in those factories are let 'roam free' like cattle. They're naked and encouraged to have sex with one another."
"I swear... It's sickening that these people in the book believe that a child is in any way emotionally and physically ready for the act of sex or should engage in it. It's not just a matter of religious beliefs, but of biology and psychology."
It's a guide book for the powers that be, really."But if this is all fiction, then why do you feel so horrified by it?" Jordahn inquired.
"Because it's a warning. Anything like that CAN happen, if we're not careful."
Ah, the famous writing devices. Everyone knows what that means."I'm surprised you know how to read if you have no books." Louis said.
"We are taught the languages of other lands at an early age using writing devices, but no actual books."
Friendly reminders that elves are thing in this setting, though the only one we've seen so far has been some thug that Linkara punched in the face."I was most proficient in Elven speech." Jordahn replied.
"The Great Linkara has need for violence and bloodshed!""Perhaps if we moved off the trail for about a mile or two, we could go around them and continue without-"
Louis interrupted her: "Prepare for combat, guys. We're going through them."
She grinned, baring her teeth to the glass.
"I'm going to enjoy drinking the blood of my whore."
Wouldn't probably help, anyways. With the way you guys handle your sacred texts, these new prophecies have probably been split into dozens of parts and just as many languages and writing systems - including Braille and Wingdings."In order to maintain the secret of the other texts until I was ready for you all to return to the Church, I left them behind there." Garik stated.
It's almost like this is a retcon or something."Weren't you ever concerned that the prophecies contained within might be helpful to the Linkara on his quest to destroy the Darkness?" J'Vok inquired.
Definitely a retcon."The instructions that were always passed down were that the chest that contained the scrolls should not be opened until the Linkara defeated the Darkness."
His corpse would do fine for the task, too...If he were alive, she could get the kiss she desired.
Garik winced and began to explain: "Well, it is a little complicated, my daughter. To quote the prophecy, 'I foresee a time not twenty years from now, when the Great Enemies that serve the Demon Terafell shall spread forth throughout the lands like locusts unto a field. And twenty years from then, the wielder of Chat-Najil shall appear. He shall be misplaced in time, and shall encounter many friends that appear as foes. He shall warn the people of the impending doom that awaits, but none shall listen to him, for the future cannot be changed by the wielder of Chat-Najil.'"
Ah, here's how Linkara's time travel adventure is retconned into Sinnian history."Well, I was born and raised in Kien for most of my youth. I heard many of the stories of the great warriors of the past. One in particular comes to mind: the legendary Yokui Killandro Lan." J'Vok said.
"Indeed. He is best known for single-handedly slaying twenty Terafell Arbiters, a feat never accomplished by any other single soldier during a battle." Garik said.
I know what I want to be true, but we all know he'll just get back to the future."What supposedly happened to Yokui Killandro Lan?" Indow asked.
"He disappeared. Some legends say that he went to the Krenym Mountains in Kien and secluded himself from the rest of the world. Others believe he was killed in battle when he was besieged in a castle in Ai by Arbiters. Some even believe that he returned to the future." J'Vok said.
How did that work, anyways?"Even if he is indeed alive and back in the past, which I don't believe is possible, what can we do about it? It's not like we can find some other version of the Darkness, fight it from within, and then get sucked back in time like he was."
Ah. Indow once again remembers some ancient spell that would just be the right tool for the job."What do you mean? You mean there really IS a spell that would allow travel from one point in time to another?!" Jeremis exclaimed.
Ah, the Infinite Power Spell. It got mentioned once in the previous book, but it just sounded like it's some regular old spell. And we still don't know what it actually does."Long ago, certain spells were forbidden from use because of their deadly and catastrophic power. Included in these spells was the Infinite Power Spell, the Golem Spell, and the Tempil Gadrius, or Time Gate."
How does the Golem Spell cause this? Does it summon Hebrews into Sin?Each one has the power to help or destroy Sin, and it was long ago decided by the Sovereign that such spells would be forbidden to ever be practiced.
This means you have to be at least a 14th level Magic-User, btw."This Tempil Gadrius... We can use it to retrieve the Linkara from the past?" J'Vok asked.
Indow shook her head. "It's not that easy. It's a level 7 spell, requiring someone to actually travel back into the past to recover him, otherwise he won't know what to do.
I guess y'all aren't Magi enough for the Magi club."And then of course there's the real problem that none of us knows where the spells are!"
Muh homie Chreydo. The only one allowed to be as badass as Linkara - only off-screen of course, but still.J'Vok thought about this, and then suggested: "What about Chreydo? After his services at the Battle of Elana River, he was sent back to Walsz for the full promotion to Magi status. Considering the gathering that was occurring at Soyah, he's more than likely already on his way here! He should be able to tell us where the forbidden spells are."
The Rogue finally did something rogueish.Lithmenar grinned and shook his wrists. The chains that held him in place against the wall opened and he lowered his arms, rubbing his wrists with his hands. The others gasped at him as he continued to smile at them all. He then lowered one of his hands and revealed a key that slid out of his shirtsleeve. He held it in his hand and waved it at the others.
"I lifted it from the Dark Knights when we were first brought down here." he explained.
Okay. I know everythin Linkara does in the past is pointless, but it's not exactly help make the new villains look threatening when Linkara can wipe out an entire army of them off-screen.Jordahn stared at Louis who was sitting on his knees in the middle of a corpse-filled valley.
Great. All the bloodshed has made him too euphoric. Now he thinks he has seen God.He had closed his eyes, bowed his head, and was clasping his hands together as he began a prayer for the people he had just slain.
Well, from the way Linkara (the author) keeps describing the Terafella helmets has having "carved" holes..."Has my head been replaced by a pumpkin?" Louis asked, still looking forward as he marched.
It's not your religion, anyways."There was a short time that I actually believed you might be the Linkara. Now I am having second thoughts about thy claim." Jordahn stated.
You know you've fucked up when Miss "Let's kill my new captain" thinks you're too murderous."Do you even listen to what I'm saying?! You slaughtered those Arbiters for no reason! At least in Kuen you actually had some just cause to rescue those people who were about to be executed." Jordahn exclaimed.
"They are the enemy and they need to be destroyed, don't they?" Louis asked.
Better choke a bitch. Hoe's getting too uppity."And our mission surely will be a failure if you conduct more brazen attacks against the Arbiters!" Jordahn shouted.
Louis stopped, then quickly reached out and grabbed onto Jordahn's neck with his left hand.
"Don't you EVER question my authority in front of the Unit again, Leftant [sic]."
Jordahn bit her lower lip.
Is it weird when her casting one spell gets more text dedicated to it than Linkara's last two big action set pieces?Indow nodded to Jeremis and closed her eyes. She aimed her hands at the doorway at the top of the stairs leading down to the jail cells and a green aura surrounded her. The aura was like fire, moving upwards and evaporating as it reached a certain height. Indow tilted her head as she began to whisper magic words in order for her spell to complete itself. She then opened her eyes, they now having been covered by a green haze.
"CHAINS OF SIN!" she shouted.
I see Lithmenar still has an ample supply of his date rape drug.Lithmenar walked up to each and reached into a pouch he had brought along. He sprinkled some Gethric powder down upon their faces, the red dust melting into their skin and disappearing. The Dark Knights' eyes rolled into the back of their heads and they fell unconscious.
Any reason he couldn't just steal the armor from one of those roofied Dark Knights?Most of the Dark Knights ignored them, considering they were still wearing the Dark Knight clothing, and they had J'Vok between them all so no one noticed his Aian uniform or his orange hair.
Unfortunately, they couldn't protect him perfectly.
Apparently fireballs don't explode if you slice them. Must be video game logic.Indow winced and turned around slightly, launching fireballs out of her hand in an attempt to slow them down. It worked at first, with the fireballs colliding into their chests, but the Dark Knights that followed managed to intercept the oncoming fireballs and slice them apart with their swords.
Ah, the dreaded Rocket Wind Punch. Guess you can't slice that one.Indow growled as she continued running at the gates, very sick of seeing Myrrha's face. She clenched her fists together, her eyes glowing a brilliant white. She moved her fists forward as if she was hitting someone, and a mighty burst of wind flew out from her hands directly at Myrrha. Myrrha winced as she realized what was happening, and tried to step out of the way, but was too late. A powerful gust of wind slammed into her stomach and knocked her onto her back.
LMAO. Bitch doesn't even get to gloat in this chapter. Indow's just wrecking her shit.As Myrrha began to get back up, she was slammed back to the ground as Indow's foot stepped onto her stomach, knocking the air out of her.
So their plan to free J'Vok failed, and they lost two more nakama, with Raven betraying them and Lithmenar being Myrrha's new bitch."There's nothing we can do for them, Priestess! We must continue to the hill and warn the armies!" Jeremis interrupted.
Looks like a job for Chreydo."We must also contact Chreydo so that we can find the forbidden spells! If only we knew if the Linkara was all right..." Indow wondered.
Until assholes killed his brother, and Chreydo chose violence.Chreydo Neretei had once been a simple Sorcerer in the Third Ai Division.
You'd think wizards would get promoted based on their mastery of the arcane arts, but killing enough people seems to work as well.The process had left him heavily injured, but his efforts had earned him a field promotion to the rank of Magi in the Guild of Magic and Sorcery.
Thanks for bringing up this bit of retardation from last book. Dude just invented a holiday because his appropriated speech required one.Louis convinced the group to fight off the invading army by quoting Shakespeare and naming the battle 'Magi Chreydo's Day,' for, by then, Chreydo had recovered and was now fully ready to assist the Third Division once again.
How about putting them in some kind of magic vault? You know, like that other Wizard King has."Time is a precious commodity, Magi. The Linkara's skills could be priceless in our fight with the Dark Knights." Jeremis said.
"Well said. The Forbidden Spells are hidden in a very inconspicuous place. The Sovereign decided that the spells needed to be protected from the Darkness, so he placed them somewhere he would never look to find them. It is a four day journey on horseback, so we must get ourselves ready immediately." Chreydo said.
Don't you mean "He"? Chreydo just said it was the Sovereign who hid them."You hid them in Jilad?" Indow inquired.
I'm pretty sure Linkara (the author) meant "desecration" here.Chreydo nodded. "Yes, in a place more feared for it's desiccation than Soyah was."
"Carousing" is a very olde-timey way of saying "getting wasted". I'm pretty sure that's not what she's doing.White Raven blinked and looked all around herself as she caroused through the streets of Soyah.
*Sigh*, and here I thought the narration had stopped autistically pointing out whether or not someone was smiling.Every Dark Knight was hard at work doing one thing or another, and most of them had smiles upon their faces.
Dark Knights really are the kangz and kweenz of Sin.White Raven smiled for a moment at seeing this, remembering how when she was first exiled from the Darkness, she was alone in a world that completely hated her. Here, she was no outcast or exile. She was amongst her own people again, except this time she could smile and enjoy everything about her.
You guys must absolutely reek if you never take off your armor.White Raven turned her head from hearing the voice. The voice had come from a female Dark Knight who, surprisingly enough, was not wearing armor.
Pantaloons are more or less puffy by design. Whatever you're wearing underneath your armor, it's not pantaloons if they're skintight.She was wearing the black skintight pantaloons and heavy shirts that were worn underneath the black armoring traditionally for Dark Knights.
Bitch, you just saw everyone renovating the place. Myrrah explained this to you. Why are you so confused now?White Raven looked at her for a moment, curious as to what she was doing. She was sticking wooden boards onto several sections of the roof of the building she was standing on.
Myrrah also explained that the Dark Knights are gonna fuck like rabbits now. Did you not listen to anything she said or something?"What are you doing?" White Raven asked, staring inquisitively.
The women picked up a hammer and placed a long nail on top of the board. She smiled as she aimed her hammer in the right position to pound the nail into the board.
"Reinforcing the roof of the building. My lover and I wish to spend the rest of our lives here, so we thought it prudent to repair the damage done to it and upgrade it to a much more sturdy and rigid architecture." the woman replied.
White Raven raised an eyebrow, surprised by her statement.
"Lovers?" she asked.
Do you want to get choked again?"Why are you staring at that forest, Captain? Shouldn't we be continuing?" Jordahn asked.
I'm pretty sure that forest would look a lot different a thousand years ago, even if it was left completely untouched by humans (which it didn't because Rain lived there)."When I first landed on Sin, I was in a forest. This was the forest where I arrived." Louis said, smiling.
Man, she's really asking for a beating. Maybe she likes it?"That is very nice, Captain, but we must continue onwards to Walsz. That is, unless you have more Arbiters to kill and more forests to reminisce with!" Jordahn exclaimed.
"Do you question MY authority again, woman?!"Louis' smile disappeared and he turned to Jordahn. "Do you have something to say, Leftant [sic]?!"
Oh, this buck will be hard to break."Only that I if I didn't know better, I'd think that you were deliberately trying to slow us down from getting to Walsz!" Jordahn growled.
Heaven forbid your second-in-command reminds you of your mission.Louis glared at her and picked up his supplies once more. "Then perhaps we should get going then, eh?"
They will also try to rebel if you continue to be a douchebag.However, he pushed himself onwards, knowing that at the first sign of weakness, the Unit would try to rebel against him.
Oh, I'm sure that won't backfire.He decided that maybe he should just discourage them a little early from any plans of usurping him.
Our hero, everyone. Ruling over his henchmen with an iron fist!"Oh, and by the way, Unit: I am aware of your plans to mutiny against me, so I'd recommend you shove any subversive thoughts you might be having into a tiny little box in your mind, because the instant someone tries anything funny, I swear I will nail you to a tree in that forest and let the Arbiters find you!" Louis shouted.
Just fuck off back to Kien when he's sleeping. You don't even have to try and kill him if you're too afraid. Just leave.Jordahn gritted her teeth and whispered to one of her companions, "Okay, we need a new plan, then."
The Sinnian teleportation network: It only comes up when the author doesn't want too much time to pass.It actually took considerably less time to reach the destination of the Forbidden Spells than was originally expected. Working with a few sorcerers that had arrived shortly after Chreydo did, a group consisting of Indow, Garik, Jeremis, and Chreydo used teleportation vortices to arrive much faster than the few days that it would normally take to reach them from Soyah.
Man, there's a lot of shit just happening off-screen in this book.Over this time period, they discussed many things. Indow revealed to the others about how she had come very close to having a romantic relationship with Louis, to which Garik felt proud but worried that Louis would reject her. Indow comforted him with the promise that he had made about kissing her after he defeated the Darkness.
Tell, don't show: The thinking man's writing style.The news of the Linkara being alive was something that had made the group deeply encouraged by their task.
Finally we find out what this spell does.Indow especially wondered about what kind of spells were located among the Forbidden Spells. She had heard of the Infinite Power spell, a magic so powerful that it granted the user unlimited magic power for a period of 30 minutes.
That's unfair. Golems don't kill people. Madmen do.There was also the Golem spell, where a magician could summon forth a beast of rock and earth to serve it. The spell was condemned and forbidden after a madman attempted to rise up an army of Golems in an attempt to conquer Kien
Shit. They're in DetroitHowever, this place was far worse than Soyah could have ever been.
I'm pretty sure those "fleshy remains" would've gone long before those weapons became rusty.It appeared as if the road had been paved with blood, although it had long-since dried up on the streets. It was puzzling that the humid and watery climate of Jilad hadn't long ago washed up the blood that remained, but the idea didn't exactly help the imagery that the group was observing. Worms and insects also hadn't come to this place, so there were still minor amounts of fleshy remains of people lying about the small buildings. Weapons that had rusted ages ago were spread out about the remains of this once happy village.
"Vahn." Indow coughed out.
Why? You'd think the Dark Knights would party there every weekend.Chreydo nodded. "No one ever comes here. Not even the Darkness dared to tread here after the massacre."
How fucking old is Indow's dad, when her grandparents got murdered over 100 years ago?Of the many names that White Raven has held, the most infamous was 'the Butcher of Vahn.' Over 100 years before, White Raven had come to Vahn in search of new recruits for the Darkness
Thanks for reminding me that Raven turned good because she became too evil for the bad guys.However, during another massacre much similar to the one she performed at Vahn, she smiled. After such an act that had been condemned and thought suppressed, she was exiled from the Darkness, barred from ever returning to it.
Exactly. What the fuck is going on here?Jeremis raised an eyebrow. "The massacre was a hundred years ago. How could they have lived here?"
Chreydo bit his lower lip, continuing to stare at the bloody scene in front of him. "There are several ways. Anakos, for one, live considerably longer life spans than most humans, although the age difference is compensated by a lack of physical or mental sign of how long they’ve lived. Indow, although by human physical and mental standards, Indow is only fifteen years old. By Anako standards, she's very close to 150 years old."
Does he just age a bit faster because he has less catboy DNA, or do they just naturally start aging faster some time after 150 years?"What about you, Garik? Are you just as old as Indow? And if you are, how?" Jeremis asked.
"My family has had a habit of not only marrying Anakos, but also magic-users. Most Sorcerers and Sorceresses use their magic to extend their lives well beyond a natural human life span. That is then carried over in my family into me. So yes, Jeremis, I am actually closer to 200 years old than to the forty year-old man you see standing next to you." Garik said with a smile.
If you have enough time to sperg about legal lolis, you can probably spare the 5 minutes it'd take her to look for some trinket."We must proceed with our task, Indow. I know how much it pains you to see this, but we have more important things to think of at the moment." Jeremis said, stepping towards her.
Wait, so you actually did hide the spells? When the fuck did you have time for that?"We chose the house at random, but also made sure it was deep within the village so grave robbers wouldn't necessarily go after it first." Chreydo stated.
Or you could've just stored this shit in a vault, but I guess the Sovereign loves playing detective too much.The building was only one story tall, so they didn't need to go far to find the area where the Forbidden Spells were hidden. Chreydo showed it as a drawer in a desk that had been torn in half, but what was the most clever thing about the hiding place was that the drawer was filled with papers, although most of them had nothing to do with the Forbidden Spells, the papers all matched the pieces of paper that Chreydo identified as the Spells.
"It was done so to prevent people who were seeking the Spells from taking them by identifying them easily. The papers have all been matched together to look like they're all part of the same document, which would be a scientific progress report that was obsolete today. Each spell was hidden deep within the total tonnage of the document, the pages containing the spells being spread out. I, however, know which ones to look for." Chreydo explained, sifting through the papers.
Whatever that spell ended up doing exactly."Chreydo, the fact is that I lack the necessary talent in magicks that is required for using such a spell. If I were to go back to try to retrieve the Linkara, but I lacked the skills in which it would require for me to perform the spell once more to return to this time period, we could both be trapped in the past. I am not certain that I could do such a thing." Indow explained.
"Nonsense! You have performed extraordinary feats of magic! You performed the Lokmanwo spell during the final battle with the Darkness!" Garik stated.
Yes. Let him do it. He's strongest when he's alone!Chreydo smiled and nodded. "Then I shall go to the past to find our lost friend."
Oh, he'll be fine. I'd be more worried about you, honestly."You have all met the Linkara at some point in your life, and I believe that it is now my time to meet this great boy. And also, no offense, Chreydo, but if we are to travel back to the time of the Terafell Arbiters, you will need all the help you can receive." Jeremis said.
Yeah, we've already established that last chapter."Considering I have no experience with the spell, there may be some difficulty tracking the Linkara to a specific point on Sin and at a time. There's a large margin of error, so it's very well possible that we may actually appear in a time well before the Linkara's appearance or years after the Hundred Years War is already over." he explained.
Sounds weird, but I believe in you, Chreydo!"Is there any way to better our chances?" Jeremis asked.
Chreydo shook his head. "Only if I performed the spell multiple times to try to get its accuracy. We'll have to take what we can get."
Oh no, undead.The group turned and stared at the arm as it continued to move towards the entranceway. They exchanged glances and winced, realizing what was happening without difficulty.
"Necronomica." Indow sneered.
I thought not even the Darkness dared enter this forsaken city. And all the Dark Knights are smiling around in Soyah. Why the fuck are there skeleton sentries here?"But I thought only the Darkness could do such skills?" Garik asked.
"It would appear that he gave this power to his Dark Sorcerers, as well!" Indow stated.
"Which means that they know we're here and will probably be engaging us in battle! Quickly, Chreydo - you must engage the spell!" Jeremis stated.
Are the English parts supposed to be a translation? 'Cause you just gave us two different meanings for the same series of gibberish."Lana es tepela nor trepedik! Lana no teqretesit! I am time, never ending and never beginning!"
Indow narrowed her eyes as she heard the rattle of bone against bone.
"Lana es tepela nor trepedik! Lana no teqretesit! I am a gateway, promising entry or escape!"
Exactly, Chreydo. Leave those losers behind!"And if our future lies on the firing line, my friend, we will be able to face it with pride knowing that you are recovering the Linkara! Now GO!" Garik yelled.
And then a skeleton popped out!And then the skeletons charged the door.
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